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Vanguards in Canada?
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Does anyone know if you can buy Weatherby Vanguards in Canada? I know they're being distributed by WalMart in the USA, and you can get them for a song. I'd really like to pick up a new Vanguard, but I don't want to have to import it from the USA, although, it would probably be cheaper than buying in Canada...


"...And on the 8th day, God created beer so those crazy Canadians wouldn't take over the world..."
Posts: 539 | Location: Winnipeg, MB. | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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No problem finding one in Canada. Theres one in the shop not far from here. The mail order shops like Russell's etc all offer them for a decent price too.

Too many people........
Posts: 4326 | Location: Under the North Star! | Registered: 25 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Good deal, thanks for the heads-up. I've been thinking of getting a .270 WSM for a treestand rifle, and then sending it to Prairie Gun Works (or whatever they're called now) and getting it taken up a notch. Thanks again!


"...And on the 8th day, God created beer so those crazy Canadians wouldn't take over the world..."
Posts: 539 | Location: Winnipeg, MB. | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I haven't seen a dealer in Montreal. Also S.I.R. mailorder doesn't carry them. You might be wise to inquire at to find out who their dealers are in your area. Legacy distributes Howa rifles which is who makes the Vanguards. I've seen provisions on their website for dealer inquiries. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

Cal Sibley
Posts: 1866 | Location: Montreal, Canada | Registered: 01 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Order it from Alberta and save the PST for other usefull things. I know Russell's carries them. I can't say in what calibre though.

Too many people........
Posts: 4326 | Location: Under the North Star! | Registered: 25 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I'll check out Russell's for sure. I know Legacy offers the Howa 1500 barrelled actions, I could likely buy one and have PGW bed it in a Weatherby replacement stock (I like the Tan/Black Web stock...) and get a general accurizing done.


"...And on the 8th day, God created beer so those crazy Canadians wouldn't take over the world..."
Posts: 539 | Location: Winnipeg, MB. | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Mikey. I checked out the shop up here I mentioned. They have two. One in 270 Win, one in 300WSM. Both blued synthetic, both $599.00

Chilcotin Guns, Williams Lake, B.C.

Too many people........
Posts: 4326 | Location: Under the North Star! | Registered: 25 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Yeah, I got a reply from Russell's, they're waiting on an order of the "new" Vanguards, the 2005 model with the Monte Carlo stock, the one they currently list is the straight stock... They'll keep me informed. I hope the price doesn't change bcause they're asking $519 for them. I'm not planning on buying until end of September at the earliest though, so hopefully the new ones will be in. I don't think I could hide the cost of a new Mark V from my wife!


"...And on the 8th day, God created beer so those crazy Canadians wouldn't take over the world..."
Posts: 539 | Location: Winnipeg, MB. | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Got to love those prices. You will save the provincial sales tax too. Its 7% here.

Too many people........
Posts: 4326 | Location: Under the North Star! | Registered: 25 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I just saw a vanguard 300 win mag in the calgary bargain finder. Comes with sling, supressor, etc. $775.00 403-547-6591

Hope it helps!!!

the chef
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whoesale sports is listing them in the last access to firearms
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I got my last rifle, a Remington 700BDL in .25-06 from SIR Mail Order Catalog. Not only did I save our 8% sales tax, but they registered it for me. They seem like good people to do business with. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

Cal Sibley
Posts: 1866 | Location: Montreal, Canada | Registered: 01 May 2003Reply With Quote
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