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Proposed changes to reloading and powder storage!
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Picture of John Y Cannuck

1:Handloading in fully detached dwelling only
2:No more than 5kg of smokeless propellant to be stored within that dwelling. You can possess more but it must be stored in outdoor powder magazine built to Natural Resources Canada specifications
3:No hand loading within 15 meters of a neighboring dwelling
4:All propellants are to be given a united nations designation number and subject to even more rigorous import/export law
And more to come

His response, and my email to him

Thank you for your email expressing your concerns over proposed changes to
regulations under the Explosives Act relating to handloading of ammunition.
The proposals that you refer to were released to start the consultation
process. A newsletter has recently helped spread the information to the
reloading community.

There is no connection between these proposals and the recently passed
Public Safety Act (Bill C-7; formerly C-42). Proposals for that Act were
aimed at import, export and in-transit controls over "inexplosive ammunition
components". These proposals were withdrawn due to objections from the
firearms community.

The proposed regulations on handloading relate mainly to safety, not
security. Addressing each of the proposals:

1. Handloading in detached dwelling only. The accidental ignition of 5
kilograms (kg) of black or smokeless powder can cause a fireball several
metres across. This would undoubtedly initiate a rapid and intense fire in
a normal room. We do not believe that residents in a multi-unit dwelling
should be subject to the risk.

2. No more than 5 kg of propellant to be stored within a dwelling.
According to handloading tables this is sufficient for 1500 (shotgun) to
20,000 (pistol) loads. This amount seems adequate.

3. No handloading within 15 metres of a neighbouring dwelling. Again,
this proposed change relates to protecting neighbouring properties from the
risks and hazards associated with ammunition loading activities.

4. All propellants to be given a United Nations designation. There is
nothing new here. All explosives made in or imported into Canada must be
authorized and classified under the UN system.

The Explosives Act prohibits the manufacture of explosives (including
ammunition) anywhere except in a licensed factory - unless exempted by
regulations. We have for many years made regulations to exempt handloaders
from this prohibition and, thus, avoid the expense of acquiring a factory

We are looking for constructive feedback on these proposals. Consultation
with stakeholders is part of the regulatory process. When the proposals are
fully developed they will be posted on our website

Please tell us what you think.

Juri T. Kasemets, P.Eng.
National Manager, Regional Inspection and Enforcement
Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Explosives Regulatory
1505 Barrington St., Suite 1505 North, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3K5
Tel: 902-426-9486, Fax: 902-426-7332

-----Original Message-----

Sent: 29/06/2004 9:36 PM
Subject: proposed limitations on private handloading of amunition

Hasn't the government interfered with us hunters enough ?
There is no justification for this. It's just more beurocratic garbage.
Please STOP and think. This is just another piece of crap, that can only

be charged after the fact. In short, a waste of time. There is nothing
wrong with current explosives act regs, and most reloaders I know follow

them as closely as they can.

Thats: let the letters flow!
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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You know, I usually send a well-reasoned, calm response to bureaucrats about this sort of crap. That's getting old.

Here's my response:

I have just learned of these proposed regulations. They are, in short, ridiculous.

However, the fact that something is ridiculous has never seemed to deter bureaucrats from doing it anyway. So, I will have to assume this is a fait accompli.

However, I fully expect that you will be passing similar regulations on the possession and storage of lawn mower gasoline, such as limits on the amount allowed in possession, distance for refueling from a neighboring dwelling, and no possession in a multi-unit dwelling (that ought to show all those potentially evil building superintendents!!!).

Of course, you obviously must have separate regulations for weed-whacker gasoline. They are a completely different animal, you know.

And, you'd better start on some similar regulations for paper. It burns too, you know.

You people really need to find something better to do than harass honest citizens.

Posts: 2921 | Location: Canada | Registered: 07 March 2001Reply With Quote
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How about propane bottles? MUCH more dangerous!
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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You understand that this, if it goes through, will pretty much eliminate reloading in cities. Toronto, and Wendy, will jump for joy!
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Just more liberal BS. Once one realises that gun control is never about crime or safety but people control one can understand where they are coming from. The crime and safety is just a smoke screen for them to push their real plan to disarm everbody but the ones they want in power.

As stated before there are a lot more dangerous items sold every day propane tanks being one of them. What happens when powder spills on the floor it just sits there. On the other hand when propane leaks a a big bang is forth coming.

