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Ont. dad arrested after daughter draws picture of gun: Reports By QMI Agency Absurd gun arrest Police arrested a Kitchener, Ont., father outside his daughter's school because the four-year-old drew a picture of him holding a gun. Jessie Sansone told the Record newspaper that he was in shock when he was arrested Wednesday and taken to a police station for questioning over the drawing. He was also strip-searched. "This is completely insane. My daughter drew a gun on a piece of paper at school," he said. Officials told the newspaper the move was necessary to ensure there were no guns accessible by children in the family's home. They also said comments by Sansone's daughter, Neaveh, that the man holding the gun in the picture was her dad and "he uses it to shoot bad guys and monsters," was concerning. Police also searched Sansone's home while he was in custody. His wife and three children were taken to the police station, and the children were interviewed by Family and Children's Services. Sansone's wife, Stephanie Squires, told the newspaper no one told them why her husband had been arrested. "He had absolutely no idea what this was even about. I just kept telling them, 'You're making a mistake.'" Several hours later, Sansone was released without charges. If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness." - Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick ![]() ![]() ![]() | ||
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We need a fund that all gunowners pay into and use to legally protect ourselves from these Nazis. | |||
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All across Quebec, one hundred liberals must be misty eyed with pride. And one dipshit mayor in Toronto is probably happier ,n a hog in horse shit. Normally, I tend to support the cops, but c,mon, guys. If it looks like horse shit, smells like horse shit, do you really need to stick your finger in it and find out of it tastes like horse shit? If you,re OPP and you happen to read this, suggest to your buddies it might be time to quit sampling the kool-aid in the evidence room.. | |||
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typical behaviour up here in canukistan.....hey bob theres a law abiding citzen over there what should we do? well joe lets go fuck him over because thats what we fellow canadians do to each other we dig into each others privet shit because we have nothing better to do and we arrest parents for pictures drawn by there kids in crayola crayon of them holding up there family duck gun wich they use to feed there family and has probably been in the family for generations.... | |||
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Gentlemen Is it possible to create an organization funded with donations and such, whose sole purpose is to sue the law officers individually who commit these assaults on citizens? Jim "Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." --Thomas Jefferson | |||
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Is there something offensive in my question? If so please be assured it was not intended. Jim "Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." --Thomas Jefferson | |||
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February 25, 2012 Dad wants answers after daughter draws gun pic By KRIS SIMS, Parliamentary Bureau Jessie Sansone, 26, holds his four-year-old daughter Nevaeh in this undated photo. (Submitted/Sansone family) OTTAWA - Jessie Sansone and his family are reeling after he was arrested and strip searched by police after his four-year-old daughter drew a picture of a man with a gun in her Kitchener, Ont., kindergarten class. The 26-year-old father of four said Saturday the sketch was supposed to be him, getting the bad guys and monsters. The school must have thought differently, as after Nevaeh drew it Wednesday, the school contacted Family and Children's Services and they called police. Waterloo Police met Sansone at the school when he tried to pick up his kids he was told he was charged with possession of a firearm. He was then handcuffed and put him in one of the several squad cars waiting outside, he said. "When I was finally able to see my family, after this ordeal was over, my little girl ran up and gave me a hug me and asked: 'Daddy, are you mad at me?'" said Sansone, his voice choked. "How could she ever think that I would be mad at her? She knows this has to do with her drawing." Sansone, and his wife, Stephanie, have been together since they were teenagers. They have four children, aged 10 years to 15 months, and Stephanie is five-months pregnant with their fifth child. "Years ago, being really young parents we were given the cold shoulder, like we didn't know how to raise our children, this feels like that again, because I felt totally alone in that cell," Sansone said. "We still can't believe this happened to us." Sansone had a scrape with the law five years ago, but has since turned his life around, left Toronto for Kingston, Ont., and has become a certified counsellor. While Sansone was being strip searched at the police station: told to disrobe, lift his testicles and bend over, his wife was home with their 15-month-old daughter. "They came to my house, told my wife that I had been charged with possession of firearms, that she would have to come with them, and that Sundae (their infant daughter) would have to go with the social worker," said Sansone. Stephanie called her Mom who rushed over to take Sundae instead. "My littlest is still in diapers with a bottle. Thank goodness my mother-in-law lives nearby," Sansone said. Once Stephanie got to the police station she had to wait. "The detective was giving my wife the idea that our children were at the police station with her, just in another room at the station. She was waiting for over an hour, close to two hours, not knowing where the kids were," Sansone said. His children had been at Family and Children's Services, being interviewed by social workers. "So, my wife was really panicking at that point. So her and the detective drove down to