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In the interests of Free Speach in Canada..
Not sure if this might not be better in the political forum, but figured more Canadians would read it here..Below is a post from another forum regarding the present Canadian political scandle and what seems to be Big Brother trying to stop the truth getting out:

Canucks - This is the US website that has the testimony from the adscam / Gomery Inquiry that is under publication ban in Canada.

CTV originally made the name of this website public. Since then the Gomery enquiry has placed even the name of the site under publication ban.

Here it is in case you missed it.

A lot of us have been saying the Liberals were rotten to the core for the last decade, and it looks like we have been right (no pun intended) all along.
Posts: 5684 | Location: North Wales UK | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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This is old now. Gomery Lifted the ban about a week later, besides many of us were able to do a google search and find out for ourselves this website.
As to the Big brother issue, the publication ban was put into effect because the people testifying were scheduled to go to trial in May and judge Gomery allowed the ban to make sure that they got a fair trial. The people involded final relented and allowed there testimony to be revealed since it was one of the worst kept secrets due to the internet.

If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness."

- Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick

Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004Reply With Quote
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"Free Speech" has never and does not exist in Canada and two examples in my own life come to mind.

My maternal Grandfather was a volunteer Canadian infantry officer in WWI, he was from a family that had originally began to trade into and settle into Canada in the mid-17th Century. After he was wounded, at the latter Somme battle, known as "Flers-Coucellette, voluntarily returned to active duty although offered an instructors post in the rear and then being seriously wounded at Passchendaele, he was "boarded", found unfit to stay in the C.E.F. and "de-mobbed".

He ended up in Trail, B.C., working for West Kootenay Power, a subsidiary of Cominco Ltd., then owned by the mother of Canadian corporations, the C.P.R. with an English wife who had been raised with servants and finery and was useless in a frontier mining town, as well as five kids. When, during the "Dirty Thirties", he dared to publicly advocate, on his own time, for better working conditions and a stronger union voice in health and safety concerns, he was promptly suspended from his employment by the "bosses". Probably only his war record saved him from being fired out of hand and, the pollution at Trail aggravated the problems he had with his lungs due to the gas at Passchendaele and he died at age 53, shortly before his sons volunteered for WWII.

This past week, I dared to respond to an Pakistani immigrant who told me that my ancestors stole Canada from the Indians when I politely told him that he should think about his loyalty to Canada in view of his extremist remarks about Canadians, loyalty to Islam, hate speech toward Christians and so forth which I have put up with for months, off and on. Instantly, the moderators at Canadiangunnutz banned me, because I presume to have rights in my own country, although it is perfectly acceptable to make ugly remarks on that forum about real Canadians, Christians, Catholics and so forth.

These two situations, among scores of others I can think of, illustrate what has been and is happening here in Canada, the systematic destruction of our birthrights and freedoms at an ever increasing pace. While I do not give a rat's ass about CGN, per se, the attitude there that the forum provider, an immigrant Chinaman, can post the term "white bastards" as he has done and yet allow a banning of someone who simply defends, admittedly in strong terms, his native land and culture, demonstrates how far Canada has fallen from the proud nation we once were.

Freedom in Canada, and it seems to me, in much of what is left of the British Commonwealth, is now an illusion. The totalitarian statists, as dangerous, but far more subtle than Hitler or Stalin are winning.....and we Canucks are losing, whether many of us see and admit it or not. Gawd dam multiculteralism, statists and any foreigner who comes here to change Canada!!!
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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kutenay-You are absolutely correct, wish there were more like-minded people (and politicians) in this country.
Posts: 214 | Location: Cochrane Alberta Canada | Registered: 22 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by kutenay:
"Free Speech" has never and does not exist in Canada and two examples in my own life come to mind.

My maternal Grandfather was a volunteer Canadian infantry officer in WWI, he was from a family that had originally began to trade into and settle into Canada in the mid-17th Century. After he was wounded, at the latter Somme battle, known as "Flers-Coucellette, voluntarily returned to active duty although offered an instructors post in the rear and then being seriously wounded at Passchendaele, he was "boarded", found unfit to stay in the C.E.F. and "de-mobbed".

He ended up in Trail, B.C., working for West Kootenay Power, a subsidiary of Cominco Ltd., then owned by the mother of Canadian corporations, the C.P.R. with an English wife who had been raised with servants and finery and was useless in a frontier mining town, as well as five kids. When, during the "Dirty Thirties", he dared to publicly advocate, on his own time, for better working conditions and a stronger union voice in health and safety concerns, he was promptly suspended from his employment by the "bosses". Probably only his war record saved him from being fired out of hand and, the pollution at Trail aggravated the problems he had with his lungs due to the gas at Passchendaele and he died at age 53, shortly before his sons volunteered for WWII.

