Saw one of these rifles over the weekend and thought it would be a perfect match for my M1 Garand/Military rifle collection.
This one was in very nice condition, with original stock, original barrel and it seemed to be all matching. No rust and few stock blemishes....all Cartouches are cut sharp and visible. This rifle has no indication of being a CMP rifle. At some point the owner did put a Lyman front globe sight along with a Redfield peep on the rear of the gun..I am guessing this rear sight was probably drilled into the receiver.
Are the 03A3's still going for $900+ these days? I told the place I would need more time to think about it (so I can consult with the AR members about it )
The Hickok45 Youtube videos are not healthy for you to watch when you see a rifle you are interested in purchasing.
Any information is greatly appreciated. I don't want to let it get away from me if it is worth more than this, but am fine with finding something else if this over priced.
"Let me start off with two words: Made in America"
If I understand it correctly, that peep sight is drilled through the rh side of the receiver and not through the top. So I could remove if I wanted to and put factory sights back on it. This combination of open sights did seem like it could be very accurate though. The K31 next to it looked equally as nice (for 1/2 the price). I am enjoying owning the M1 Garand and would like more military arms in the collection
"Let me start off with two words: Made in America"
Yep. Most of them are drilled into the side of the reciever. As long as no milling was done on the dovetail that the original site mounts to, yes you could easily replace the original site. Just know that it certainly does decrease collector value. Parts for 03A3s are fairly easy to get as well.
K-31s are really neat as well, every one I have ever fooled with was very accurate and the straight pull bolt is neat.
Posts: 42934 | Location: Crosby and Barksdale, Texas | Registered: 18 September 2006
back in the late 60's and fresh out of the navy I bought a pristine Smith Corona 1903A3 and pot a lyman 17xnb front globe sight and a lyman 48 as a rear sight. Thried many loads but eventually settled on the Sierra 125 spitzer flatbase bullet with 40 grains IMR 4895 using lake city brass and Rem LR primer. That rifle would consistently do 1.5" at 100 yds. So like an idiot sold it for something that till today cannot remember what I got in return. Definitely ranks way up there on "guns I should have kept".Frank
I picked up a Remington with a Smith-Corona 4 groove barrel, OEM peep sight on the top of the receiver in the groove, that won a couple of nice trophy's at Military matches according to the owner, for $350. Stock is perfect, looks brand new, all matching numbers except for the barrel which was supposedly factory installed and lands at the crown look sharp.
I put a scope on it because I can't see worth doodly and it makes pine cones around the back yard jump around fairly often with old crapola military ammo.
Don't know what it's actual value is/was because I wanted a shooter, not a closet queen, so 3 and a half rocks works fine for me.
Yeah, Bugle...DON'T REMIND ME of MY mis-spent youth.
Few years later after selling off the smith corona I found a remington 1903A3 in a local gunshop. To say it wasn't pretty would be the understatement of the year. Cost was 89.95 and out the door. Barrel was toast so stuck it in my 6" sears craftsman lathe and using a cutoff tool cut a ring just in front of the receiver ring to relieve any pressure and the barrel just screwed off. NEW old stock 4 groove remington barrel. George Beitzinger on atlantic avenue fit the barrel and set the headspace. I did all the polishing on the metal. drilled and tapped for a steel lyman 57 sme sight and George did a redfield ramp front sight and after I polished it blued it. Stock wasn't too bad so salvaged it. Cost at the time was $200. George's shop is gone now and I hope he's enjoying retirement. Frank
When I see a 1903A3 Springfield, I must own it. Not only for shooting but for memories. In 1967 I was going the U.S.M.C. infantry school. While on liberty and being enamored with WWII rifles I bought a mint SC 1903A3 for half of my months wages, $50! The owner kept the rifle until I had a 3 day liberty so I could take it home to Las Vegas. In my class B uniform, I slung the rifle over my shoulder and walked up to the Western Airlines ticket counter and bought my "stand by" ticket (it was half price since I was in uniform). She asked me if the rifle was unloaded, which I opened the bolt and showed her it was unloaded. With my ticket and rifle over my shoulder I got on the plane, another check to insure the rifle was unloaded and I took my seat. Shortly after take off the flight attendant told me there was a WWII vet who used a rifle like mine in Italy and he wanted to know if he could look at it. It was setting butt on the deck between my knees, so I handed it to her and she took it to this "old" vet. After he examined the rifle a couple of other WWII vets wanted to look at a rifle that brought back those old memories. The attendant bought my rifle back and told me the vets wanted to buy me a drink, however my 18 year old age prevented that. How times have changed and oh yes, I still have that rifle.
Swift, Silent, & Friendly
Posts: 426 | Location: Nevada | Registered: 14 July 2003
Bought my first Remington 03-A3 from one of my high school teachers for $25 in 1962. 2 groove 10-43 bbl. took it home on the school bus. Bus driver asked me to sit in the front seat as he didn't want any of the smaller kids to get hurt by that front sight. Still have it. Yes, times have changed!
Posts: 432 | Location: Wyoming/ Idaho, St Joe river | Registered: 17 November 2005
How do the 03-A3 sights compare to the original 1903 leaf sight for usability? I have a 1942 Remington 1903, and while it shoots all right, to me the leaf rear is one fidgety, delicate sight. I have respect for those who competed and fought with them back in the day.
Posts: 762 | Location: Kansas | Registered: 18 December 2003
I have a 1903, the one with the rear sight on the barrel. It was restocked with an A1 stock, re-barreled, and re-parkerized by CMP. They built it into a competitive '03 match rifle configuration, including USMC spec sights. I've been thinking of having the receiver drilled and tapped for scope mounts. I figure I've got a really nice rifle with some very rudimentary sights that is difficult to shoot and I can make it into an accurate shooter with nothing more than a decent scope. The downside is that it will have four holes on the top of the receiver. Since it's already not original and consideering I can fill the scope mount holes with plug screws I don't think it will hurt the real market value.
Posts: 10900 | Location: North of the Columbia | Registered: 28 April 2008
I got my first 03A3 in 1968 the local sporting goods store had barrels of them for 37.50. sportize it with herters walnut stock. Think I still have the original stock around.
Had up to ten full military 03s at one time sold all of them off.
I like to use scopes and didn't want to sporterize them.
Now all I have is one in a scout rifle form.
I like Ruger MKIIs stainless rifles a lot better then any old military bolt gun.
Posts: 20005 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001