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Like my father said better late than never, so here my sotne sheep hunt. (sorry for my english is not my natural lenguaje but i do my best) September 25 of 2004 in the airport of Vancouver i aboard the direct flight to Whitehorse, upon taking my seat the passenger that was seated beside me has a boots Meindel equal to mine, for which I decided to cause talks with him, about the shooting, for my surprise was the other hunter that had also will hunt Stone Sheep with Frank and Cindy Simpson, his name is Paul Oppegard, all the flight we pass it talking of calibers, rifles and of what we expected of this hunt. Already in Whitehorse in the band to collect the luggage I was met by a gentleman 50 years old. with a cap of SIMPSON STONE SHEEP LTD. organization with the one that hire the hunting of Stone Sheep and mountain goat, together we collected us buffers bag, my back pack and the metallic case of my rifle, as well as the luggage of Paul. The first news was that there was change of plans, since the original itinerary was that that night we would spend the night in Whitehorse and the next day in the morning we would leave bound for Watson Lake where Paul and I we would take different airplanes, Paul would go to the camp Windy Point and I´ll meet Frank and Cindy Simpson in the main camp that carries the same name that the lake in Which would land the seaplane in the lake Burn Rose. For which now we would leave direct to Watson Lake after doing some urgent purchases of provisions. On Watson Lake, where we lodge in the hotel BIGHORN, following day at 7 am, I take a Cesna, After 30 min. Of flight where I could film some incredible landscapes, we land in the lake Burn Rose were I meet Frank, Cindy, Kevin and Josh these last two guy will be my guide and assistant respectively during the next 12 hunting days. After a light breakfast, change me of clothes and we raid the horses to the first camp "Moose Camp", we set the tent and kitchen, so we went to sleep early because tomorrow was the first hunting day. The first hunting day, September 27, 2004, we leave the camp still in the darkness at 6:00 a.m. already when we leave the horses hitched to drive the walk the sun barely was appearing in the horizon, and to the few meter of climb the mountain we distinguish in the opposite mountain 14 lambs, we observe it for a hour hopping if a gallant male them toward company, without bother them we continue rising, already in the new position, upon beginning to spotting we find a male youth of ½ curve at 600 meters very close, also we leave it in peace and as on time we saw 3 sheep, they were 2 kilometers far, but even at that distance one of them lucks a dark and heavy horns, seemed that serious a legal and adult sheep, the other two were seen good but not so good as the large one, we were seeing them by near 5 hours to see which road they take, to the 5:00 p.m. began to snow and the temperature goes down, and began to blow the wind and the fog began to be formed, for which we decide to initiate the return to the horses and from there to the camp, to half a road we found again to the male whit ½ curve but this time accompanied by another lamb which was of ¾ of very pretty dark horns but he was not legal, we leave in peace to the animals and we arrive at the camp, have dinner and went to sleep. In the tent the plans for the following day were done, Josh and I would return to the same zone but we would rise a mountain that was found to the east, where we would seek sheep, while Kevin would advance to be going to revise the 3 male sheep, in specify to the "tight" that was the sheep of thick, very heavy horns and of color dark brown, if was legal and they were of good size, will hunt them the following day, since they were very far away and we would delay at least 10 hours to horse only of departure and return, for which we should be 100% sure. To mention that the Stone sheep be legal and can be hunted should be covered any of the two following points: 1.- at least one of the two horns seeing it of side, should cross the line of the nose. 2.- to Have at least 8 years of age, counted by the rings of growth that are appreciated in the horns of the sheep. September 28, we leave the camp at 6:00 a.m., according to the plan, Kevin take another course to be approached but possible to the "Tight" and to corroborate that was legal whether for the age or by the long one of the horn. By ours splits Josh and I rise the mountain that was found to the east, was a solid one of stones with the top covered with snow, difficult the ascent, at the top we had an incredible landscape of that side of the mountain they were drainers of stone, later discover in the opposite slope 5 sheep, 2 of them male, the large lucks good, we observe them for 2 hours, until one by one walking, they turned the corner for the side of where we had risen, returning for our tracks we gave a great detour to intercept them, 45 min. later we were hidden after a stone and set against us 50 meters 5 sheep and at 250 meters there was 8 sheep and at 750 mts there was a flock of 20 sheep, but of all these the largest was a ¾ , we remain seeing them for 3 hours, in this valley also we saw, a grizzly with two cubs, and two moose; at 4:30 p.m. began to break down the day, it began to snow and the fog began to be formed, and already keeping the telescopes Kevin arrive, report us that the ram "Tight" if was very thickness of horn, but that was dull and that none of the two horns surpassed the line of the nose for which was not legal, a little uncomfortable I