This past week, I dared to respond to an Pakistani immigrant who told me that my ancestors stole Canada from the Indians when I politely told him that he should think about his loyalty to Canada in view of his extremist remarks about Canadians, loyalty to Islam, hate speech toward Christians and so forth which I have put up with for months, off and on. Instantly, the moderators at Canadiangunnutz banned me, because I presume to have rights in my own country, although it is perfectly acceptable to make ugly remarks on that forum about real Canadians, Christians, Catholics and so forth.

These two situations, among scores of others I can think of, illustrate what has been and is happening here in Canada, the systematic destruction of our birthrights and freedoms at an ever increasing pace. While I do not give a rat's ass about CGN, per se, the attitude there that the forum provider, an immigrant Chinaman, can post the term "white bastards" as he has done and yet allow a banning of someone who simply defends, admittedly in strong terms, his native land and culture, demonstrates how far Canada has fallen from the proud nation we once were.

Freedom in Canada, and it seems to me, in much of what is left of the British Commonwealth, is now an illusion. The totalitarian statists, as dangerous, but far more subtle than Hitler or Stalin are winning.....and we Canucks are losing, whether many of us see and admit it or not. Gawd dam multiculteralism, statists and any foreigner who comes here to change Canada!!!

Most of the time I like reading you and I sympatize with your opinions.
Myslef being emigrant since 1990 I don't like what people born here allowed the politicans to do with Canada. I wasn't here when PE Trudeau was changing policies, and I just arrived when NAFTA was allowed.
Why compalining now, when we know things are not likely to be turned back, why we sit and watch, why ?
Posts: 202 | Location: Bolton | Registered: 21 February 2004Reply With Quote
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It has been said, "things are darkest, just before the dawn"...our nation is in great peril, but, we are not totally subjugated yet. With the help of good immigrants who appreciate their opportunity to come to Canada, we can still make this country into what it should be, "one country and your country", in the words of the Rt. Hon. John George Diefenbaker, former Prime Minister of Canada.

It starts with fighting, every day, to preserve our freedoms, guns, speech, assembly and the right to admit or deny entry to this country to any foreigner, for any reason we deem suitable. It continues with never accepting "multiculturalism" as a statist substitute for Canadian nationalism and with speaking out against the hordes who come here, as do many Sikhs and Islamists, to use Canada as a base from which to attack our American friends.

It further continues with demanding that Canadian history be taught in our schools as a MANDATORY course and that anyone who comes here speaks ENGLISH.
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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It starts with fighting, every day, to preserve our freedoms, guns, speech, assembly and the right to admit or deny entry to this country to any foreigner, for any reason we deem suitable. It continues with never accepting "multiculturalism" as a statist substitute for Canadian nationalism and with speaking out against the hordes who come here, as do many Sikhs and Islamists, to use Canada as a base from which to attack our American friends


I sincerely wish you luck, Kutenay. But in today's PC world it is nigh impossible to un-ring that bell. The time to stop it was before it started. 20/20 hindsight and that applys to the U.S., too.

Multicultualism? Both of our countries, being the melting pots that they are, have always been that way. What we are both seeing now is just a continuation of the beginning.
Posts: 1370 | Location: Home but going back. | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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I tell you what I do,
I work for huge co-operation importing most of the product to USA, and we are unionized.
Union, at least some of them hate Americans, I have no clue why? they or some of them say, because they ignore our rights to self governing, thats in few words what I gather from their mumble.
Myself, I am called a redneck, which I kinda like it, some of what I preach about being equal under one country, one flag is hard for them to accept, 'them' i mean immigrants of colour and liberal supporters.
But when I say who are you, are you Canadian or not? then, this is hardest question to anwser.
When they say, finally, yes I am Canadian, I asked why you like multicult-system, if you feel Canadian do you need something what actually seperate us instead unite. Again hard to answe that.

What shocks me most is luck of involvement from so called born in Canada man. They just watch me when I get into discussion and sometimes come by and say, well I wouldn't be able to say it better.

What pisses me most is luck of vision and ignorant saying, no mather who wins we gonna get f_ _ked.

Thats why I admire lieberals, that they were able to turned all but honest hard working Canadian against voting conservatives.

And yes, we have to stay vocal, if we loose that we loose our integrity.

Sorry for my English, I've learned it here without going to school or wasting time on social programs offered for immigrants. Wink
Posts: 202 | Location: Bolton | Registered: 21 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Well said. Multiculturism will be the end of Canada. The very fact that English Canada bends over backwards, and forwards, for Quebec should tell you that.

Countries are designed to be have a single unifying culture. There are very few examples, in the history of the world, where multiculturism has flourished.

