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Moderators: Canuck
We need help
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Picture of John Y Cannuck
Ok, it's probably our best, and last chance to beat the gun registry into the dirt. Canadians as a whole are behind us. We just have the Liberals to beat.
We need help.
Please, convince as many people as possible NOT to vote Liberal, and prefferably to vote Conservative.
If you can't do that, at least Vote yourself.

Here's some ammunition



Upon taking power in 1993, the Liberals killed a contract to replace the aging Sea King military helicopters, resulting in at least $480 million in cancellation
penalties. The 40-year-old, accident-prone choppers are still flying.



The Liberals paid $60 million -- $45 million in direct out-of-pocket expenses plus $15 million for lawyers -- to Pearson Airport Consortium in 1997 as compensation for
cancelling the privatization of Terminals 1 and 2.



A botched $1.4-billion heating fuel rebate program doled out cash to the wrong Canadians. Then-finance minister Paul Martin announced the gift just before the 2000
federal election, but the auditor general later discovered that as little as 18% made its way to low-income Canadians. Some rebates went to dead people, prisoners and
students who were living at home and didn't pay heating bills.



Calling accounting problems "widespread and serious," the auditor general revealed in 2000 that $1 billion was mismanaged in job-creation grants handled by Human
Resources Development Canada, under minister Jane Stewart. A recreation of the paper trail later found only a few million was improperly disbursed.



The Liberal government spent $101 million on luxury Challenger jets deemed unnecessary by officials at the department of national defence. An auditor general's report
said the purchase -- rushed through on the last day of the fiscal year in 2002 -- broke purchasing rules.



Originally forecast to cost $2 million in 1995, the auditor general predicted in 2003 that actual costs would escalate to $1 billion by 2004-2005. Other independent
calculations have suggested the costs have actually ballooned to $2 billion.



Inadequate oversight and spending controls allowed former privacy commissioner George Radwanski to rack up thousands of tax dollars in lavish lunches and luxury travel.
Last year, the auditor general also found that Radwanski and executive staff were improperly cashing out vacation, overbilling for expenses and creating a hostile work



The auditor general revealed that up to $100 million of the $250-million federal sponsorship program went to Liberal-friendly advertising firms for little or no work.
The program was established to boost the national profile in Quebec after the 1995 referendum on sovereignty.

2004 McGuinty Liberals in Ontario prove to be the biggest liars ever elected. Lying about the very foundation of their campaign, not to raise taxes.
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Gezz, you missed a few. Like the former PM assualting a protestor on camera but the RCMP saying there wasn't enough evidence of a crime.
The promise to "get rid of that dam tax".
Etc. etc.
Posts: 113 | Location: London, Ontario, Canada | Registered: 18 November 2002Reply With Quote
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John I sent your post to as many Canadians as I could find in my address book. Gun regestry or not, the rate at which our liberals waste OUR money is just mind boggeling!!
Posts: 248 | Location: Republic of Alberta | Registered: 04 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Here's a placard I was thinking of putting up on the highway; The Paul Martin Team, for the government you deserve.
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Thats good Grizz, but it might be to subtle for the average Lieberal voter! derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Canadians as a whole are behind us.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I doubt this one very much. There is something seriously wrong with the Canadian mind set in general. Case in point- a 2 year old black bear wandered into a Winnipeg residential area. DNR was unable to tranquilize and trap the bear- it was too agitated and hostile to allow a shot with the tranquilizer gun. City Police ended up killing it with a slug from a tactical Rem 870. The flack that DNR and the police took in the local papers over this was mind boggling. It seems that the average Canadian feels that nuisance bears shouldn't be destroyed- this of course from people with zero experience in dealing with bears. Most canadians subscribe to the Disney version of life in general- sad, but true. These vocal complainers are also the type who get out and vote- they actually like the sort of things that Allan Rock and Anne McLellan do. I won't be holding my breath over this election, and won't be too terribly surprised to see the Liberals back in the house- Likely forming a minority governmennt- coalition time...


