It's 100 years old and just getting warmed up ! What a nice bit of news .Obviously real men , the Marines ,made the choice instead of wimpy Pentagon types . I've got to polish mine up to celebrate .
Ditto,it was never gone.The idiots in the agencies that delegate the mandatory use of calibre specific sidearms;(you know them + the pistols.)Those of us who know that the "Yankee Fist"has performed since day 0ne is not surprised.
Posts: 4464 | Location: Austin,Texas | Registered: 08 April 2006
I hope there is a patriotic explanation for this. Maybe they will do rolling changes to make an useless weapon, somewhat passable, like with everyone's pride and joy, the M-16.
Trust but verify when it comes to the lives of our Marines.
Glad I double checked my work. The page didn't open. If interested in the article and pictures go to The Firing Line, handguns semi-auto forum then look for "so much for Colts supposed 1911"
Then click on the link in the opening post.
I am going to see what else I can find on this issue. Besides the waste of money which is nothing new, this COULD be an outrageous risk to those who volunteer, to protect you and me.
I did some checking and the report looks accurate. The question is, do these obvious failures meet the US Marines standards. I guess if they do I shouldn't complain.
Probably why I am not in charge, since I would say I want a pistol in 45, that is as reliable as the AK 47 rifle, with the same cleaning requirements, and as accurate as a Vietnam era 45 colt or better.