It always comes down to Civil War or seperation.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Multicultualism? Both of our countries, being the melting pots that they are, have always been that way. What we are both seeing now is just a continuation of the beginning.[/QUOTE]

Dungbeetle. I disagree, we are not seeing a continuation of the beginning at all. I wish we were. Historically immigrants came here to become Canadians or Americans, to unite and become one nation and escape whatever caused them to emigrate and start a fresh new life. Today, not all but a goodly portion of immigrants who come here are only interested in our social programs and welfare, seeking separate lives with no intention of integrating and adopting the lifestyle or contributing to this country. They expect us to accomadate them by using their languages in everything from government services, education, right down to the signs on the street. They are not interested in learning english or anything about our history or contributing to our society. What they are interested in is forming their own culture clicks supported by the taxpayer with no attempt at adopting a Canadian or American identity. They come here and the first thing they do is try to make it like the country they supposedly escaped from. I think we need to abolish the social programs that attract the riffraff. We should still allow immigration but without the social network that attracts the parasites. In other words, if you come here you have to live under our roof, abide by our laws and support yourself on your own. What made America and Canada great in the glory days of the melting pot were that the people had to make it on their own. Today they just show up from God knows where at our doorstep and we smother them with all these goodies and they see it as a way of life. When we have a situation where immigrants who have never contributed anything to this country show up on our doorstep and get better social and financial support than the senior citizens of our country who have payed taxes all their lives and sacrifice for our countries freedom in the past, then something is terribly wrong here. Most are not interested in any "melting pot".

aka. bushrat
Posts: 372 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 13 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Mickey1:

Well said. Multiculturism will be the end of Canada. The very fact that English Canada bends over backwards, and forwards, for Quebec should tell you that.

Countries are designed to be have a single unifying culture. There are very few examples, in the history of the world, where multiculturism has flourished.

It always comes down to Civil War or seperation.
Works for me.

Posts: 206 | Location: Alberta ,Can | Registered: 29 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Today, not all but a goodly portion of immigrants who come here are only interested in our social programs and welfare, seeking separate lives with no intention of integrating and adopting the lifestyle or contributing to this country


Oscar, I did not say it was "good", I said it is a continuation and it is. There are many, many reasons that our Gov'ts allow this. Not the least of these reasons is the fact that someone has to pay for your (our) social programs and keep them afloat and solvent. Anyone with a green card pays taxes, no?

ALL 1st world countries have an aging population problem and a projected population shortfall. So, either you start f*cking and kicking out more future taxpayers Smiler - or - you import, take your choice but do know that time ain't on your (our) side in this regard.

Another reason is that all Gov'ts of the, so called, civilized "1st world" countries are in a heated competition to attract top notch brain power to keep their relative competetive edges within the world. Your (our) internal growth rate of that????? Import, maybe? Read "The Bell Curve" for a reference point.

You mention above - "a goodly portion of" : What % of total immigrants are bums, Oscar? By that I mean hard data. I honestly dont have a clue. Those that I see in my area, primarily Hispanic, some Asian, are some hard working folks that dont bitch or complain and I can only guage what I actually see on a daily basis. Let me state it to you this way; If all of the Mexican immigrants said "F'k all ya'll" and then left to go back home, the U.S.A. would shut down - completely. Think not? Visit California, Texas, Florida, East Coast, etc.

Allegiance to, assimilate within, a host country, you complain? Get over it, Oscar. It's called Globalization. But, again, I wish you well on what you and Kutenay proffer and I empathize and sympathize. When your very rights to air what you believe are compromised, then it's time for a change of politicos. Good luck with it cause you're gonna have to push that water back over the dam.
Posts: 1370 | Location: Home but going back. | Registered: 15 December 2003Reply With Quote
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I came here, with my parents, as an Immigrant in the middle fifties. Like most Europeans who immigrated at that time, we did our damndest to learn the language, assimilate Canadian culture, and make a place for ourselves here. We remembered our roots, but we didn't bring our religious or political baggage with us There was none of this English for new Canadians or any social support system. We were on our own,in fact, there was still a significant amount of prejudice left over from WWll .
A significant portion of today's Immigrants don't seem to fit this model. They cling to their past, and carry on as if they were still living in their native country, while exploiting our social system to the max. The sad fact is that we can't afford this any more, but they are such a political force, that the Politicians have to cater to them. God save Canada, cause no one else can.

Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Grizzly Adams:
I came here, with my parents, as an Immigrant in the middle fifties. Like most Europeans who immigrated at that time, we did our damndest to learn the language, assimilate Canadian culture, and make a place for ourselves here. We remembered our roots, but we didn't bring our religious or political baggage with us There was none of this English for new Canadians or any social support system. We were on our own,in fact, there was still a significant amount of prejudice left over from WWll .
A significant portion of today's Immigrants don't seem to fit this model. They cling to their past, and carry on as if they were still living in their native country, while exploiting our social system to the max. The sad fact is that we can't afford this any more, but they are such a political force, that the Politicians have to cater to them. God save Canada, cause no one else can.