Doc Sharptail
Posts: 27 | Location: Winnipeg, Canada | Registered: 24 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Give it a break guy's! why air dirty Canadian laundry on a U.S. board? Looking for some sort of approval from big brother? The gun registry is only one of many issues in this election and considering what has been done to Canada by former conservative governments (NAFTA, GST, destruction of the Avro Arrow ect. ect. ect) basing your vote on an issue like the gun registry is plain stupid!
Posts: 113 | Location: no fixed address | Registered: 09 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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Give it a break guy's! why air dirty Canadian laundry on a U.S. board? Looking for some sort of approval from big brother? The gun registry is only one of many issues in this election and considering what has been done to Canada by former conservative governments (NAFTA, GST, destruction of the Avro Arrow ect. ect. ect) basing your vote on an issue like the gun registry is plain stupid!

#1 This is NOT a US internet board. It is owned by Saeed, whom is a citizen of Dubai.

#2 You are a Liberal voter.

#3 The Liberal party is a far greater danger to my way of life than the Conservatives. The gun registry is just ONE example of how Liberals continue to piss away our money with no net result. There are about a zillion other examples..Hmm..Isn't there some sort of scandal regarding wasted/stolen money right now? And who was finance minister?

Oh, that's right..The guy YOU want to be our PM!!

Any Canadian who votes Liberal is an idiot.

Any Canadian gun owner that votes Liberal is a FUCKING idiot.
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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That's it, Gate, tell us how you REALLY feel!

The entire political system in Canada is a sad farce, it has been deliberately re-jigged to keep a certain type of person in power and they come from all parties, soft-lib lawyers, lefty school teachers, shallow, trendy, sanctimonious professors like Jack Layton and the creatures of international corporatism like Harper and Martin.

The very history and culture of this country is being deliberately destroyed and is not taught in schools; if you dare to speak out in favour of traditional Canadian values and curtural practices, you are immediately labelled a "racist" or "bigot" or "redneck" or "homophobe", especially by those whose lack of both national pride and genuine erudition are demonstrated by their inability to debate sensitive issues openly and honestly.

We have the old "native" game where persons of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry are deemed superior to we native born "white" people and given both special privileges and massive tax subsidies by direct payment, hardly an equitable situation.

We have "multiculturalism" where we "white" people are frequently told by immigrants just off the boat that there is no such thing as a Canadian and how they are more Canadian than we are because they chose to come here--being born here of pioneer stock makes me somehow inferior, I guess.This is in aid of "diversity" we are told by our masters and we must be "tolerant" of the added crime, inflated housing prices, stagnant wages and even being denied the opportunity to apply for a government job in the country we were born in; this courtesy of the current head of the PSC of Canada, an East Indian immigrant, Najeem Mawhani.

Social justice and social engineering, Trudeau-style, are rampant and our society grows more decadent, every day. The gun control situation, immigration-refugee-multiculturalism policy and the deliberate destruction of our health care system are all about the same thing, control of the many by the few. We need a republican, nativist, populist revolution to save Canada, given the demise of the Reform movement, I am not very otimistic.
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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basing your vote on an issue like the gun registry is plain stupid!

Apparently you did not read or could not comprehend the post by john y cannuck.I will copy it below so you can try again




Upon taking power in 1993, the Liberals killed a contract to replace the aging Sea King military helicopters, resulting in at least $480 million in cancellation

penalties. The 40-year-old, accident-prone choppers are still flying.



The Liberals paid $60 million -- $45 million in direct out-of-pocket expenses plus $15 million for lawyers -- to Pearson Airport Consortium in 1997 as compensation for

cancelling the privatization of Terminals 1 and 2.



A botched $1.4-billion heating fuel rebate program doled out cash to the wrong Canadians. Then-finance minister Paul Martin announced the gift just before the 2000

federal election, but the auditor general later discovered that as little as 18% made its way to low-income Canadians. Some rebates went to dead people, prisoners and

students who were living at home and didn't pay heating bills.



Calling accounting problems "widespread and serious," the auditor general revealed in 2000 that $1 billion was mismanaged in job-creation grants handled by Human

Resources Development Canada, under minister Jane Stewart. A recreation of the paper trail later found only a few million was improperly disbursed.



The Liberal government spent $101 million on luxury Challenger jets deemed unnecessary by officials at the department of national defence. An auditor general's report

said the purchase -- rushed through on the last day of the fiscal year in 2002 -- broke purchasing rules.