children's services. They questioned each of my children." Now the family is trying their best to explain things to their kids. "At that interview, I wasn't there, my wife wasn't there, but my boys, all they know right now is: 'Daddy and guns, guns and Daddy' - my kids knew all the police were at the school because of me. Now I have to explain to them how much of a mistake this is." Sansone said police searched his house and found a plastic toy gun that shoots foam darts. "So many people dealt with this situation in the wrong way," said Sansone. "I know the principal really well, how could he judge my character in this way? I drop off and pick the kids up every day, I always say hello, I sign every report card, I go to every parent teacher meeting, I am an active parent at that school." The family is trying to decide what to do next, and they are finding a new school for their children to attend. If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness." - Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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The teacher and the cops should be tied to a post and whipped for this!!! Unreal!!! | |||
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This is wrong on so many levels. He should sue and get 100 Million Dollars. DOUBLE RIFLE SHOOTERS SOCIETY | |||
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Absolutely ! World class idiots ! | |||
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Sadly, this sort of shit is probably coming soon to a country near you. | |||
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what a load of crap so proof of a crime is what a young child had drawn at school. The principal should be dismissed and the cops dissmissed and charged with harasment. When i was at school a techer who had grown up in east germany told us of how the schools worked with the police to catch out people who were watching west germany TV. They would have the kids draw the clock that was shown on tv and if it was draw the same as the clock on west german TV the parents got a knock on the door. Is this what these do gooders want a world were knee jerk over reactions are the norm. | |||
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I sent a letter to the Chief of police in that city and asked him WTF but in nicer terms.lol It will be interesting to see if thee is any response and if there is one what his thoughts are. This is so crazy in so many ways. I think a few more letters would be a good things guys. The more the police see how frustrated people are over this the better. We are in our own little war in this country over guns and rights and we need to voice our opinions. If we just stand by and let this happen you could be next. I have my fingers crossed with this registry being axed that it does not come back to haunt us. The oposition is already wanting to change gun classifications and take away some guns that are now legal. Sooner or later it might get so bad that we can only hunt with a single shot or have to lock up our guns at the local poice station and pick them up on our way out of town to go hunting. | |||
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canada would break out into war befor getting to that point.. it would be a cold day in hell befor i left my guns at a police station and pick them befor i go hunting the day they came to pick them up would be the day alot of cops end up dead and all canadians should be the same if we keep giving up rights eventualy we will have none. | |||
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Now have you realised what you just said in your above post? Those kinds of threats do none of us any good and provide so much to the anti gun types it is insane. You are playing right into their agenda and dragging us down with you. We spoke on the phone about 3 years ago when you lived here in Alberta as I had offered to take you to my gun club so you could use the range as my guest to see if you liked the place enough to become a member.The comments you made to me in that one phone call made me nervous about you and I never returned any of you calls thereafter. I see my gut feeling was right from back then as you have proven in the above reply you posted. If you want to drag yourself down that dirt road fine it is your choice but do not in ignorance or apathy drag the rest of us with you. | |||
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Um, no you didn't invite me anywhere if you are talking to me. I have no idea who you are???? What do you think we all should do??? Maybe sitting on our rear ends and not doing anything is your idea of fighting for your rights??? Nothing wrong with verbally speaking out! | |||
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Nube .. I think that he was talking about the other chap .. (700 Nitro) Does anyone know the particular school in Kitchener ... I would love to send both them and the superintendent a letter of recrimination ... How about that for a ten dollar word ! I taught school for a bit over 34 years and this was about the damnnest thing that I have ever heard ... The cops also were absolutely way out of line .. Grrrrrrrrrrrr !!! | |||
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Sorry nube I did not see you post when I added the quote im my reply. I am not much with computers anyway so sorry for screw up. I am all for fighting and not sitting on my hands and have no problem with anyone speaking out, But when posters start talking about a lot of dead cops if they come to get his guns is a wee bit over the top don't you think? Really does not add anything good to our fight as moral, mature and responsible gun owners. So my post was directed at 700 Nutjob not you so I guess for my lack of internet/ computer savy I owe you a beer. Cheers | |||
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You don't owe me a thing but glad it wasn't me that you were upset at. I have yet to hear back from the police after the letter. Guess it shows what kind of mentality I am dealing with. At least if they had a foot to stnad on they could have sent me a reply. | |||
