Moderators: Canuck
Canadian Elections and guns !
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Posts: 7857 | Registered: 16 August 2000Reply With Quote
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I am willing to bet that ...those blue collar workers...will vote C.P.C. in a larger percentage than they will vote No Democracy Pinkos. The working people of Canada are generally quite conservative in almost all respects and the N.D.P. really does NOT represent them; it is the party of the university-trained social worker, "human rights" worker, "multiculturalism worker" ( boy, there are a couple of oxymorons) and similar types.

There is a HUGE difference between the immortal Tommy Douglas, M.J. Coldwell, Stanley Knowles and the likes of Layton, Svend the Sodomite, Libby the Lesbo annd various whackos from wherever; this is not the group that a hardworking union man will likely support. Canadians are among the most independently minded people on Earth and working people here are not the "sheeple"-like serfs prevalent in many foreign our politics demonstrate.

The N.D.P. is an abcess on the Canadian body politic while the Lieberals are traitors, crooks, scumbags and fascists and they are going to get the BOOT!!!!
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Posts: 7857 | Registered: 16 August 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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Alf, lets hope that those blue collar folks have had enough of the Libs, and come to the realization that the only way to get rid of them is to vote COnservative.

Hell, even the "Ultimate champion of the blue collar worker" Roll Eyes Buzz Hargrove has deserted the NDP and now campaigns for the Libs..

Probably looking for some sort of cushy job 'appointment." Roll Eyes

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Posts: 7857 | Registered: 16 August 2000Reply With Quote
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Alf, I live in Smithers, and we can't figure out why all those folks in Rupert and Kitamat are so in love with the NDP. Cullen is a nice enough guy, but nice doesn't cut it most of the time.
Posts: 25 | Registered: 22 January 2005Reply With Quote
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