Is there such a thing as an accurate AK-47?
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Picture of Jay Gorski
posted 25 July 2003 04:25
My 13yr old son wants to know, if there's a AK-47 that is accurate, or what can one expect for accuracy out of one. Jay
Posts: 1745 | Location: WI. | Registered: 19 May 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 25 July 2003 04:53Hide Post
The Russians claim it's a 2 MOA weapon.

2 to 4 MOA, or greater is about as accurate as they get.
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posted 26 July 2003 02:22Hide Post
What's *your* definition of accurate?
By my definition of accurate, no.
That said, I understand that the Saigas in .223 are the most accurate AKs, some of them able to do 2" 5 shot groups off a bench. That's great for an AK, mediocre for anything else. AKs just aren't designed to be decent accuracy platforms. Look how difficult it is to solidly mount match grade sights or a scope. You would have to weld a mount to a riveted side-receiver mount. That "swinging clip/clamp" thing just doesn't get it. Check out how the brass get chewed and spit into the next county. Most brass cases are unusable for accurate shooting after 1 firing through an AK. The cases are bent, dented and the rims are lifted. Then there's the barrel. I've never seen one free-floated so any sling tension is going to throw the shots unpredictably.
Posts: 539 | Registered: 14 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jay Gorski
posted 26 July 2003 03:21Hide Post
This is Tyler,My definision of accuracy is about 2 inches at 100 yds.From what i've heard thats an AK.I want a little rifle thats not to expensive but is still is semi-auto and since I can't get a M-4 my last choice for a little short barreled rifle is a AK.Also has anyone ever heard of the AK-74?It's a AK-47 chambered in about a 223 caliber bullet.Would that be more accurate?Just wondering,
Tyler Gorski.
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posted 26 July 2003 03:27
I've posted this up before, and each time I say will be the last time, ever - but, things change.
I quote:
"Said I wasn't going to go here again but I find myself here none the less! Of all the variants that I have seen and shot, the Chinese were the best, accuracy wise. Still not on a par with the SKS but better than the Russian, etc. Ammo is different story, the Czech stuff was best, followed by the Russian and then the Chinese. Lot of variation round to round in the Chinese stuff. And just for clarification, the AK47 is the full auto or select fire version, the AK74 is the 22 caliber variety, the MAK90 variants are the semi auto only version of the AK's. Now, having said all that, whom amongst will never, ever, forget the very distinct "pop-pop-pop-pop" of the AK when on the receivig end??? I hope to never ever hear one again with me in front of it!"
Now, having said all this I would say forget the AK-47 variants being sold and look for a nice tight SKS. I personally believe you will be better served with this than with any of the AK's.
Please note I state this is my opinion. And if you are expecting MOA from any of these weapons I seriously doubt you are going to find it.
[Roll Eyes]
Best regards,

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posted 26 July 2003 05:45Hide Post
Originally posted by Jay Gorski:
This is Tyler,My definision of accuracy is about 2 inches at 100 yds.From what i've heard thats an AK.
Also has anyone ever heard of the AK-74?It's a AK-47 chambered in about a 223 caliber bullet.Would that be more accurate?Just wondering,
Tyler Gorski.

If you can find an AK that consistently does 2" at 100, it will be close to a miracle (there are a few).
Yes, the AK74 (SAR-2 is the one that's available) in 5.45x39 is more accurate than your average AK47 in 7.62x39. They will shoot into about 5-6" groups instead of 10-12" groups.
I know you want something sexy, but what you really need is something that will teach you to shoot and an AK isn't it. AKs are for illiterate cannon fodder and Sunday close range soda can killing.
Do you have an accurate .22? If not get one and fit it with iron match sights or at least as good of iron sights as you can get. You will learn more about shooting with that then anything else. Then get yourself a nice, scoped, bolt action centerfire rifle. That will be your advanced lesson.
Posts: 539 | Registered: 14 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jay Gorski
posted 26 July 2003 06:14Hide Post
BECoole, Dad here, I've got a few very accurate 22s, Anschutz Exempler, 54 Sporter, Cooper LVT, S&W model 41 Target pistol, Tyler won't be getting any AK of any sort, I can't stand them or any of their variants, although the Valmet looked pretty neat when I was his age. I'd like to take him to the RR factory sometime and show him the NM model, I think he'll like it, even though he thinks they're too heavy, but not when he's 17. Jay
Posts: 1745 | Location: WI. | Registered: 19 May 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 26 July 2003 08:47Hide Post
Why is Tyler posting here? Sounds like he's getting as good of advice from you as he'll get anywhere!
And your rifles? Highly suitable but so nice that I have to ask if you trust him with them! [Wink]
BTW, Keep an eye on the CMP. They just finished selling some nice (from what I hear) Winchester 52s. They will be getting in other nice training rifles. Might be a good excuse for you and Tyler to attend a CMP clinic. He could use a M1 carbine, since all shooting is 200 or closer.

