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stone's sheep hunting
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any hot tips for a local bc resident to start looking before the natives get all the sheep permits
Posts: 562 | Location: British Columbia Canada  | Registered: 02 January 2006Reply With Quote
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What kind of advice/hot tips do you seek?

You'll find that in sheep hunting especially, you won't get place names spelled out very often. Smiler


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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well what been finding so far is that between the resident packers-outfitters- jet boat guides <and maybe wolf kills> is that theres not a lot of sheep left in the mountains most of the old time area's have been shot to shit lots of young 5-7 year old banana head rams shot < one famous lake in 2004 there were 11 rams taken by resident hunters all young legal dinks> just want to get into a area were there might be some good sheep hunting .But trying to get any info is very hard to come by lots of tight lipped people out there even the goverment dudes dont want to say to much
Posts: 562 | Location: British Columbia Canada  | Registered: 02 January 2006Reply With Quote
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There always has been a "proprietorial" attitude toward B.C.'s resources on the part of government management staff, Forest Service,Wildlife and even Parks. I used to work for the B.C.F.S. and encountered this frequently; the Wildlife boffins were/are the worst. This is also partially due to "Glitzy Gordie's" attitude that B.C. wildife is up for sale to rich foreign hunters with the glad assistance of the G.O.A.B.C.

You pretty much have to do your own scouting and it is time and energy intensive, which is why a lot of B.C. hunters don't go after Sheep, too often. This seems to be what the assholes in Victoria want so that they can sell OUR Sheep to the wealthy trophy killers and fuck we ordinary folks in the ear....just like usual!

I am just getting into Sheep hunting as I couldn't take the time until I retired and I have a few ideas about where to scout. I think that the old, traditional areas still hold Sheep, but, it is tough sluggin', for sure. I think that it will get much worse, before or if it gets better and my opinions on what needs to be done have been thoroughly dealt with here.

Good luck, it's a demanding hunt, but, a rewarding one!
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Alfonz
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Are you prepared to spend money on a plane ride?
The last time I took a stone sheep plane ride it was close to $1000.00. I think the Skeena region does not get hit as hard as the the Peace. I have not hunted BC for 6 years and things do change. Alot of books have info on were to start a disgruntled guide is usally a good start foe info. I think however you need to be willing the exchange info. I would not be expecting a spot to be served up on a platter.
There are general areas though. What do you have for resouces ? Jetboat, quad, strong legs and lungs, big pocket book?
Posts: 23 | Location: Yukon Canada | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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$$ for a plane ride not the problem most charters now $1200-$1600 range depending on type of plane etc etc and that $$ could be going up depending on fuel + insurance pricing.
Still can climb them mountains with 70lb pack just takes a little longer than it use too.Like your idea re the ex guide will some checking around> Going down to the Wild Sheep Society Fundraiser in Langley BC on 24-25 march ,lots of sheep hunters- ex guides + rednecks there drinking to much booze, so maybe just might find out some info .By the sounds of it maybe i should move to the Yukon and start hunting more stone sheep + hell of a lot less resident hunters and way more area to hunt than down here in BC Thanks for the info

I'm pro choice
I choose to hunt,fish ,trap ,eat meat + wear fur
Posts: 562 | Location: British Columbia Canada  | Registered: 02 January 2006Reply With Quote
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I think you will enjoy yourself at the sheep banquet. It should be a great place to gather info.Where abouts in BC would you be starting from? On the west side there are only a handfull of air chater companies,BC Yukon air services would be my first choice.There are a few things to consider with timing. Most high lakes are done by September.
I had good trip one time flying in and drifting out on the Turnagin late in the year. Saw a little bit of everything, I wished Elk were open at the time.
I don't see myself returning to BC anytime soon.
I can discuss some logistics with you if you like. There are serveral good drainages to hunt off the river.
P.S. nothing wrecks a good ten day sheep hunt like shooting a moose on your fisrt day in !! killpc
Make it a mixed bag hunt after the ram has been secured!! thumb
Posts: 23 | Location: Yukon Canada | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Good article in the Feb edition of American Hunter, the NRA mag. Kute, you have no fear of my comimg to hunt those damn sheep! No desire to put this 62 years young body through that kind of pain for a little mutton! I wish you the best in your efforts. Keep us all up to date on the saga! You know that entire article mentioned nothing about where the hunt took place other than northern B.C. Oops, the hunters were rich hunter/writers from "the dark side".
Posts: 1324 | Registered: 17 February 2004Reply With Quote
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I actually have no problem with you coming to hunt here as, I think, you are very aware; that is not what I am concerned about. The stories of the type you mention NEVER give specifics concerning the locale in which the exploits depicted took place....wonder why that is, eh?

You should try to hunt Stone's Sheep here in B.C. as you are not too old and some of the hunting is not THAT harsh, I can do it and I am 59. The real problem is cost and it is just ridiculous, somebody is getting rich off our Sheep.

I am going to attend some meetings of the B.C.W.F. and then go to Victoria to see some boffins in the Wildlife outfit. I want to have precise info. to base any actions on that I may take as I am not a "knee-jerk" type of conservationist and I am not particularly anti-American, either. Well, where John Kerry is concerned......

There may well be a better solution to the whole non-resident hunter situation and I am interested in improving things here in B.C.; this is not always easy due to the demand for "progress".

Now, I gotta get ready and go hiking to get my elderly bod in shape for NEXT season!
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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