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Stephen Heilmann Custom Mauser Mod 1909 Argentine Pattern Stock
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Last year I was looking for a lighter weight .270 or 30.06 and I got lucky and acquired a pretty special Stephen Heilmann custom Mauser 1909 Argentine 30’06 project that Stephen Heilmann recently completed for a client of his. Along with the barreled action , Stephen Heilmann had also built a custom pattern stock ready for duplicating for this 1909 Argentine. Prior to purchasing I had a phone conversation and several emails with Stephen Heilmann to verify that it all was his work. With all the information verified from S. Hellmann I did the purchase with Morris Hallowell. The project rifle and pattern stock can be viewed at the Guns International link posted below by Colin Masters,the old listing and photos that were posted on Morris Hallowells website and GI.

Recently Reto Buehler agreed to complete the rifle for me including his wonderful stock work using the Heilmann Mauser pattern. Reto is one of the true metal and wood masters. Both Hellmann and Buehler are masters and I could not be happier with their work!

Now that my rifle is completed I may now be interested in selling the Stephen Heilmann custom Mauser pattern stock . Mr. Heilmann put a value on this pattern stock of his at $1200 to north of $2000. It is a stock pattern created by one of the masters and a opportunity at a pattern stock rarely encountered.
If someone here would like to have the Heilmann Mauser pattern stock I will sell it here for $900.00 before putting it up for sale.
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018Reply With Quote
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Personally I wouldn’t sell it. Think of it as a one off template for your rifle that is unique and shouldn’t be copied by anyone.
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The GI number doesn't work.
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Originally posted by Biebs:
The GI number doesn't work.

Thanks Bieb’s.
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Thank you Colin Masters!
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No worries, it is a beautiful setup.
Posts: 1280 | Location: The Bluegrass State | Registered: 21 October 2014Reply With Quote
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I am very familiar with Heilmann's work as he built a beautiful .280 Rem on a VZ33 Mauser for my brother, which Gary Goudy stocked. It is an exquisite rifle.

Reto Buehler is currently finishing a .404 Jeffery n a left handed GM action - stretched small ring Mauser with G33/40 treatment. Reto is a real gunmaker and does it all. I look forward to delivery soon.
Posts: 874 | Location: S. E. Arizona | Registered: 01 February 2019Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Alec Torres:
I am very familiar with Heilmann's work as he built a beautiful .280 Rem on a VZ33 Mauser for my brother, which Gary Goudy stocked. It is an exquisite rifle.

Reto Buehler is currently finishing a .404 Jeffery n a left handed GM action - stretched small ring Mauser with G33/40 treatment. Reto is a real gunmaker and does it all. I look forward to delivery soon.

Yes Alec, Reto is at the top of his game. It was a delight working with him.
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018Reply With Quote
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The market is vey limited for stock patterns.

I would bet that there is not 3 or 4 buyers for them in the whole country.

I sell it for what ever I could get.
Posts: 20005 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by p dog shooter:
The market is vey limited for stock patterns.

I would bet that there is not 3 or 4 buyers for them in the whole country.

I sell it for what ever I could get.

Prairie Dog:

Really...?? And how many rifles have you had built and own by Stephen Heilmann, Gene Simillion, D’Arcy Echols, Reto Buehler, James Tucker, Duane Wiebe, Pete Grisel,Stuart Saterlee.

Not sure what professional career you were in. Oh yeah, you were a cop. There are buyers NOT like yourself that buy custom actions , $700-$2000 stock blanks, Granite Mtn Actions, and other refined sporting arms. How many Stephen Heilmann Mauser Mod 1909 Argentine Pattern Stocks have you handled let own seen for sale?

I just get amused at the SELF PROCLAIMED so called internet experts who feel they have to comment on everything posted even if it is so far out of their scope of enlightenment it becomes obvious.To me it sounds like a bit of jealousy spewing from your quote. Why do you feel your comments are relevant ?

I have always tried to be friendly , helpful and civil on the websites I participate in. I don’t comment unless I can contribute in a positive manner.

I have owned , bought , sold ,traded high end sporting arms and related equipment my entire life. It’s been a passion of mine. Although I have a regular career my hobby with firearms has provided me $$ and the opportunity to go on extended guided hunts on several continents and to own and hunt with some very special sporting arms. Obviously you do not have a clue how many gun enthusiasts have project Mauser Mod 98 actions waiting to get stocked.

Why again is your comment posted and why do you feel it is relevant? Even your grammar is 3rd grade.
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018Reply With Quote
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Then you should have just put the stock pattern in the classifies for sale.
Posts: 20005 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by p dog shooter:
Then you should have just put the stock pattern in the classifies for sale.

