That's why the Egyptians revered them as Gods.They took good care of the grain supply from the mice + rats.I have a rat infestation in my shop now but the exterminator must have been drunk to try to charge that kind of money.Anyway,I locked one of my cats in overnight.It looked like a war zone.Killing rats is cool;knocking over jugs of acid + chemicals is not.My blue healer bitch just can't wait to get in the door when I open up.She tears in + then does'nt get one. So the other day I found a nest in my filing cabinet (RIGHT!) I took the file,removed the papers,dumped the ratlings on the floor + called to Princess. Just a couple of 'GLOMPS' + the ratlings were gone + more importanely my Princess was not frustrated by non success;indeed,she now attacks the issue with renewed vitality.Dogs as we know are creatures of habit.That being said,they NEED to have some victory in their life.I think I made my point.
Well she is a blue heeler + they are notorious for keeping those who don't belong off the property,but EVERY dog wants to kill a rat.The exterminator that came in quoted me $850.00 to spray + locked in at $250.00 a month.I might be out of touch on current prices but that sounds a bit rich to me.