OK guys, someone educate me because I cannot figure this out. So, here we go:
I have a custom 7x57 Mauser that is chambered off of an 03A3 Springfield action. What happened was when I removed the bolt from the receiver, it got stuck (just slightly). With more force, I was able to successfully pull it out. Now, when trying to place it back in the receiver, it will not feed.
Essentially, it goes roughly three quarters of the way in, then it stops. There is roughly about half an inch of clearance in front of the bolt face before it closes shut completely, and rotates downward to the closed position. The extractor is in line down the right side of the bolt as it should be (int the proper position). Trust me when I tell you that the bolt is inserted the correct way before you try to feed it.
Any chance any of you guys could possibly guess what is wrong? Someone told me that it needs to be cocked again before trying to feed it? Do any of you happen to have any advice? I would be glad to post a video if needed so you all can see what I am talking about if that helps? I am only a young guy of 37 years of age, (seriously) so I am still trying to figure all of this out. The only way you learn is by asking questions. Next step, is to take it to my gunsmith...
Posts: 672 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 10 March 2017
Sounds more like a function issue than a feeding issue. Occasionally the safety shroud will inadvertently become rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise, this can happen with the bolt either back or out of the receiver. This will stop the bolt from ever traveling all the way into battery. If the sear engagement of the cocking piece is visible on the back and right side of the bolt this situation has occurred. Pull back on the finger knob of the cocking piece compressing the main spring and rotate it to the left, this will be a clockwise rotation. Ensure the safety shroud lock which is on the back, low left on the safety shroud is indeed functioning. The shroud lock is a "L" shaped plunger that engages with the LH lug way, that when depressed by the LH lug way unlocks the safety shroud from the bolt body so that 90 degrees of rotation of the bolt can be accomplished. When the bolt handle is raised and the bolt moves back slightly, about .160 to .180 the lock then re-engages the bolt body thus locking the safety sleeve in position to prevent un-wanted/accidental clockwise rotation of the safety sleeve, which will prevent full travel of the bolt as you describe by about the amount you describe because when rotated in such a manner the LH side of the safety shroud is now on the bottom allowing unwanted contact with the rear tang of the receiver, and full travel of the bolt fully into battery is impeded. It's also very possible the safety sleeve lock is either stuck all the way in, jammed or missing allowing this situation to occur in the 1st place.
The striker in the bolt was not cocked. Here was the issue:
The bolt sleeve (the cap on the rear end of the bolt) is misaligned when the striker isn't cocked and the bolt stops about 3/4 inch shy of the receiver ring. I had to take the bolt out, pull back hard on the cocking piece (the knob on the back of the bolt sleeve)and twist it and the bolt sleeve in a clockwise direction until the sleeve rotated and locked into the proper position. Afterwards, the bolt slid in without a problem.
I didn't know how to put it back in the cocking position while it was taken out of the receiver. I don't have a book on this thing. The internet gives you a gillion possibilities when trying to research it.
Posts: 672 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 10 March 2017
What is that grinding noise I hear, oh its dpcd grinding his teeth in frustration, fortunately mine are plastic so I can replace them when I do the same
Posts: 3983 | Location: Rolleston, Christchurch, New Zealand | Registered: 03 August 2009
I guess I'm still confused. How did the bolt become de-cocked when it was supposed to have been cocked on opening? Was the trigger depressed during the cycling of the bolt? Just looking for an education as I never owned or toyed with a 03A3.
Cool caliber!
Life itself is a gift. Live it up if you can.
Posts: 5357 | Location: Near Hershey PA | Registered: 12 October 2012
I am not sure if there is something wrong with the locking mechanism on the root of the bolt handle that keeps the sleeve from rotating until the bolt is fully forward in the receiver. Also, I do not know if there is an issue with the little tab or its spring, or possibly the aftermarket safety that might be causing a problem? I am think that somehow I seemed to have manually pushed the tab INWARD while horsing on the bolt when it got stuck.
Posts: 672 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 10 March 2017
Originally posted by Ram Rod: I am not sure if there is something wrong with the locking mechanism on the root of the bolt handle that keeps the sleeve from rotating until the bolt is fully forward in the receiver. Also, I do not know if there is an issue with the little tab or its spring, or possibly the aftermarket safety that might be causing a problem? I am think that somehow I seemed to have manually pushed the tab INWARD while horsing on the bolt when it got stuck.
To check it for function open the bolt and pull it back short of comb nose of the stock, then try to twist the safety shroud. If It unlocks from the bolt you have a shroud lock function problem.