Trying to keep this very positive.
Many of us here that read this Column “Custom Guns” , actually have custom rifles built . This forum is where we come to look for ideas, see the work of many artists,and gain knowledge.Your posting of negative uninformed comments adds zero to the conversation and basically just shows your ignorance. You seem very unhappy.

Having a new custom rifle built is one of the most pleasurable and rewarding experiences there is for me in our sport. About equal to a major hunt.
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018Reply With Quote
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I agree looking at, reading , seeing and owning custom rifles is a joy for sure.

The classifies are for selling.

If someone here would like to have the Heilmann Mauser pattern stock I will sell it here for $900.00 before putting it up for sale
Posts: 20005 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by p dog shooter:
I agree looking at, reading , seeing and owning custom rifles is a joy for sure.

The classifies are for selling.

If someone here would like to have the Heilmann Mauser pattern stock I will sell it here for $900.00 before putting it up for sale

LOL .... Once a COP always a COP
I hope being a captain of the internet police is a rewarding career for you tu2
and YES I will be advertising it the classifieds on this site and others in about a week.
Carry On with your internet COP duties barf
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 4WD:
Originally posted by p dog shooter:
I agree looking at, reading , seeing and owning custom rifles is a joy for sure.

The classifies are for selling.

If someone here would like to have the Heilmann Mauser pattern stock I will sell it here for $900.00 before putting it up for sale

LOL .... Once a COP always a COP
I hope being a captain of the internet police is a rewarding career for you tu2
and YES I will be advertising it the classifieds on this site and others in about a week.
Carry On with your internet COP duties barf

I understand disagreements, but what is the COP deal? What does it have to do with your thread?
Posts: 8964 | Location: Poetry, Texas | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Prairie Dog Shooter “PDS” is a COP or retired cop. He apparently has not had time to chill from his retirement thus he has taken on his new responsibility as the internet cop.
PDS says his policing has determined that I should not be mentioning in this custom gun thread that I will be selling a custom rifle stock pattern by one of the true masters in the custom gun world. This forum is likely where a person may be looking for custom gun parts ! Same as Bitteroot selling his Ken Howell swivel bases. The classifieds get pretty bogged down with bullet and scope sales . If Saeed does not like my post he has the ability to take it down anytime he chooses. Really don’t need PDS (COP)bringing in his uninformed negativity. His comments about 2-3 buyers in the whole world for a Heilmann Mauser Mod 98 pattern stock is priceless. Feels like sour grapes to me, jealousy, and possibly some mental health issues with PDS.....
Prairie Dog Shooter sends me a PM telling me not to post any sales information on my post . Really?
The very next post below mine is by Bitteroot offering to sell 100 sets of his very nice custom made Ken Howell swivel bases.
I have had a lot of free time today and I really don’t appreciate Prairie Dog’s PM’s and low level B.S. and uninformed negativity.
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018Reply With Quote
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PM sent to me by 4WD.

I see no mention of buying or selling

I sent him no PM only replied to his.

posted 19 January 2021 00:11 PDS Are you Alcoholic? Why don’t you mind your own fuckin business and comment on something you have a clue about!! Like shooting bear Cubs in WI and posting pictures of them all over the internet for the general public to see! Asshole This message has been edited. Last edited by: 4WD, 19 January 2021 00:17

My reply.

posted 19 January 2021 00:42
Well same to you.

If people don't want opinions they shouldn't post on the internet or read what is posted.
Posts: 20005 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by p dog shooter:
Then you should have just put the stock pattern in the classifies for sale.

Prairie Dog Shooter:
Did you forget this post above?
Again, Why is it your business if my post or anyone else’s should be put in the classifieds or any other category?

Why did you not play COP with Bitteroot on his post directly below my post where he is offering to sell 100 sets of his Custom KenHowell Swivel bases? Surely you need to write Bitteroot a internet ticket too for not posting in the classifieds!
If you are going to be our AR internet COP you will need to be more consistent!!
I really don’t like internet cops ,self proclaimed misinformed experts , or jealous busy body old lady types .
Maybe and it’s a BIG maybe next time you will mind your own business or even better make a intelligent comment on something you actually know something about!
For some reason ,You obviously are envious and jealous of this Heilmann rifle and probably other rifles of this quality. You making the unnecessary comments to what I find to be a pretty special custom rifle project stock for someone , tells me what you are about.
I find you a very petty person. Maybe to many years of that cop and badge thing?
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018Reply With Quote
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Yes I did post that but in the open forum not by PM as you said.

