I have only been on the Q.C.I. on the flight between Vancouver and Rupert, but, have wanted to hunt there for years.
So, has anyone here actually hunted there and, if so, what were your experiences; camping, safety of gear left in camp, good areas and road conditions?
I was thinking a week's trip with coolers and a pickup should get a guy the five deer limit and with two days back to Vancity, with meat on ice, it "should" be a trip worth doing.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006
I hunted there on my birthday (July 3rd) about ten years ago .. Truly a magical place and one that I remember very fondly. I shot a couple of bucks .... weren't at all inexpensive and well worth the experience. I wonder if the old chap that guided me is still around... Walter Ernst ... such a nice man ...
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004
No, WL, I am not missing anything. The regs. very clearly state that a resident BC hunter is allowed a FIVE deer POSSESSION LIMIT and, btw, I happen to know that this is VERY strictly enforced, not that I would break a game/fish law.
So, on a trip such as I described, I could and would only take five deer and would not take the legal seasonal limit in any circumstances, as my wife and I cannot use that much venison and I do not kill merely to boast or hang heads on my wall.
I am just now finishing the last few packets of Moose meat from three seasons ago, we can eat about 1/3 an Elk, 1/4 of a Moose or two deer per year and thus five Q.C.I. deer are ample for my needs.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006
Dewey, I may be wrong but the posession limit is five deer on the islands. You can i believe send five deer to Prince rupert and keep hunting get five more and ship those off and get five more for a total of 15. WL
Posts: 326 | Location: Watson Lake, Yukon, Canada | Registered: 25 January 2009
Dewey I do not hang heads on the wall either, generally. I must admit I have my dall rsam and barren ground caribou taken in August as a memory from our three years in Old Crow Yukon. I do adhere to limits and laws and when we have too much game meat we share it with seniors and elders and others unfortunate not able to harvest. WL
Posts: 326 | Location: Watson Lake, Yukon, Canada | Registered: 25 January 2009
Originally posted by Watson Lake: Dewey, I may be wrong but the posession limit is five deer on the islands. You can i believe send five deer to Prince rupert and keep hunting get five more and ship those off and get five more for a total of 15. WL
I've heard others suggest that, but I'm not convinced. To my knowlege, "possession" does not mean just while you are on QCI, and in fact includes your freezer. I can't see taking 15 deer in my vehicle from PR to my home as only having 5 deer in my possession. The math doesn't seem to work.
The only legit ways to take more than 5 in one trip would be to eat them while you are there (they are pretty small!), or donating meat to the local communities.
Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001
Very simply, I intiated this thread to obtain info. on hunting the Q.C.I. from other BCers who do/have done so. I specified the type of trip I would take and, obviously, I would be going to the islands and then returning within a week and making just that single ferry crossing. So, attempting to kill an annual limit of 15 deer and somehow ship them to Rupert and store them there for later transport to Vancouver, would not be practical.
Five Sitka Blacktail deer will provide lots of venison for our needs and, regardless of how many MAY be legally killed, I would not kill more than I can eat and, in 45 years of hunting BC, I never have.
So, are there people here who HAVE or DO hunt there?
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006
If you want to pack all the meat out from your 'possession' limit in one medium sized duffel bag, hunt Morsby Island where most of the 'hunting' takes place. Lots of .22 mag cases along the roads - guess they were hunting grouse .
Friend on mine shot a nice 5 point (per side) that dressed out at 18 pouinds. Funniest little fella I ever saw. My little runt, 30 pound springer would have dressed out about the same.
Some big deer (for the Charolttes) on Graham Island, along with some huge Rosevelt Elk and giant black bears in Jescatla (spelled something like that). The largest I've seen have dressed out at about 110 pounds, not large, but for the area, pretty good.
Daryl S.
Posts: 169 | Location: Central B.C. | Registered: 27 October 2009