One of Us posted 16 August 2016 21:24
Who could pattern a stock---I have the blank and the pattern--just need the labor...
I had a set up but sold it for space, just need the turn around in 2 months or so.
DRSS Member
One of Us Ed, what are you building?
Posts: 20183 | Location: Very NW NJ up in the Mountains | Registered: 14 June 2009
one of us Give me a PM. I copy peoples patterns all the time.
As usual just my $.02 Paul K
One of Us member Chris Schofield at could probably do that for you in the time frame you need.
He patterned all of the blanks on my rifles you have seen here over the years. Same for NPD345.
One of Us Ramrod does them in a few days. I have a duplicator but still send him most of my dupe work.
One of Us "in the 10 ring" Does mine, great guy and timely.
Posts: 117 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 19 April 2014
One of Us Sorry he hangs out on "Mauser Central"
Posts: 117 | Location: Texas Hill Country | Registered: 19 April 2014