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Should I? I did!! Glen Morovitz 257 Roberts
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I've more faith in Chris,than most of 'em.
Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Busheler:
A l/a Bob makes no sense to me,nor does Blued/Walnut eyecandy that can't/won't Hunt.

Though I guess it'd sluice a Doe in a fenced field,from off a padded haybale.

Nice worksmanship though.

Sorry Busheler,

This baby's going elk hunting in October!!!!! I don't/won't own a firearm I can't take a picture of when i'm sitting next to it's intended quarry.

Now, I will succumb to rain and hunt a fiberglass stock but not snow if it's cold enough. I usually hunt Utah spikes above 9,000 to just above 11,000.

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by GSSP:
Originally posted by Busheler:
A l/a Bob makes no sense to me,nor does Blued/Walnut eyecandy that can't/won't Hunt.

Though I guess it'd sluice a Doe in a fenced field,from off a padded haybale.

Nice worksmanship though.

Sorry Busheler,

This baby's going elk hunting in October!!!!! I don't/won't own a firearm I can't take a picture of when i'm sitting next to it's intended quarry.


My heart soars like an Eagle.

100TSX is your Huckleberry.
Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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100TSX is your Huckleberry.[/QUOTE]

That's my quandry. TSX, TTSX, A-Frame, E-tip, GMX, etc. Gots plenty of IMR 4358, H4350 and IMR 8208 I'm going to start with but will be willing try other on my shelf.

Had a long talk with the Swift folks the other day and they kept pointing me in the direction of the 100 gr A-Frame and IMR 4831; "most consistent in terms of accuracy, ES and SD" they said.
Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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100TSX. Full stop.

I'm a Re-15 Slut,but '19 tends to make a case in the Bob. I'm in '22 Mode in Better Bob.
Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Beautiful rifle, congrats beer

Elk w/257...don't overlook the 120 gr nosler.

Bolt Action Trash
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What AZGuy said, plus one!

This was not a purchase, this was an investment.

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Originally posted by AzGuy:

Beautiful rifle, congrats beer

Elk w/257...don't overlook the 120 gr nosler.

The 100TSX will way outdig the 120NPT,as well as shoot flatter,arrive with more speed and eagerly be adept at crushing far more bone.
Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Here it is with a borrowed VX3 3.5-10x40.

Heading to my local Sportsman's to pick up some brass and bullets.

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Blued glass,may suit her better. If only for conversation.

Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Well I am certainly glad that you intend to use that baby. As far as your other quandries, I know my solution, Sell all of the Rem 700's and clones and don't look back. They are plenty accurate and there are tons of aftermarket parts for them, but I just don't like them.

My friend just called me up about a butchered up 03-A3 for sale. I told him I wasn't interested. I said I was sticking with pre 64 Win 70's; and that I was done turning Mausers and Springfields into almost Win 70's anyhow! To each his own though.

I wouldn't use a 257 for Elk but I use to use 100 gn Nosler Ballistic Tips and IMR 4064 in my Roberts and IMR 4350 in the Imp versions. I also had very good luck with 117 gn Winchester +P factory loads.

PA Bear Hunter, NRA Benefactor
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The .257" 100BT is as zooky as the 100SGK,which makes 'em a great choice for Feral Cats and such...because it humors me to watch paws fly. The SGK in fairness,will reliably out agg the NBT in all my tubes.

Noone hates Winny's more than I.
Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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GSSP, get a 2.5 x 8 Leuopold and call it good
Posts: 1135 | Location: corpus, TX | Registered: 02 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by aliveincc:
GSSP, get a 2.5 x 8 Leuopold and call it good

It's too long for the rings by. 020".

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Have the rings shaved/trimmed .050 each. Or, try a 3.5 x 10 x 40, next best.
Posts: 1135 | Location: corpus, TX | Registered: 02 June 2009Reply With Quote
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AND, once again, busheler makes it painfully clear just how far his head is jammed up his ass. I again make the sincere offer to let you use my mobile extractor--the industrial sized one in your case. We'll still probably need a team of experts to accomplish the task--if it's even possible.
Posts: 1135 | Location: corpus, TX | Registered: 02 June 2009Reply With Quote
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I miss nothing,which is a beautiful thing in itself.

Though I've the luxury of not being forced to guess,which do reliably skew "odds".
Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Though I've the luxury of not being forced to guess,which do reliably skew "odds

If you're gonna keep this up, at least put a space from now on after your commas....

...."forced to guess,(friggin' space)which do....."

You are a poster boy for our Government schools.
Posts: 3427 | Registered: 05 August 2008Reply With Quote
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I don't need to space,though I'd concede you need ALL the help you can get.

You've poor aliveincc so hot & horny,she's gonna break her bean.
Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Yes you're right.

You've got all the space you need between your ears.
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I'm never not right and that is by design.

Guessing gets ugly fast,as you so poignantly demonstrate.
Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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You're like a stocker Rainbow hooked with a treble.

You'll be played until you're out of fight and die.
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I'm simply well versed in facts found in the firsthand,if only because such things interest me and I've the time/means to extrapolate in direct comparison.

Which is why I do not have to guess and you do.

Funny how it all makes sense,ain't it?!!?