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Its called the NRA, every gun owner should join. | |||
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The NRA isn't much good for Canucks. | |||
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Sounds like theres an opening for a Canadian version.. | |||
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From the outside looking in, in regards to handguns, seems you,re about halfway there. I,m a trucker. the idea that I can be trusted to drive a big rig, but lack the discernment to safely drive a pick up is preposterous. Fundamentally, that is what Canadians are being told about handguns. I am Canadian, I live in Alaska, and I am a life member of the NRA. | |||
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You might be right Muttly!! I think we are slowly loosing the batle to the anti gun people. I even hear of the U.S having more of a fight to keep the laws for guns in place. I am not sure the history but did not the British take away the guns from the people and make it very hard for them to own a gun?? | |||
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The British system is a lot like the Canadian one. A bit more restrictive in some ways and less in others. | |||
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There would seem to be parallels. I,d be tempted to look at Britain,s 1920 Firearms Act, compare that to Canada,s handgun registry of 1934. With Britain,s Firearms Act..anyone wanting to keep a firearm had to get a certificate from his local police chief certifying that he was a suitable person to have a weapon and had a good reason to have it. The definition of "good reason" left to the police, was gradually narrowed. Then, in 1969, the Home Office decided, "It should never be necessary for anyone to posses a firearm for the protection of his house or person"... Compare that to an average joe getting an average handgun in Canada today. If I remember correctly, it was around April, March, of 2010, that a homeowner in the Vancouver area, heard what sounded like a break in at his home. After calling 911, he went downstairs with a shotgun, found 3 intruders. Two of them left, he held one at gun point until the arrival of the police. The really neat part?. The news clip shows him being carted off to jail in the back of the same van as one of the A-holes that broke into his home. The reporter spoke of how nicely the "suspect" had co-operated. The policewoman interviewed admonished "citizens", not to take the law into their own hands.. Pop quiz- someones breaking into your home.. How do you know what their intentions are? What is the average 911 response time? History repeats itself. The disarming of the British people was a gradual thing, slowly leading up to a state of affairs in which it it is virtualy illegal to defend yourself. A state where the criminal would seem to have more state afforded protections than the "citizens" he would prey upon. Parallels? | |||
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I sent this to a couple of radio talk shows hoping they would mention it. I listen to your show regularly and have tried to get on today regarding the child drawing in Ontario. The above attachment is from the mytelus web page. There are a couple of things that stand out as rather bothersome and that would be an extremely polite way to phrase it. Quote from the article “The school, police and child welfare officials all stand by their actions, saying they had to investigate whether there was a gun in the house that children had access to” If the gun registration works as well as Bill Blair says it does, should the police already have known if the man in question had firearms. Also a firearms licence should of been on record. Quote from article “The girl's father, Jessie Sansone, was handcuffed, strip-searched and told he was being charged with illegal possession of a firearm. His pregnant wife — at home with their 15-month-old daughter — had to go to the police station while their other three children were interviewed by Family and Children's Services.” “The school, police and child welfare officials all stand by their actions, saying they had to investigate whether there was a gun in the house that children had access to. If the police were investigating if a child had access to a firearm. Should they have had a warrant to check if there was safe storage? How does strip searching the man to see if he has a firearm in his buttocks? Justified .... Not. Quote from article “A local school board official later defended the decision to report the drawing, saying they were "co-parenting" with parents.” So if one of my children draws a picture of me giving them a hug or a kiss can I be charged with being a pedophile? And if they are “co- parenting” am I allowed to “co- teach”? If my child falls in the playground and hurts herself and if a teacher touches them in anyway even if they are helping and even if it’s a hug to make her feel better am I allowed to charge them and the school board for assault or sexual advances to a minor? It should work both ways shouldn’t it? This is incredible that this is happening in Canada where we are supposed to be a free country. | |||
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Excellent points FredB. What a messed up world we are living in when this kind of crap can happen and the idiots that should know better don't have the foggiest idea of right and wrong. If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness." - Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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To be honest - the ugly truth is that they have more bark than bite here in America. Every major piece of anti-gun legislation that has had any real backing here in the U.S. has passed. Now with thier lobbying efforts they are able to knock down a lot of the knick knack legislation that the anti's try and sneak through. But the NRA has been unable to block anything thats had a solid coalition behind it... | |||
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