If you were going to
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have a custom rifle built in 358 Norma Mag which of these actions would you use>

1. An Older Interarms action marked Mark X that currently has its original 7mm Rem Mag Barrel.

2. A Sears Model 50 (FN) action that is currently a 30-06

3. An oldder Winchester Model 70 Classic that is currently a .300 Win Mag.

4. An FN marked 98 Mauser that is currently an original 8 mm mauser.

5. Sell one of my g.33/40 actions and buy something else?

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#1 with a rebore and perhaps some feed work.
Posts: 538 | Location: Pacific Northwet | Registered: 14 August 2010Reply With Quote
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#1 yes, the others need a lot of work to get it to feed/function. However, the FN's would be classic

Jim Kobe
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Rebore the .300 Win Mag Model 70. You shouldn't need to do any feed work.

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Use the Model 70; no rebores; get a new barrel.
But any of the Mausers can be made to work also; it's not that hard. But the MKX will require no work.
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No love for the 1917 Enfield/Remington Model 30 Express?
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I had my 7mm Remington Magnum Model 77 Ruger rebored and rechambered to .358 Norma Magnum. It functions beautifully, with no corrective action neccessary to get it to feed flawlessly.
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Did you abandon your FS in the classifieds for the Model 50? It would be nice if you could follow up to the replies to that thread and any others if you have them. Thanks.

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I used a Sako L61R and rebarreled with a factory Sako profile barrel from Lilja at 26".

Why? Nordic round, Nordic rifle company. And it holds 4 down. Also replicated the factory stock and lengthened the pull in a plain piece of walnut.

No rear sight, Sako didn't install them at the time. Recommended a rear peep sight.

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I have a Ruger No. 1 in 358 Norma Mag that was a rebore 7mm Mag. The contour is a bit light, good for hunting, rough from bench.
I bought it this way in the early 80’s.

In your case #1 or #3

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Don,t part with the G33/40s first and foremost.. I would use a 98 Mauser of good quality over the FNs for any magnum caliber...A 1908, 1909 WDM. any one of a number of good Mausers..

Ray Atkinson
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