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hi anyone from there ?? Now be nice


Posts: 114 | Location: Australia | Registered: 10 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Used to be. ......when Winnipeg was a NICE place to live .... and crime was negligible ...
and hooks needn't be barbless ....and gas was 25 cents per Imperial gallon. But that was "yesterday" ....and yesterday's (spit) gone.
But (large one), the fishing's still incredible, the woods are gorgeous, the blueberries are ripe, rhubarb still grows everywhere, whitetails (literally) abound, perogies are on the menu, ..... and summer is 6 weeks long.
Posts: 2097 | Location: Gainesville, FL | Registered: 13 October 2004Reply With Quote
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yeah I understand that I was there last week for 4 days and the time I was there there was 2 shootings 1 stabbing and not far from where I had walked near the red river in the forks a body was discovered that afternoon !!!


Posts: 114 | Location: Australia | Registered: 10 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Majority of people who live there, are Natives. Not necessarily a bad thing, but in Winnipeg's it is. Heard today it was rated as the most violent city, in the West. Everywhere else Crime is down.


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

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Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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very clear that 1st nations people are getting a raw deal over there ... major drug issues etc


Posts: 114 | Location: Australia | Registered: 10 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Hey, pal, before you babble about something you know jackshit about, why not look at the history of Australian genocide of the aboriginal peoples there?

Canadian aboriginals get VERY WELL treated and were NEVER slaughtered or fenced as you "diggers" did for most of your history.
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I grew up there. It was a good place, a family-city. Now??
Posts: 2097 | Location: Gainesville, FL | Registered: 13 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by lapua:
very clear that 1st nations people are getting a raw deal over there ... major drug issues etc

I would have thought, that an Australian, of all people would understand that your fate is in your own hands. You can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. God knows, we've been doing our best.


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by conifer:
Used to be. ......when Winnipeg was a NICE place to live .... and crime was negligible ...
and hooks needn't be barbless ....and gas was 25 cents per Imperial gallon. But that was "yesterday" ....and yesterday's (spit) gone.
But (large one), the fishing's still incredible, the woods are gorgeous, the blueberries are ripe, rhubarb still grows everywhere, whitetails (literally) abound, perogies are on the menu, ..... and summer is 6 weeks long.

wave Alex!!

I agree 100%, and as a past resident of The Peg (for 1 year when I went to college)(I now only live and hour and a half away, so visits are rare, but I do occasionally go into the "big city") I can say that it is and it isn't all that bad. Certain neighbourhoods, or 'hoods as they're called, are off limits during dark, and it seems some are now off limits during daylight hours. I also agree that it has a lot to do with drugs, and the "urban reservations" that the cities population now has to deal with (for some reason the natives don't want to live in the squalid he** holes they call reservations, but that is in part their fault, they're given every hand out imaginable and they seem to destroy everything they are given)

The fishing in the Red and Lake Winnipeg are tremendous, as well as a plethora of other lakes/rivers/and streams. The blueberries are great, but not as good as wild Saskatoons...mmmmm, Saskatoons! And this is about our second actual week of summer!

Posts: 504 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 03 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Hey Brad:
The catfish are HUGE at Lockport....50 pounds is common; the goldeye and saugers and walleye are THICK! I remember watching the river surface roil with gigantic carp in early Spring; SO easy to catch with doughballs! And Lockport is only 17 miles north of the city.
But even closer to town is LaBerriere end of Waverley Street just beyond the perimenter highway. The river there has awesome fishing,...and awesome skeeters. Whenever I returned to Wpg. to visit my Mom....I could be catching fish 15 minutes from her apartment. I used to drive to Lac du Bonnet, thence to the road to Pointe du Bois....take off on the Bird River Road....toward Manigotogan....and pass endless, gorgeous lakes filled with fish. At Cat Lake, 2 out of 3 casts brought in a Northern. At Shoe Lake, HUGE and countless smallmouths (and much bigger Northerns than those at Cat Lake)!
Posts: 2097 | Location: Gainesville, FL | Registered: 13 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Dewey I was not picking on them in fact my wife has been working with them for 6 months giving them treatment and kindness for free !! yes for free with out getting paid by your governmentfor her services FYI. All 1st nations people yours mine all got a bad deal when white man came.
some help themselves and others don't we all do not do enough to help out but with our taxes ,the one's I have meet are good people, good day to you sir.


Posts: 114 | Location: Australia | Registered: 10 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Grizzly Adams

Grizzly Adams , so true sir well said.enough said.


