Finishing a recoil pad
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Picture of ab_bentley
I am curious how does one go about getting a polish on the recoil pad? Is it finish just applied and buffed? I see it mostly with Silvers pads, which I have. Just curious.



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Everyone has a different approach.

Biggest issue is when the lighter colored pads get dirty. I usually use alcohol to clean them, especially before applying anything.

I use lemon oil, but I don't buff to a high sheen. I guess you could use a polishing wheel and some lemon oil.

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The English cleaned them with 60 and 100 grt. wet paper ( mineral spirits) then rubbed them down with Vasaline, then applied finish on them.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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After I grind them to fit, I use Armor All on them to bring the rubber to semi gloss.
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How does one get the pad smooth? I typically use up to 120grit but when I go higher the pads roll and tear.


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The English cleaned them with 60 and 100 grt. wet paper ( mineral spirits) then rubbed them down with Vasaline, then applied finish on them.

Really? Vaseline on a rubber pad?

How it is done by some here in the trade is to use a made up mixture of shellac (French polish in effect) and boiled linseed oil.

The rubbed until the linseed oil has been "rubbed out" from the mix as it goes on as it were.
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A gunsmith recommended tire shine to me and I like it. The rubber on my car's tires take way worse a beating than the recoil pad.


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The process is they apply the vaseline on a clean pad and buff it, then apply whatever finish they use, probably some form of Linseed.

I use 60 gr. wet or dry to clean a pad and it doesn't tear. then polish with wet sanding 320 gr. sometimes I use thinned gunstock finish, sometimes just mineral spirits, and wet sand the pad. let it dry and buff it, they light coats of Deft..mostly I am cleaning off finish with the 60 grt....
I sand length wise maybe thats why I don't get tears..or maybe your using some of the new pads that tend to tear and chip.

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
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Filer, Idaho, 83328
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