Originally forecast to cost $2 million in 1995, the auditor general predicted in 2003 that actual costs would escalate to $1 billion by 2004-2005. Other independent

calculations have suggested the costs have actually ballooned to $2 billion.



Inadequate oversight and spending controls allowed former privacy commissioner George Radwanski to rack up thousands of tax dollars in lavish lunches and luxury travel.

Last year, the auditor general also found that Radwanski and executive staff were improperly cashing out vacation, overbilling for expenses and creating a hostile work




The auditor general revealed that up to $100 million of the $250-million federal sponsorship program went to Liberal-friendly advertising firms for little or no work.

The program was established to boost the national profile in Quebec after the 1995 referendum on sovereignty.

2004 McGuinty Liberals in Ontario prove to be the biggest liars ever elected. Lying about the very foundation of their campaign, not to raise taxes.

And in case you didn't notice this is the CANADIAN section of these forums.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Give it a break guy's! why air dirty Canadian laundry on a U.S. board? Looking for some sort of approval from big brother? The gun registry is only one of many issues in this election and considering what has been done to Canada by former conservative governments (NAFTA, GST, destruction of the Avro Arrow ect. ect. ect) basing your vote on an issue like the gun registry is plain stupid!

This is the usual modern Liberal reaction to reasonable informed discourse. If the Americans want to see our dirty laundry, all they have to do is read the newspaper or watch the television news. No big national secrets here. If you can't come up with an informed counter argument, why spout off?


Doc Sharptail
Posts: 27 | Location: Winnipeg, Canada | Registered: 24 October 2003Reply With Quote
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I checked your profile and it seems you are somewhere in canada with a e-mail address. Apparently you pay as much attention to politics as you do to what internet site you are on. Obviously you are not very observant, to have posted here 79 times and have no idea that this is an international site where anyone can voice their opinion, especially in a Canadian forum section. You must be totally deluded to be someone who has an interest in hunting and shooting yet still embrace a political party that are blatant socialist uncanadian criminals. You are evidence that social engineering works on people that don't have a mind of their own.

I want a patriotic whole Canadian society, not some multicultural collage of sects that is eroding the Canadian identity.

I want a government that is responsible and accountable both socially and fiscally.

I want a government that acts in a timely fashion when the need arises not one that makes promises at election time. They've done nothing in this last term and suddenly now a few weeks before the election they are going to fix everything. Sure they are, you betcha.

I want a government that realizes the country has more provinces than just Ontario and Quebec.

I want a government that will do something about national security besides give us lip service.

I want a government that will ensure our armed forces are not an international joke.

I want a government that treats everyone equal.

I want an education system that teaches our youth to think, and be responsible for themselves.

I want a system where people who have worked and payed taxes all their life are are taken proper care of in their old age not just warehoused.

I want a healthcare system available equally to all, not the present one that is mismanaged, underfunded and drives the best of our healthcare professionals to leave the country.

I could go on and on but these are just a few of the issues I'm basing my vote on. Gun control is just another example of government mismanagement. I want my money spent making the streets safe for all not just the criminals. I want to know when the government will make the criminals using these guns responsible and punish them instead of making me register my hunting guns. It's the same as blaming the match for the arsonist.

If you are happy with the current abismal status quo, thats up to you. I'm going to vote for the conservative devil we don't know, any change is better than none.
Posts: 372 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 13 December 2001Reply With Quote
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And I thought Kalifornia was fucked up. Good luck guys, keep the faith.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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The so called evidence you are trying to use is being presented out of context, remember there are 2 sides to every story. I along with millions of other Canadians had to suffer through 10 years of Brian Mulroney's bullshit before the light bulb went on for a lot of you and he had a boot put up his ass, why did it take you morons 10 years to figure out you were getting it up the ass? Now you want more? Air your dirty laundry on gunnutz or in the politics forum.
Posts: 113 | Location: no fixed address | Registered: 09 August 2003Reply With Quote
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And you havent realized you been getting it up the ass even worse since Cretien and his cronies took over after that, but then again maybe you are one of those defective brained types that likes it up the ass. Maybe you havent figured out that this country has been run by morons for the last 45 years of all political stripes, mostly liberal.

