J.P. Sauer and Sons rifle
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I found this gun on the internet and liked what I saw and bought it, talk about a catch!

After researching it in Ludwig Olsons book, here is what I found out.

A J.P. Sauer first year of production, 30-06 marked 30 USG 1906, gun was made in late 1906 or early 1907..The model 98 Mauser action was actually made by J.P. Sauer. It has a full intregal rib to a ramp sight with a 3/32 bead and the half octogon, half round barrel, the sight dovetail is filled flush and by J.P. Sauer to work in coordination with a peep sight that is attached to the bolt release, and it was made expressly for J.P. Sauer by Parker Hale for this gun. barrel has a intrgal barrel mounted sling eye swivel..

the stock is French walnut of exhibition grade and is a factory upgrade, it has a wedge thru slotted barrel recoil lug that slide in and out of a scolloped frame with two very small engraved screws that face North and South to a very short forend that ends in a schnable..Teh grip is checkered nicely and it has a hard rubber recoil pad (small Silvers is my guess) The bottom metal is rounded much like a Fisher-Blackburn round bottom floorplate with the lever-pin floorplate release, and the engraved action screws are cut to face North and South with internal stops to tight. Nicely scolloped trigger with double set triggers..

Amazing is that all parts are serial numbered to the rifle and its as clean inside as it is outside, and that was a scare because the action screws were frozen. I had to make a fitted screw driver, soad the screws in a dab of Brownells loose screw juice and anothe dab of liquid wrenche for 24 hours then a 10 inch pipe wrench with all my lard pushing down to pop it loose and it worked, the screws were just caked in gook, not rusted and no pitts anywhere, what a releif..

I had Jack Belk take the double set triggers out and using another double set rear trigger make a single trigger out of it using the existing holes..It looks like a set of double set trigger with the front trigger missing..I can reinstall the double sets at any given time.

It is going to be my go to hunting rifle, and will never see a scope as I won't mess with its 110% origninality and its prime condition. Never have I seen a nicer rifle..and it shoots an inch for 3 shots at 100 yards with that receiver sight. Its been a joy working on it and shooting it...It belonged to an old gent that shot a few deer with it from time to time and took very good care of it.

Can't post pics but be glad to send to anyones email. email me at the below email and I'll get a set of pics out to ya.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Atkinson:

I had Jack Belk take the double set triggers out and using another double set rear trigger make a single trigger out of it using the existing holes..It looks like a set of double set trigger with the front trigger missing..I can reinstall the double sets at any given time.

Was this recent? I thought that Jack was out of the gun business.


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He may be, I don't know, he will do some work for me from time to time..and he sure does some nice work..Ony thing is its a long way out in the middle of nowhere to take a gun to him to work on..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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Dave W.
Pictures sent, would be honored to have your take on the rifle..

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Here is my Sauer Mauser that I bought cheap with a mess of a bore and a cracked stock. I had Cliff LaBounty rebore it to 35 Whelen and Jack Belk bed and repair the stock, this many years ago when he was posting here.

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Pre-WWI Suhl Mausers are among the nicest. I've owned several Sauers, a Merkel, a Simpson and this Haenel, a 9x57:

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Thats my gun except I have upgraded wood and a what I believ to be a Silvers pad, by JP Sauer. I also have the exact same receiver sight..Nice guns, and I love the round bottom metal, and all engraved screws facing North and South even after 100 plus years, Jack tell me they have a stop in the screw?? I doubt that I will ever part with mine unless somebody goes insane and makes me an offer I can't refuse, whereupon like many fine guns in my life it will just become another sad day in my greedy life.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Confused So why is it for sale ?
The asking price for a Sauer ? a bit to rich for me. Perhaps a genuine factory engraved mint Oberndorf Mauser in 30-06 ( marked 30 US) at that price, yes !
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Picture of fla3006
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Mr. Atkinson, someone told me the other day that everything is for sale, except dogs & children.
Your receiver sight is a Lyman 35, not a Parker Hale, fairly scarce and valuable itself.

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Im getting contradictory information on the sight..Its marked PH25, and I was told it was a Parker Hale..I think that information came from Ludwig Olson book on Mausers? My slide is shorter than yours, otherwise its the exact same sight??

I suppose your right, everything is for sale, I will probably tire of not being able to scope it, remember I have several 30-06s, and have a weak moment somewhere down the line and it will go the way of many fine rifles have in the past and I will suffer for a day or two and then forget all about it except on ocassional moments when I'll say, "Damn, I should have kept that one" and that gentlemen is the story of my glorious gun life.. beer

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Please email a pic of the rear sight.
I looked in Nick Stroebel's gun sight book, it does show some Mauser bridge mounted rear peep sights, I do not see a model 25, but sounds like that may be what you have.

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Here's a JP Sauer Mauser I've had for some time, chambered in 8x60. Since the receiver was D&T'd when I got it, I had Griffin & Howe make bases for it from blanks so it could be shot with a scope. It has a full-length rib, and the forend is so slender...I don't think it's 1/8th" on each side of the barrel.

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That is a cool rifle...
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I have been offered very close to my asking price for this rifle by some well known collectors and gunsmiths...but turned them down, I am really trying to hang tough and keep the gunwhore in me in line! faint

I have been shooting it and the gun shoots as well with the peep as most of my guns shoot with a scope!! its incredibly accurate and I'm a accuracy nut so its still here with the best of my intentions..One more offer and I'm going up on the price! dancing

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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Mr. Atkinson, I received your pictures, but I cannot post them here because they are in a format I cannot manipulate. Your receiver sight is identical to the Lyman 35 on my rifle, but maybe Parker Hale contracted with Lyman. If anyone would like to see the pics, email me and I will forward them,

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Picture of Evan K.
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Here are some photos of Ray's rifle, courtesy of fla3006:

"If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy."
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Nice trim stock with beautiful wood!
Posts: 266 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 09 September 2008Reply With Quote
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Ray you have a beautiful rifle. I personally would not sell it. Some things are worth more than money.
Posts: 1026 | Location: Brooksville, FL. | Registered: 01 August 2007Reply With Quote
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I priced it too high to sell figuring that was my only hope for its salvation, me being a gunwhore of sorts, who has always belived there is always another one down the road..

That said I sold it yesterday for more than I could afford to turn down..and like many others that have passed this way, I will think back a year or two from now and wish I had been a friggen drug addict as opposed to a gun trader! 2020 CRYBABY

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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I've always found it much easier to buy guns than sell them. Next time I have something to sell, think I'll consign it with Ray.

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Well thats the best way I know to get rif of one..but it has found a good home and he won't ever let it go..better him than me, I'd probably have drilled and tapped it and mounted a scope on it, that would require a new bolt handle, and a mod. 70 safety, and Lord knows what else. My shop is an evil place for a fine old gun..Its in good hands now. CRYBABY

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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nothing says classic european pre-WWII than the barrel key on the for end.
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I think we would see a lot more barrel keys on custom rifles if they weren't so damn hard to install..truly a big time headache!! but ain't they purty! Eeker

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
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After kicking my butt for a week or two I offered Jack B my left nut and half of Georgia for the gun back...He laughed, maybe I should have offered both and all of Georgia, I'll try that! This isn't the first time I have lost a fine gun to him, he still has my Brno Mod 34 double action 25 ACP, it was flat as a postage stamp and no bigger than half a wooden mousetrap..and rare as hens teeth..Maybe I can wait until he croaks, then run up there and say " Poor ole Jack, btw I left a couple of guns for him to fix, I better pick them up" whatcha think! Smiler

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
Posts: 42442 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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