Posts: 114 | Location: Australia | Registered: 10 September 2003Reply With Quote
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AH....SHOE LAKE! My first ever smallmouth experience. What a lake! It will be 3 years ago that I first visited Shoe in the Nope, exceptional lake, and as you say...HUGE smallies! My only hope is that it is not overfished by now, as the city folk have been hitting it HARD over the last couple of years. Always posts on MB fishing forum about Shoe, where is it, how do I get there, what bait to I use, hows the Shoe lake road...etc etc

I hope to get back there at least once this summer to catch some giant smallies!
Posts: 504 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 03 December 2007Reply With Quote
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hey folks... first post here as I recently found the forums. I live in the north end the " hood" to some. It's no different here than any other city, some areas bad, some not. The gangs are the problem. all the shootings are gang related. Regina also has it's problems, but the hunting in the province is great, fishing is great and most of the people are great. Nothing better than sitting on the red or on the big lake in -30 degree temps, drilling through 4 to 5 feet of ice in search of giant greenbacks.....
Posts: 2 | Registered: 15 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Hi Cam:
I grew up in north end, on Matheson Ave. It's still attractive in that it is in N. Kildonan, Garden City, and points west. But, I believe the crime is everywhere in town now. St. James, River Heights, East Kildonan, amd others. Old Main Street N and S from Logan looks like a war zone. I read the Free Press online daily. Sentences handed down in the Manitoba courts for serious crimes are a JOKE!! What was a nice downtown years ago from Main and Portage to Hudson's Bay Bldg. has been a sad joke ....architecturally and commercially...for years. The loss of Eaton's was pivotal. Where do YOU see light at end of tunnel?
As far as outdoor activities.....Manitoba is fabulous. I still see moose within an hour's drive from Winnipeg, a city of 600,000. Deer run through city neighbourhoods; I always see them in Charleswood. And the rich farmland on southern Manitoba supports a huge whitetail population, as well as grouse and partridge. So, for hunting and fishing, Manitoba is hard to beat. The problems lie (as Lapua experienced) in the capital city.
Posts: 2097 | Location: Gainesville, FL | Registered: 13 October 2004Reply With Quote
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hey conifer.. I do agree certain areas do look like a war zone. I assume you haven't been back for a while, but the MTS center ( arena) in now where eaton's was, manitoba hydro built their new head office on portage, just down from the mts center. Global television also built their new studio downtown. Will it change things..... during the day, yes, but not many people go downtown at night. BTW, it was my back lane neighbour who found the body in the red... they were out on their pontoon boat. Police think the person was homeless and fell/slipped into the river and drowned. as for the light at the end of the tunnel... we need a curfew in this city. Hard and fast, under 18, off the streets after 11:00 pm. As for the courts, well that is a long road there. I do agree the sentences are a joke, but the system is the system.
Posts: 2 | Registered: 15 July 2010Reply With Quote
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Winnipeg gets a bad rap,how do I know I moved here 36 years ago from B.C..In all the time I have lived here nothing bad has happened to me.
Sure there are lots of problems but name one big city that squeeky clean.

short and fat and hard to get at, hit like a hammer and never been hit back.
Posts: 251 | Location: Just north of Salingrad. | Registered: 07 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Funny to read so many opinions from people who think they know.

I'm born, raised and living here for +50 years. Nothings really changed so much differently than anywhere else. The WORLD is a different place now.

There is one small area in the "core" to avoid, the other 99% of the city is basically violent crime free. Pretty much the same as any major city I've visited anywhere in the world.
Posts: 7 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 20 September 2006Reply With Quote
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Nothing wrong with the Peg. I was born there and I have lived in several places over the years. All big cities have their less than desirable areas.

Main and Hastings in Vancouver is not exactly a prime location and in the recent G20 we saw how bad things happen.......even in the Centre of the Universe.

Bottom line, you are safer in any big city in Canada and most of the US now than a winter snowbird holiday in Mexico. Big Grin

Murders..........I don't pay much attention to them anywhere because once you remove the ethnic/minority (YA I know, not PC), drugs and gang side of things from the equation, there aren't many.


The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who are bereft of that gift.

Posts: 1889 | Location: Northern Rockies, BC | Registered: 21 July 2006Reply With Quote
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned the weather! I grew up in southern Manitoba and lived in Winnipeg for five years. They say the corner of Portage and Main in January is the coldest place on earth. Technically this may not be exactly true, but if you are standing there it feels true.

I used to visit family at Christmas, but now I only go back in the summer. Otherwise, Winnipeg is a pretty decent place to live. I think the crime stories are a bit overblown.

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