Liberals = criminals, liars, scammers, tax-evaders.

Old Conservative Party = pretty much the same as above.

NDP = hippies, welfare cases, sexual deviants,draft dodgers,pot growers.

New Conservative/Alliance party = well we don't know yet, but some of them have actually said things that make more sense than the others. Don't expect much

I would really like to see our current method of government abolished. The whole system is rediculous. Seems were stuck with it whether we like it or not. People like you who don't want to change anything are democracy and progresses biggest enemy, you sit around content to let it continue down the road to medeorocratic obscurity. Canada could be, and continue to be one of the greatist nations in the world if we had good management. We are a country of very few people sitting on one the biggest piles of sustainable resource assets in the world and our government is frittering it away as if it were pigeon droppings. If we had a government capable of good sustained management, we would all be millionaires and have policy that takes care of the needs of its people first and foremost, not just more temporary bandaid solutions the current system gives us. There is no need for this country to be languishing under this continued socialism you so ignorantly endorse.

Its time for a change.
Posts: 372 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 13 December 2001Reply With Quote
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The so called evidence you are trying to use is being presented out of context, remember there are 2 sides to every story. I along with millions of other Canadians had to suffer through 10 years of Brian Mulroney's bullshit before the light bulb went on for a lot of you and he had a boot put up his ass, why did it take you morons 10 years to figure out you were getting it up the ass? Now you want more? Air your dirty laundry on gunnutz or in the politics forum.

We have had to suffer through Chretiens BLATANT misuse of our funds and arrogance.

Have you not figured out that the Liberals have REALLY given it to us up the ass?

Why do maintain that we should 'air our dirty laundry' elsewhere, like on the political forum or gunnutz? Are you afraid of discussing it here? On the Canadian forum of an international board? Where it is probbaly most relevant?

You make my original statement about Canadians that vote Liberal so clear...
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Oscar M:

God Bless you! If Canada does not want you, or Canada does not suit you, I sure would welcome you on this side of the Border!

Government and Common Sense, Government and Fair Equity: What a concept!!!!

Canada is one of the best friends the USA has, and I hate to see how the politicians of each country are in a hurry to see who can run which of our two countries in the ground the fastest.

If you truly can not love and count on your neighbor in a pinch, what have we all accomplished, besides nothing?

Even anarchy looks like it makes more common sense than what the world has turned into.

Both Canada and the USA need more citizens like YOU, and Johnny Cannuck et al. You words are inspirational.


Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Governments that were formed by the former Progressive Conservative Party were made up mostly of "red" Tories. A "red" Tory is really nothing more than a "closet liberal" and in fact many "reds" are further left than some liberals. The one great thing about the new Conservative Party is that it has cleansed itself of most of these weasels, e.g. Joe Clark and David Orchard's names come to mind. If Harper forms the next government (I can dream can't I?) it will be the closest thing to a true conservative government that this country has seen in most of our lifetimes. However, even with the right party taking over, it is unlikely they will ever be able to undo the damage done to Canada by Trudeau, and continued to this day, by that malignant cancer commonly known as the Liberal Party.
Posts: 225 | Location: YYZ | Registered: 08 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of John Y Cannuck
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Hmm I havn't checked in for a bit, but I see you guys are doing just fine.
One point though, as far as airing our dirty laundry (gun registry) to the Americans, or anyone else, it's need to know information for them, it's a battle they have yet to fight, and hopefully, may never have to. We all must stand together, to defeat these anti nuts (Liberals).
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Oh boy! We got a real smart one here.
Posts: 372 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 13 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Even if Harpers people get to form a govt.(yes I am voting for them), I fear that not much will change. All of these newby's will have to go to school at the Council on Foreign Relations building in NYC to learn how to run our country. Bullshit you say?? Joe who and his cronies had to do it and so does every new govt., they just don't say too much about it. derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Johnny boy you must be just licking your chops just think about it, if Harper gets elected your creamatorium will get a hefty business tax break ! Just imagine the extra bonus you and Harper want to send everybody's elses sons and grandsons to Iraq! Shit you could fire up maybe a couple more Retorts and make a fuckin killing when they start comming back full of bullet holes ! Shit you could even make a fuckin killing from financing the creamations! After all it's usualy the poor peoples kids that end up in a lot of these wars! and they don't usualy have disposible income to torch a son or daughter.Man oh man Johnny I can just about see that new big house on the hill Oh yeah look at all the nice pats onthe head your getting from big brother! dosen't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