Several key points above.
Where and when i grew up there were clusters of immigrants from Germany, Ukraine, Roumania , Norway, Sweden Russia and a few other nations. There were some differences which added to live. Different dances, dress, accents etc. but all considered themselves as immigrants not emmigrants. Those that choose to kept some traditions alive at home or later by enrolling their kids in cultural dance school,language lessons etc but this was a way to honour their forefathers NOT a way of life. Politics were left in the old country. Today it seems many new comers wish to act as if they were still at home and have brought their hatreds etc with them.
In the old days we went to different neighbouring towns and learned to appreciate some of the good from many countries of the world and respected the fact that the people kept their traditions which added to Canada but did not demand the rest paid for it, nor did they force these customs or beliefs on us.

pssst America, your vulnerability is showing.

Posts: 14361 | Location: Sask. Canada | Registered: 04 December 2000Reply With Quote
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You aren't banned at gunnutz, you r acount is stil active.

Athough a few members inluding Cariboo got some banned msg...

375 Ruger- The NEW KING of the .375's!!
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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When I last attempted to log on, several days ago, a notice appeared on my screen that I was banned from said forum; this did not astonish me as I had been "warned" for daring to protest against the vicious, anti-Catholic bigotry of Rob Engh and several other intellectual giants as well as speaking out against "slagging" of Canadian values by a Paki immigrant.

It is a private forum, so, they can do as they wish; the hypocrisy of their position relative to "racism" is only too obvious, in view of the very frequent attacks on "whites", Christianity and traditional Canadian attitudes. One particular little Paki posted that my ancestors had stolen Canada from the Indians....if, he had the insolence and stupidity to dare to say that to my face, I would use traditional measures to deal with him.

CGN can be a great forum, but, it needs fair and responsible administration and moderation in order to be a real tool against gun banning; in about two years, off and on, I have not seen that happen....and, I doubt that it will.
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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CGN was never intended to be a toolk against gun banning, although it has been helpful to mobolize people to action when particualr issues have come up (like the Mini14 ban that was proposed) CGN was just supposed to be a discussion forum like this one and the many others on the net..

Rob is the administrator, so you are not going to win an argument with him, because as you say- It's a private site. Unlike AR, you can't say anything and everythign that you wish there; that's just the way it is.

Rob (who I met when he organized and volunteered his weekend to conduct an IPSC course for no personal profit) is a great guy, who has introduced many, many people to the shooting sports and has spent much of his time volunteering.

He is not a fan of religion...Religion is not abig part of my life, so I'm not too interested in those threads.

I prefer AR's model of complete and open free speech, but I don't find it difficult to get my point across at CGN without violating it's rules, either.

In any case, Cariboo seems to think that an IP adress was inadvertantly banned, so you may have got caught up in that, but your acccount is still active, as I can see it and acess your posts etc, and I'm just a regular member, not a mod or anything... Big Grin

375 Ruger- The NEW KING of the .375's!!
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Well, who knows, I do appreciate your taking the time and trouble to acquaint me with the possibilities of the situation, thanks, Clarke.

As to your being "regular", well, there is that spear thing and I gotta wonder about a guy who wants to stab a Bear with a glorified pitchfork; I always thought that one Evel Knevel was enough..............
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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I'm sorry this post was called what???????You'd have to have a democracy for that.What we have now is 5% of the people as the elite and 95% at the bottom.That is called socialist communism,and its what we have..Both of our major media's CTV and CBC are little Al jazerras,wagged by the state...Free speach in canada. Ya we used to...
Posts: 474 | Registered: 05 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by kutenay:
Well, who knows, I do appreciate your taking the time and trouble to acquaint me with the possibilities of the situation, thanks, Clarke.

As to your being "regular", well, there is that spear thing and I gotta wonder about a guy who wants to stab a Bear with a glorified pitchfork; I always thought that one Evel Knevel was enough..............

Now there's an idea, I've got two nice sharp forks in the shed.

I wish the people comming to this country would leave their troubles at home. I have no problems with their traditions, or even their language, but for crying out loud, they came here to get away from the problems at home, and istead, they bring them along.
Same problems with city types moving north. They bring their pavement, and floodlights with them, along with their no trespassing Liberal attitudes, their Beemers, and their goochie shoes.
Fer fuck sakes learn to live like the locals will ya?

The only problem with being Canadian, is the presence of Liberals
Canadian Liberal Government= Elected Dictatorship!
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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