But only after you sent me that above PM attacking me.

I personally find when I am selling something posting it in the proper forum helps to sell it.

I also find that calling potential customers names and attacking them.

Not to be a good business practice.

It could fairly well show the personality of the seller and if he can be trusted or not.

But to each to his own.

If you find trying to sell something in the wrong forum, attacking and calling potential customers names.

Doing others things that might or might not help your sale.

I am all for your selling technique.
Posts: 20005 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I have to laugh
Prairie Dog Shooter-
Yesterday I had a free day with time to be on the internet all day long.Today not so much time.
I was going to leave you a lengthy negative reply about your recent WI black bear cub kill that you posted photos of on here.
But INSTEAD I just decided to delete/block you, you are only the second person I have ever deleted/blocked on a forum.
Prairie Dog- Carry On with your negativity, uninformed comments, and most of all your Self Delegated Internet forum POLICING shame duties . barf
barf donttroll
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Now For Sale in the classifieds.
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Somebody must not have been able to Karen his way out of a ticket recently. A person's profession has zero to do with their enjoyment or knowledge of custom guns. And just because you can afford custom rifles does not equate to knowledge about them. Nothing worse in this world than a rude and presumptuous ass.

William Berger

True courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. - John Wayne

The courageous may not live forever, but the timid do not live at all.
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Originally posted by M1Tanker:
Somebody must not have been able to Karen his way out of a ticket recently. A person's profession has zero to do with their enjoyment or knowledge of custom guns. And just because you can afford custom rifles does not equate to knowledge about them. Nothing worse in this world than a rude and presumptuous ass.

Have to laugh, I don’t have a authority problem , one of my main fishing buddies is the local Game Warden.
And NO I didn’t get a ticket .
I don’t know you and you surely don’t know me. I will not address, defend or respond to my gun/hunting/shooting knowledge to your email.
I am just not going to sit by and have someone such as PDS or anyone else post negative,uninformed stupid opinions on my posts and sit idly by as it is fact. Why do these idiots feel they need to post on threads they do not have a clue about? Also I am not going to listen to PDS or anyone else on this site or others on how or where I chose to post. If Saeed has a problem with where I make a post I will gladly remove the post or move it.That is where the COP comments came from regarding PDS. There are many self proclaimed internet experts that are idiots , here and elsewhere. If you want to follow them that is your perogative.
Thank you for your service
Peace and Out
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Someone's panties are too tight...
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a little late to the party. horse

James Anderson Metalsmith & Stockmaker

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Idahosharpshooter reincarnated.....
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Dog cat,
Your knowledge level or I should say lack of knowledge on this subject along with many other subjects you are constantly posting (9100+ posts), are on par (same level ) with prairiedogshooter.
Birds of a Feather
I was raised if you don’t have anything friendly, positive or intelligent to respond, you keep your negativity to your self. Why would anyone trash another’s post especially about an item that is tying to be sold? Why would someone respond to a post with uninformed negativity? Why do people reply to threads offering their internet expert advice when they do not have a clue or any experience about what they are posting? What kind of asshole does that?
You have guns for sale, how about I post on your thread and say the stock on your 9.3x62 is some of the ugliest and worst laid out stock wood I have seen? Or I say B.S. to your post and say you are lying about the maker of one of your rifles? Selling on the open forums (about the only way to sell custom firearms and parts) opens one up to all sorts of internet trolls and SELF proclaimed internet experts. This is why many of the true firearms experts avoid these forums!!
I am always entertained by the SELF proclaimed internet experts.
You are a INTERNET legend in your own eyes!
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Pdogshooter, take note!

Jim Kobe
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Originally posted by 4WD:
Dog cat,
Your knowledge level or I should say lack of knowledge on this subject along with many other subjects you are constantly posting (9100+ posts), are on par (same level ) with prairiedogshooter.
Birds of a Feather
I was raised if you don’t have anything friendly, positive or intelligent to respond, you keep your negativity to your self. Why would anyone trash another’s post especially about an item that is tying to be sold? Why would someone respond to a post with uninformed negativity? Why do people reply to threads offering their internet expert advice when they do not have a clue or any experience about what they are posting? What kind of asshole does that?
You have guns for sale, how about I post on your thread and say the stock on your 9.3x62 is some of the ugliest and worst laid out stock wood I have seen? Or I say B.S. to your post and say you are lying about the maker of one of your rifles? Selling on the open forums (about the only way to sell custom firearms and parts) opens one up to all sorts of internet trolls and SELF proclaimed internet experts. This is why many of the true firearms experts avoid these forums!!
I am always entertained by the SELF proclaimed internet experts.
You are a INTERNET legend in your own eyes!

