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Congratulations to Steven Dodd Hughes, Forrest Bruch, and Duane Wiebe for writing about, commissioning, and crafting the lovely G.33/40 mauser rifle featured in SDH's Custom Shop column in this months (September/October 2017) issue of Sports Afield magazine.

While the rifle was made many years ago, what I like best about the article is how Mr. Bruch explains the process that he went through to actually locate Mr. Wiebe, and then the process he went through in thinking about and designing the rifle along with his gunmaker. These kinds of stories just never seem to get old.
Posts: 2059 | Location: Mpls., MN | Registered: 28 June 2014Reply With Quote
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Picture of lee440
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I gotta go to Barnes & Noble for a copy!

DRSS(We Band of Bubba's Div.)
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Picture of bwanamrm
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I gotta go to Barnes & Noble for a copy!

That or Mr. Wiebe, Mr. Hughes or Mr. Bruch could grace us with a picture... or 7!

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

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It was a very nice write up and beautiful rifle. I love the 7x57 and in that Mannlicher stock is proper.

I meant to be DSC Member...bad typing skills.

Marcus Cady

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Lovely gun and that whitetail ain't too shabby either.

Dick Wright
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Lovely gun and a great deer.

Dick Wright
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My copy just came yesterday. Very nice article honoring a very fine gentleman. I would have liked to see more of the cheek piece after reading its description. Looks even better with that deer.
Posts: 130 | Location: Ozarks | Registered: 04 August 2017Reply With Quote
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Well..truth is. I have not seen the article. Finding the magazine is not a slam dunk!

Barnes and Noble here in Lakewood will not have the Sept/Oct issue on the stand until end of August.

But..what prompted my post is the cheekpiece. A cheek piece will move about a little...A guy that holds his head erect and back..I will move the cheekpiece a little to the rear as is the case on the pair that Lindy 2 posted.

A quick drive by,.yes, the cheekpiece may look similar to other rifles I've built,but probably not identical
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Sad how many shooters would have no idea what fitting a stock truly means. Everything from LOP to thickness of the wrist to cheekpiece position and other various anlgles, drops, etc. Talent and skill are hard to find these days.

It is a great article that tells the story of how a rifle is made for a person, and not for the masses.

And the rifle is a looker to boot. Well done by all.

Posts: 1489 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 28 January 2011Reply With Quote
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the lines and construction of full stocks is in itself an art form, and this is an excellent example of that talent. few have it and i sure as hell don't
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The cheekpiece I wrote about has a convex, rather than concave moulding; termed an ogee in architectural lingo. And the story included six photos, five more than SA previously used with a monthly column.

Editor Diana Rupp has. been wonderful to work with allowing me much latitude on hunting rifle subject matter and including more photos that ever.

Duane's & Forrest's rifle was lovely to look at and handled quite handily. It was a pleasure to have it in the shop for subject matter.

Thanks for the kind words, I'm always please to hear that folks enjoy the stories! Subscribing bring each issue right to your door.
SA now published 7 issues per year with a "Retro Issue" out next month. My column will have the first of a two-part story on gunmaker Fred Adolf.

ACGG Life Member, since 1985
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Picture of Lee Baumgart
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I bought the magazine yesterday and read the article as soon as I got it home. Duane and SDH, Thank you!

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