+1 for Grenadier .... also; you're using your left hand - bet you have two of 'em and your digits are all thumbs.
How can that wood be dry? You're from FL; way to humid there to work with wood, can't possibly be a dry stick. I think you need to go synthetic or it's just gonna swell up on ya.
I'm calling Saeed to get the censorship cops, too.
what is the geometry of that beautiful cheekpiece? By that I mean does it have some flats to it, or is it very subtly rounded all the way from top to bottom?
And just out of curiosity, what is the purpose of what seems to be a few small holes in the gripcap.
Looking forward to seeing the whole finished piece.
Originally posted by lindy2: what is the geometry of that beautiful cheekpiece? By that I mean does it have some flats to it, or is it very subtly rounded all the way from top to bottom?
And just out of curiosity, what is the purpose of what seems to be a few small holes in the gripcap.
Looking forward to seeing the whole finished piece.
Not sure about the cheekpiece, the rifle isn't finished so I haven't seen it in person.
The holes have something to do with the trapdoor grip cap. Good place to keep your stash when hunting in Colorado.
Posts: 992 | Location: AL | Registered: 13 January 2003
Perfection in progress... look forward to seeing the finished rifle.
On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch... Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son! - Rudyard Kipling
Sorry Duane, did I say wood cops...I forgot about the floorplates cops...and the screw cops...oh, and did you send it out and have it rehardened. Just trying to figure out if you or your clients know what your doing. Nice work as always!
_____________________ Steve Traxson
Posts: 1641 | Location: Green Country Oklahoma | Registered: 03 August 2007
If you have NASA checking the welding, do you have NSA checking 24/7 to make sure Duane stay in his shop and work on it? Maybe you can get one of those cameras set up in his shop to be able to check on your phone and watch while he's working?
I have seen many rifles nearly 100 years old that still had grip traps containing an original spare sight blade that was never needed. However, several years ago, I propped a rifle without a scope against a tree and it fell. The sight hit a rock and the sight blade was bent beyond repair. I didn't have an extra blade so I was done with the hunt that day. It would have been nice to have had another in the grip. It's better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it.
Sight hoods are a different matter. My experience is that they fall off too easily and pinch your fingers when you try to reattach them. That is, if you can find the one that fell off. I don't use them any more. If one falls off it stays off.
Posts: 10900 | Location: North of the Columbia | Registered: 28 April 2008
Originally posted by Duane Wiebe (CG&R): This is alkenet root/linseed oil solution,soaked in all that it will take. I then let it dry for a week, then use ship n shore sealer..again soak in all it will take...only then start with the finish coats.
It's a crap shoot just how much color change will take place. On this stock, looks like it took in a lot of red.
I find it important to whisker the grain with weak oxolic acid, final whiskering with plain water to nueteralize possible acid left over.
Can't find the powdered variety anymore, but Cabot "wood brightener" for cedar and redwood is concentrated liquid...seems to work just as well
I couldn't find any locally either. But did find some on Amazon. Was pricier than I remember though. Don
Posts: 1088 | Location: Detroit MI | Registered: 28 March 2006
Duane, how deep do you think the stain penetrates? Deep enough if you get a hunting type gouge that it will still be red, or would it have to be touched up?
Er, ugh ..... no. I was thinking of the other "hoods". Although my eyes aren't what they used to be but the important parts are still functioning real good!