Posts: 414 | Registered: 17 January 2010Reply With Quote
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All right! That's enough.

Please go take your snipping elsewhere. I don't know either of you but I don't appreciate the trashing of my thread.

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Ignored post by Busheler posted 24 July 2010 10:18

I think he's been one will miss him!

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill
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GSSP, I apologize for the interruption. Best wishes w/ your new gorgeous Bob. I have used it as a reference for a rifle one of our AR smiths is building for me. I hope mine turns out as beautiful as yours.
Posts: 1135 | Location: corpus, TX | Registered: 02 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Wadda ya know. I was able to fit the VX3 2.5-8 with just a skootch of wiggle room.

Looks nice!

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Looks very nice and is a great scope.
Posts: 1135 | Location: corpus, TX | Registered: 02 June 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by aliveincc:
Looks very nice and is a great scope.

Initial shooting is showing 100 gr E-tips and TTSX with H4350 and Hunter giving .5 to 1.5" 3-shot groups. Though it won't tolerate a 4th shot with that full wood contact with the barrel.

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Here are two perfect examples of the rifle not tolerate getting too hot.

A little post purchase update. At first, load development was a little frustrating. The full contact barrel/wood channel does not allow any thing much more than 3-shot groups. I started with 100 gr E-tip and either IMR 4350 and H4350. I thought it was good enough to order 500 Nosler 2nds. Two days ago, I received some more bullets from Grafs for testing. I tried the 100 gr TTSX inconjunction with H4350 and Ramshot Hunter. Wow! the Hunter won hands down.

This am I was able to shoot over another guys chrono as mine is kaput for now. I ran a primer test with the TTSX, Hunter and CCI 200/F210M/WLR.

The winner:

Barnes 100 gr TTSX, seated .003" off the lands (2.869" OAL)
WW Super +P brass (3x fired)
WLR primer
21 ES
8 SD
3176 Av vel
4 into 1.2"
5 into 2.16" (still does not tolerate much heat in the barrel)

The Nosler E-tip did decent
WW Super +P brass
CCI 200
45 ES
17 SD
2983 Av vel
Numerous 3-shot group .52" to 1.1"

See what I mean about a 4th or 5th shot flying out.

I still need to run a primer test with the E-tip.

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by GSSP:
All right! That's enough.

Please go take your snipping elsewhere. I don't know either of you but I don't appreciate the trashing of my thread.


Way to go Alan! Far too many of these threads turn in to kindergarten spats. It really turns me off this site...

Again, nice rifle and glad to hear you plan to use it in the field. My problem would be keeping an eye out for game when such a piece of art was in my hands.
Posts: 1138 | Location: Washington State | Registered: 07 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey Alan, beautiful little gun. There is nothing more appealing to a purest rifle idiot, hell bent on the romance of western US and world hunting, like me, than a fine rifle built proper (trim and handy) and done so with great wood....and then to hunt it in any and all conditions is all the more appealing. It is a personal choice to carry a rifle, any rifle no matter what it is, and when we are all dead and gone and the next generation picks them up to hunt them, well, by God, mine will be used, not abused, but they will be hunted with, snow, sun, rain and all the other elements come one come all, I am hunting. They are only nicer for the wear in the end. We should all do so well that we find ourselves at a point where we deserve a rifle for just us, and could care less about resale and only care about getting that gun in the woods, mountains and the bush or savanna, anywhere, just so long as it is a great memory and was worth our time and investment.
Congratulations on procuring a damn fine hunting tool, now, go hunt it and do it as soon as you can!

As for them 4th shots, give me a call anytime, I have dealt with thin barrels & hot loads and wood-barrel contact before. I found a few ideas that might just aid you in taming that 4th shot....but then again, if the first three are not working, then your either out of breath or too damn excited about what your shooting at!!! Best to you.

Posts: 609 | Location: Cincinnati | Registered: 25 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Well, after running through nearly 400 qty 100 gr E-tips, I've decided the rifle does not like them. I went back and tried the 100 TTSX and Ramshot Hunter and it just keeps printing nice little .75" groups running 3000-3100 fps. This is the load John Barsness mentions.

I've got a date with a Utah spike elk. jumping

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Now that I'vel got this thing, I'll probably compare every gun I ever look at and they'll come up short.

Yep, that's what your on the custom rifle wagon. Each addition will become a new benchmark.


Posts: 551 | Location: Northern Illinois,US | Registered: 13 May 2010Reply With Quote
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Beautiful rifle Alan!



Well, other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
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Great looking rifle! Do you know who engraved the lettering on the barrel?

NRA Life Member, Band of Bubbas Charter Member, PGCA, DRSS.
Shoot & hunt with vintage classics.
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I would assume Glen did it. Do want his tele #?

Posts: 1719 | Location: Utah | Registered: 01 June 2004Reply With Quote
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Alan, It's a beautiful rifle and one of my favorite scope/reticle combos. There is a sense of pride in owning a custom that cannot be repeated anywhere else.

I like your choice of bullets and powder. I have also read Barnsess and his recommendation.

I will claim ignorance here and ask you to explain a primer test. Are you simply checking the same load for accuracy with different primers?

Enjoy it and keep us apprised of its success.
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