Best wishes to both of you.
Posts: 539 | Registered: 14 February 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 26 July 2003 10:47Hide Post
The AK's built by Firing Line out of Oklahoma are very very nice, milled receivers, built in the US, and Red Star Arms makes some very good AK's as well. I've read that they built a few that were NRA High Power match rifles.
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posted 26 July 2003 14:37Hide Post
I've got a Saiga in .308, with that great Portuguese surplus ammo (which shoots nearly as good as Lake City Match out of a real rifle), it will shoot 3 inch groups at 100 meters, with a scope on a cranked down tight side mount. Not great, but fun to shoot and about $300. What can you expect for that kind of money in a semi-auto?
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Picture of Stryker225
posted 26 July 2003 17:14Hide Post
I've read that Vepr AK's are more accurate than others? [Confused]
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posted 27 July 2003 02:58Hide Post
Originally posted by The LSG:
I've read that Vepr AK's are more accurate than others? [Confused]

Yeah, I've heard that too. But they still suffer from all the disadvantages of the AK platform.
These are the ones where you might find a 2MOA shooter. I say good luck being able to shoot it that well.
Those guys over at RedStar aren't winning any matches with theirs.
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posted 27 July 2003 06:15Hide Post
I recently had a Bulgarian AK-74 in 5.45x39 built by Parker Arms& Tool that is more than just a soda can shooter. It is capable of 10 shot one inch groups at 50 yards and can make 200 head shots on a standard mil. siloette all day.It is equipped with a RedStar match trigger and forward mounted peep sight. I'll let you know what the results are for a 5 shot 100 yd. string(this seems to be the standard) as soon as I receive a smaller target aperature as what I have on the rifle now pretty much amounts to a ghost ring.Be prepared to invest about $800.00 though.
Posts: 55 | Location: DE | Registered: 18 May 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 27 July 2003 15:21Hide Post
Is there such a thing as an accurate AK-47?
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posted 28 July 2003 05:10
The AK-47, just like the SKS and M1 Garand, was designed as a battle field rifle. It has loose tolerances so it will continue to function when full of dirt and crud. It was never designed to be a target rifle capable of minute of angle accuracy. Nor was the much vaunted M1 Garand. The military issue M1 is not a target rifle either, but talented people can turn it into a very accurate rifle. The same might be true for the AK, but there is little demand for match grade AK-47's or SKS's.
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posted 29 July 2003 06:53
I believe the most accurate of the Kalashnikov action-type rifles is the SVD sniper rifle, in 7.62X54R full-power chambering. They are semi-auto only, and not intended for a lot of rapid fire, just one or two accurate shots. But they are neither small nor light!! [Big Grin]
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posted 29 July 2003 11:39Hide Post
The SVD weighs in at 9.5lbs. with scope and sling. Not too bad considering what you get. As for the AK-47 and accuracy, the biggest problem would seem to be the 7.62x39 round. It ain't no .223 It's a 250 yard affair at best.Also the lack of an adequate optics mounting system(until recently). And let's not forget the combloc doctrine of"quantity has a quality all it's own"that tends to turn out functional arms with loose tolerances. If your looking for national match accuracy, buy American or go to a turn bolt.
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posted 01 August 2003 14:17Hide Post
The Vepyr is pretty good, I shot one at Knob Creek and I was hitting spray paint cans at 350 yds. 9 out of 10 shots, WITH LVE AMMO. This rifle was equipped with a 3x9 scope.
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Picture of Big Bore
posted 10 August 2003 15:05Hide Post
I have the VEPR II and it is indeed a 2 MOA rifle even with crappy Wolf ammo. Feed it quality ammo and it shoots a lot better. Winchester white box will hold 3" 200 yard groups all day long, and I think the VEPR II will do better with handloads. However, with all the cheap and plenty accurate 7.62 x 39 ammo out there, why reload? My VEPR II has fed everything I have thrown to it and nothing rocks like it with a 75 round drum hanging underneath. It is a great rifle and has earned its title as the Cadillac of the Kalashnikovs. You can also get the VEPR II in .308, .223, and the 5.45 x 39mm Russian round.
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