As songwriter Tonio K once wrote; "Who is this kid?". - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Johnny boy you must be just licking your chops just think about it, if Harper gets elected your creamatorium will get a hefty business tax break ! Just imagine the extra bonus you and Harper want to send everybody's elses sons and grandsons to Iraq! Shit you could fire up maybe a couple more Retorts and make a fuckin killing when they start comming back full of bullet holes ! Shit you could even make a fuckin killing from financing the creamations! After all it's usualy the poor peoples kids that end up in a lot of these wars! and they don't usualy have disposible income to torch a son or daughter.Man oh man Johnny I can just about see that new big house on the hill Oh yeah look at all the nice pats onthe head your getting from big brother! dosen't it make you feel all warm and fuzzy.

The individual making the above quote could obviously benefit from our government investing more money in mental health care.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002Reply With Quote
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In this particular instance, although I firmly believe in "socialized" Medicare, I am afraid that such an expenditure would be a waste of tax dollars. This sort of idiocy is probably congenital and is definitely untreatable.

Don't worry, JonnyC, those of us who participate in this and other forums know you are a good guy; nobody gives a flyin' fuck what this gibbering moron thinks. Christ, the Chimpanzee "Cheetah" in the old Tarzan movies made more sense than this imbecile.
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Boy have we got a sharp moderator here! What happened guy's did somebody forget to lock the door when they left Canadiangunutz and you got out. This is the typical horse shit that carry's on over there endlessly, it seems to be some of your specialty. Why not pack up your juvenile politics and keep the bullshit over there rather than surfacing here and fucking up a decent board with all your usual bullshit? Also to the *MODERATOR* If the Canadian forum is going to be used to push political bullshit! with people exchanging vulgarities ect. then I suggest this forumbe locked or deleted completely until somebody wants to moderate it and keep the topic Positive! and about firearms and hunting. If you don't know what a decent board looks like or how to moderate one I suggest you read this thread
Posts: 113 | Location: no fixed address | Registered: 09 August 2003Reply With Quote
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I choose not to participate in CGN because illiterate, mouthy bozos like you dominate that forum; you instigated a personal attack on JohnnyC and some of us found that offensive. May I suggest, before you refer to anyone as "juvenile" or engage in any other "ad hominem" diatribes, that you learn to spell.

Your comments about JohnnyC wanting to increase his business by sending Canadians to Iraq are completely unacceptable to any decent person. As far as his politics, or mine, or whomevers, you very obviously lack the erudition and the wisdom to comprehend anything beyond your nasty personal remarks. I further suggest that you take "Stubbie's" advice and hurry to your nearest Psychiatric Out-Clinic for any assistance they may be able to render you.
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Posts: 74 | Location: Nanaimo,BC,Canada | Registered: 23 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Thank you gentlemen.
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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By the way, the Crematorium, is not for profit.
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Funny the one being most vulgar is the one complaining about it. I seldom if ever visited, and have never posted at gunnutz because of too many people like you. Run along now, I think I hear one of your mommy's calling.
Posts: 372 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 13 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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Boy have we got a sharp moderator here! What happened guy's did somebody forget to lock the door when they left Canadiangunutz and you got out. This is the typical horse shit that carry's on over there endlessly, it seems to be some of your specialty. Why not pack up your juvenile politics and keep the bullshit over there rather than surfacing here and fucking up a decent board with all your usual bullshit? Also to the *MODERATOR* If the Canadian forum is going to be used to push political bullshit! with people exchanging vulgarities ect. then I suggest this forumbe locked or deleted completely until somebody wants to moderate it and keep the topic Positive! and about firearms and hunting. If you don't know what a decent board looks like or how to moderate one I suggest you read this thread

You don't know much about AR, do you? AR is preceisly what other forums are not. There is no heavy handed moderation, only a request to behave like an adult. Most of the time it works.