My post was referring to prairedogshooter, not you..... Rich, the infamous IdahoSharpshooter, had some of the same type posts in the past on items for sale. I was a target once.

So, you are not the target of my post.

I agree with you on what you posted about trashing others posts or for sale items.. bad form and not needed.

And you are correct, I am no expert on custom firearms. I have been stung on several, so, I have learned some expensive lessons.

Good luck with you sale... It will sell as there is a sizable market for that kind of quality work..

BTW = Mr. Kobe is a top level gun maker. I have two of his rifles. Both shoot very well and are well made.
Posts: 10569 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Dog Cat,
So sorry, I do apologize to you.
I am not used to being attacked and I assumed wrongly that you were piling on too from the posts above yours from
Montea6B and not sure about Gunmaker’s.
I also had the pattern stock up on 24Hour CF and some IDIOT that goes by Ifubar actually accused me of lying about the originality of the stock and this Ifubar troll argued and argued that know one could actually own a pattern stock made by one of the masters. That was even a bigger eye opener for me. That guy really is ignorant , stupid and a piece of work!
The pattern stock sold in one day and I could have sold it to 4 different individuals.
After seeing your first post about IdahoSharpshooter I researched some of his posts and got pretty angry. I see Idaho Sharpshooter actually lied about his military service and background. I surely did not want to be compared to him!
That is why I got so defensive with you.
Regarding Prairiedog Shooter, apparently many on the board have issues with him from the many pm’s I received. Prairie DogShooter has many insecurity issues as you can read by following his posts. He is the real Internet Troll . Jim Kobe has obviously had enough of Prairie Dogs B.S. too!
Once again Dogcat I do apologize to you ,and please next time make your post more clear so one knows who you are referencing. I am a little embarrassed by my attack on you.
I was raised to be courteous and to not negatively respond to others if I didn’t have something positive to say. But when I feel I am being attacked I will not sit idly by thus my fighting attitude in my reply to you.
I hope we can possibly become friends.
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Thanks for understanding.

Come to Texas, leave that mask behind as our governor saw reason to stop this madness.

Good luck on all of your sales and purchases. There are many here who have a wealth of info to share.
Posts: 10569 | Location: Texas... time to secede!! | Registered: 12 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 4WD:
not sure about Gunmaker’s.

Read what I posted on 24

James Anderson Metalsmith & Stockmaker

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Originally posted by gunmaker:
Originally posted by 4WD:
not sure about Gunmaker’s.

Read what I posted on 24

Thanks for the clarity James. The troller on 24 stated he was your “good” friend. Wink
Posting on open forums allows the trolls to come out.
For now the forums provide more positive information and entertainment than negative so I will continue
to wade through the drama and self proclaimed internet experts who can’t help themselves. It’s just really annoying getting jumped on by some of these idiots. At times my skin is probably not thick enough to deal with them.
Overall there is a high quality of people and resources on AR , like several people who have posted on this thread including your self .
On the bright side the pattern stock went to the perfect person , a high end wood dealer with a passion for building Mausers living in another country .
Thanks to Saeed for providing this specialized platform.
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4WD, I consider myself a neutral observer here, but since my handle was mentioned in the context of piling on:

    1. I apologize for my earlier comment. It was off-the-cuff, juvenile, and unprofessional.

    2. Based on your knowledge of Prairie Dog Shooter’s (former?) livelihood and bear hunting posts, I realize that there is apparently some lingering bad blood between you two due to prior interactions. (like when you go to a hockey game and a fight breaks out for some offense that occurred at a previous game...) I will therefore disengage myself from any ongoing feud you two may have between yourselves.

If, on the other hand, this is your first ever interaction with Prairie Dog Shooter:

    3. No sane level-headed person would perceive a casual opinion, (ill-informed or not...) on the monetary worth of an inanimate object as a personal attack simply because they are the owner of the object in question. It isn’t the action of a rational mind to take a benign comment so personally just because you might happen to disagree. (the counterpoint was most definitely a personal attack... a favored tactic of the PC cancel culture) It was my observation about what seemed to be a completely disproportionate response that triggered the comment. Like an accidentally bumped elbow escalating into a full-on brawl...

Anyhow, I am not taking sides here, and I will just assume that #3 doesn’t apply. There will be no further comments from me on your little spat.

P.S. It was a nice looking pattern, the style I strive to emulate. Glad you found a buyer so fast, and I look forward to more photos of the project! Cool
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