Theses people hate the idea of someone being indepentent and taking care of themselfs they want you to come to them for all your needs. So they have control Just the idea that someone can make something they have no control over bugs the hell out of them. They all so know if you can not control ammo you can not control guns as they are very easy to make.

Good luck in your fight also time to stock up on powder and primers if you can.
Posts: 20001 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Not only that, they are pushing this agenda at the UN, they want world wide gun control. This reloading stuff could even hit the US, if Bush doesn't win, I don't think their "right to keep and bear arms" will protect them in this area.
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Come on Guys! enough of the paranoid rantings! These proposed regulations don't sound to far out to me, do you really think it would be O.K. for people to have say 25 or 30lbs of gun powder in an apartment block? Don't forget they are not telling anybody what they can and cannot do at this point they are asking for your input.
Posts: 113 | Location: no fixed address | Registered: 09 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Don't forget they are not telling anybody what they can and cannot do at this point they are asking for your input.

They usually ask for input then ignore it anyways.I have never heard of a single case where an explosion or fire was cause by reloading smokeless powder.I have however heard of fires resulting from people fueling lawnmowers in their yard.I do not see any proposals to outlaw fueling within 15 meters of another dwelling.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002Reply With Quote
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They asked for our "input" on C68. Paranoid? You bet! Damned Liberals are using this as a back door attack on us.

Go ahead, send in a "suggestion" you will get the same form letter back as about twenty that I know of have. Clearly, they are not listening.
I think it's better to let him know your pissed off royally by this pure bullshit, and willing to fight it out. Include the facts, point out the falacy of his thinking. Do so in polite, and informed manner.
If they get enough of those, then his aid might mention to him that he's getting a lot of negative mail, maybe even a mountain of negative mail.
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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The Liberal ruling elite who know what is best for us ALWAYS ask for our input and then enact the ineffective, costly and freedom robbing legislation they had intended to all along. Anyone who actually believes that these statist, fag loving, baby killing, gun grabbing, nation wrecking vermin have the slightest interest in our freedoms or in reality is living in fantasyland.

Last week, Neil Boyd, Phd. a "Criminologist" at Simon Fraser University, openly stated in the "Vancouver Sun" that there is no international law recognized by the United Nations that allows private gun ownership; in short, we Canadians do not have rights in our own country unless the U.N. says so. This over-paid academic parasite openly admits to using illegal drug; yet, he is allowed to spew his "one world order" filth on a tax supported campus and is considered an "expert" by Liberal media outlets such as the "Sun"-owned by the billionaire Aspers of Winnipeg.

This is ALL about bringing back the Middle Ages, as is "human rights" and "anti-hate" legislation along with the lack of instruction in Canadian history in our schools. The obscene cry of "what is a Canadian" from the throats of the multicult mob is also part of this......and they are winning.

It's about the idea that university degrees in pseudo-sciences equip some individuals with superior insight into the Human Condition and thus, they should rule the rest of us for our own good. I think this is so uplifting on the part of the higher purpose drag me from the mire of my traditional Canadian culture into the light of the new world of Feminism, Gayism,Victimism, Social Democracy and Trudopia...we are so lucky!

We need a western republic consisting of B.C.-Yukon-Ab.-Sask.-MB.-NWT. and we need it NOW! This country is simply not working and will never work under the present system; I am tired of watching my living standards decline as my taxes rise and my freedoms evaporate, I want a republic!
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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I recall a case near Ottawa on the Quebec side about 5 or 6 years ago where a Military guy was killed in a fire in his reloading room.

My memory isn't exact on this, but at first they tried to make out that this was because of the great risk in having smokeless powders in the home, but I believe it turned out that the guy was smoking while he was reloading, and he had several cans of powder open at the same time. Both of which are severe no-no's when reloading. As I recall the structure was still intact after the fire.

Posts: 190 | Location: Manotick, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 24 September 2000Reply With Quote
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It sounds like the cause was more the result of smoking not reloading.How many people have been killed because of smoking around flammables or because of falling asleep while smoking yet smoking is still legal.I still have never heard of a case where the actual reloading process using smokeless powder caused a fire or an explosion.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Come on Guys! enough of the paranoid rantings! These proposed regulations don't sound to far out to me, do you really think it would be O.K. for people to have say 25 or 30lbs of gun powder in an apartment block? Don't forget they are not telling anybody what they can and cannot do at this point they are asking for your input.