The moderator here is Canuck, and he is a fine guy. The owner is Saeed. If you want to complain, complain to him. I'm sure you will get a polite response

Why don't you post your pro liberal stuff over at huntshoot? I'm really interested in seeing the response you get there!

You can post it in the Lounge, so your delicite sense of order is preserved..
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Also to the *MODERATOR* If the Canadian forum is going to be used to push political bullshit! with people exchanging vulgarities ect. then I suggest this forumbe locked or deleted completely until somebody wants to moderate it and keep the topic Positive! and about firearms and hunting. If you don't know what a decent board looks like or how to moderate one ...

If I understand correctly, you are lobbying me to delete your profanity and the negativity that you are bringing to the topic??? And yet you also complain about "Big Brother"?

Sorry, this is a free-speech site. Censorship (deleting or modifying posts) is only practiced here in the most extreme circumstances. Your words stand unless you choose to change them yourself.

Anyone here is free to express whatever political opinion they wish to, and its open to debate by anyone.

If you don't like something you have read here, you are more than welcome to ignore it. And if you don't like the way this site is moderated, you have plenty of other places on the 'net to go.

If your trying to pick a fight with me, don't won't work. I have better ways to spend my time than argue with some anonymous malcontent I don't know.

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Gates, he probably is there, I see one liberal vote in the poll there. "Sniper"... sounds familiar.
Posts: 372 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 13 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Yes, he is there.

I was just asking him to post it there and see what kind of reception he gets...
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Actualy Canuck I posted some of the stuff people would find offensive to see if you would actualy surface and do your job! This forum was created for the discussion of Canadian hunting and firearms discussion not so that individuals can show up here and stump for political parties and try to badger or shit on anybody that has a contrary opinion, is that what you call free speech? Believe me you are going to be the same people taht are going to be sqealing like a stuck pig once again after you get a taste of your Hero mister Harper.
Posts: 113 | Location: no fixed address | Registered: 09 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Actualy Canuck I posted some of the stuff people would find offensive to see if you would actualy surface and do your job! This forum was created for the discussion of Canadian hunting and firearms discussion not so that individuals can show up here and stump for political parties and try to badger or shit on anybody that has a contrary opinion, is that what you call free speech? Believe me you are going to be the same people taht are going to be sqealing like a stuck pig once again after you get a taste of your Hero mister Harper.

I wonder how it is that you feel qualified to tell everyone here why this forum was created or how it is to be managed? Do you even know how AR came to be?

You know very little about AR if you continue to cry for MORE moderation.

Maybe most of us like to use this forum for both purposes, which would make sense, since it is the only 'Canadian content" forum on AR.

You're a typical Liberal...You think know what's best for everyone else
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I wonder how it is that you feel qualified to tell everyone here why this forum was created or how it is to be managed? Do you even know how AR came to be?

I would think this would be quite obvious to even the slowest Moron.
Posts: 113 | Location: no fixed address | Registered: 09 August 2003Reply With Quote
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I wonder how it is that you feel qualified to tell everyone here why this forum was created or how it is to be managed? Do you even know how AR came to be?

I would think this would be quite obvious to even the slowest Moron.

Please, tell us then..How is it supposed to be managed? I'm dying to hear this..
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I see that you are having fun.

My friend Canuck said it right.

Every one is free to express his or her opinion. And as this is the only Canadian Forum we have on AR, you are at liberty to discuss whatever subject you desire.

May I suggest you take a leaf from our Australian friends on their own forum.

They really have a go at each other, and no one has asked for the Moderator to intervene.

Have fun, and remember that you are NOT required to read and answer every post you see.

If you think a post is worth answering, go ahead and do so.

If you think it is not, just ignore it.

Freedom of expression means you have to give the other fellow the chance of expressing himself.

You don't have to listen to him though.
Posts: 70421 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Saeed my friend,

Glad to see you drop by. I have often wondered if you checked up on us crazy Canucks from time to time. We do seem awefully mild mannered compared to our Aussie brethren though, don't we?

Given that there is, at long last, a possibility that there will be a change in leadership in this country, I have expected a great deal more discussion on the topic than has actually been the case.

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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