Yes I think it is just fine. Do you think people should be allowed to have 25lb propane cly. There is a lot of expolsive there. If you really belive that they don't wnat to band reload or make it so hard one cannot do it. You are living in the liberal dream world. I know the libs just have my best interists at heart. So why don't you go turn in all your guns to be store at the local police station where you can ask for them every time you need to use them.

Get a life and forget about the libs really wanting to help you.
Posts: 20001 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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With all the problems in todays society, and all the money they wasted on the Gun Registry, you would think they would have learned. But no, not the Liberals, they are at it again. New regulations for handloaders. That is, people that reload their own amunition. On the surface, they look like they are out to protect the public good. Just like they pretended to be doing with the Gun Registry. Underneath it all, is just a "hidden Liberal agenda" to attack hunting, and responsible gun owners. Criminals, do not reload. It's something only practiced by target shooters, and hunters.
They claim that there is a terrific fire hazzard, yet, when you ask the firemen, most will tell you they have never even responded to a smokeless powder fire. Propane tanks, and gasoline storage are their big concerns in house fires. Modern smokeless powder does not explode, it simply burns, it is a propellant, not an explosive. Propane cylinders, and gasoline fumes cause much more damage.
So what will this law accomplish? Well, it's in a house, so, it's impossible to enforce. Reloaders abiding by the law, will not be able to persue their sport in many areas for the most part. Charges laid will be only after the fact, loading up the courts with more junk charges, preventing them from getting criminals off the streets. The net effect on society will be negative.
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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do you really think it would be O.K. for people to have say 25 or 30lbs of gun powder in an apartment block?

What is your reasoning? Fire hazzard? Or???
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Come on Guys! enough of the paranoid rantings! These proposed regulations don't sound to far out to me

I live in new subdivision in a smaller town. The typical suburban house...with attached garage. Now let me see, where would I find a place, 15 meters away from any neighbouring building, not attached to the house...I guess I'll have to set up a tent in my backyard....right in front of the back gate, that's the spot that might just be 15 meters away from both my neighbours' houses.

Posts: 1717 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 17 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Franz is right. I live on a large lot in the city, and it would be impossible for me to find a place 50 feet from my neighbors. Most homes now only have 45 feet of frontage, for crissake.

You're either a troll, or a fucking Liberal shill. I heard enough from your type during the election and have no more time for you.

From now on, all I'll see of you is:

"You are ignoring this user."

Posts: 2921 | Location: Canada | Registered: 07 March 2001Reply With Quote
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The really SAD thing about this is that I know gun owners and even a gun dealer who actually think the way "NorthSniper" does; the big-lie technique pioneered in the electronic media by Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and MaoZeDong has really worked, just as commie Trudeau knew it would.

On a positive note, I had a conversation with four young (twenty-somethings) fitness instructors today at the gym where I try to make my aged carcass into a Goat-Sheep hunting machine; these folks tend to be pretty hip, cool and anti-gun or hunting. Yet, every single one of them, male and female was interested in my gun collection, my scouting-hunting trips and agreed strongly that Canadians have the RIGHT to keep and use arms for self protection.....the fight ain't over yet!
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Being from the US I have trouble with this as well. I believe it is just another way to disarm us all. You can keep a propane tank or a 5 gallon can of gas in you storage area or garage. There is not much difference in explosive power or fire hazard so just what is the difference? No law I know of protects against stupidity. Also sounds to me like they would have the authority to come into your home to "inspect" things whenever they felt like it.
Posts: 4106 | Location: USA | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Actually, in Canada at least, it's illegal to have a propane tank indoors, as I have been repeatedly reminded in my construction work. I think Hatcher mentions the case of a gunsmith who was cremated by his large store of powder that he accidently ignited, but who keeps more than a few pounds around. It was interesting to see the restrictions Germans live with in dealing with ammunition and powder on a web site. Evidently, even losing a single round is a major concern and you need to have a fire extinguisher with you if you carry more than 100rds. in a vehicle. Also in order to buy powder, you have to have taken a course in reloading. But as they say, Freedom is lost a little bit at a time. Most people just don't realize it
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Cigarettes can't be used to shoot polititions!! derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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In 25 plus years of reloading Neither myself nor anyone that I have talked to has ever had an accident. This new "proposed" law is just more control as required by a very insecure individual. It also dovetails very nicely into the "divide and conquer" catagory! derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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