told him that if had counted him the rings because I was almost sure that if was thick and it was dull, him could be a male 8-year-old or older, he comment that not, because is very difficult and the rings are very deceitful, that he would not be risked to that removed him the license by killing a ram that was not legal, that bother me a lot, since if had that two options that a sheep could be legal, why always the easy, Since a dull and thick sheep is a male adult and surely serious a good trophy; Kevin finish the discussion saying that we would see one large since we were seeing for day near 20 animals and that sooner or later we would see the male adults, so did not worry, "yes, ease to said, because your are not paying for these expensive hunt" - I said toward my interior. September 29 the landscape was completely different to the previous day all was white and black, the snow was 6 inches deep. We leave the camp at 7:00 a.m. carried barely 20 minutes riding when at 200 mts in the same slope of mountain, we saw 4 sheep, 3 females and one male, and what a male? It was seen precious black from head to toe, the horns long gross, on one jump I was ready to shot, Kevin and Josh study him with the telescope, lacked 1 inch to be a legal, so we leave them eating and we continue riding, gave a great detour to the mountain that was behind the back of the camp, at 2:00 p.m. began to snow and we continue hunting, we rise shaft the Of the mountain but we did not see but lambs, the snowfall not to stop in all the day, we return to the camp at 6:00 p.m. we have dinner and we went to sleep. September 30, awoke me Josh at 5:00 a.m. the thermometer marked -17 degrees "C", and the snow was of approx. 8 inches deep, I did not have breakfast i only take a coffee. We leave the camp at 7:00 a.m. we take the same course that the previous day and we saw again the 4 sheep of the previous day, with the telescope we affirm that even not the horns grew the inch that need, so that was not legal. In this occasion instead of surrounding the mountain behind of the camp, we continue forward toward a very deep glen, we rise with the horses the slope of the right side of the mountain and rise to a point where they finished the trees and they began the stones and snow, there Kevin said "lets walk", we dismantle and we hitch the horses, they were 8:45 a.m., we begin to rise surrounding the mountain left side to be able to observe a very deep creek with walls of stone and snow that were very high, very hard that part, but nevertheless the slope that were scaling that was of stone slab type, stones covered with snow and ice, was very heavy truth of walk, inclusive with the aid of the two walking sticks that carried, one hour of road we stopped to take air and we set the telescopes to revise the opposite slopes that were as 1,5 kilometers, I did not regulate my respiration when Kevin said "Gustavo, there is your RAM", in a single movement place my telescope and focus the opposite slope, was a awesome ram, he moved slowly he went leaving the line of the trees toward the open area of stones and snow, even to that distance was seen that the horns had mass, long and his hair was completely black, quickly we approach losing height by the slope that walked and as 1 kilometer we hid between the trees and we observe it; It was a solitary RAM, was thrown seeing toward the left, was seen clearly as the two almost symmetrical tips rose and they surpassed the line of the nose at least two inches doing the flare of the tips, Kevin said its long one of horns in at least 39 inches being able to be at 40 ½ inches. "You like it, Gustavo" - said Kevin "Fascinates Me, lets go for him" -I said touched. Ok we are going to descend for this side of the mountain, hiding us in the trees, this ram is going to be thrown as for two hours, but that we can use to approach, Kevin went at the front then me and in the end Josh, each one carried its backpack, I in my backpack brought a box extra of 20 shots, the telescope, cord, lighter, lamp, plastic bag for water, photo camera, video camera, cassettes, portable kit of cleaning of rifle, buffet, basic kit of first aids, my rifle and the two walking sticks, so my backpack as well as that of my companions was an impediment to move us freely between the large pines and the small "willows" (to which finish hating since they complicate to walk among them) we begin the spying, descending for the slope where we were covering us with the pines And trying not to leave to some space, in each moment with the binocular we revised the position of the ram, but the ram do not collaborate, It thrown raise tranquil and walking as slow as was able he turn the corner the mountain in its highly point, nervous i ask Kevin if the ram would have discover us and the told me that that is not probable, that we will find it of the other side, but that we hurried for give him less time to move away. The lowering was full of slips, stumbles, falls, blows; good there was of all, I felt as in the panic purchases of December in a shopping center in Mexico City. In the creek there was a clean stream with crystalline water, and I say that there was, because of a single sip a drink all the water, i was dead, I arrive almost dehydrated i had sweated as sick, and that was of lowering and now comes the worse part, the equal ascent of high and equal of steep like the lowering. Fill my "camel back" of water, and I began to scale follow to Josh that at the same time follow Kevin, the first 500 meters of ascent were really hard. We continue and after 3 hours we arrive at the top, we take a rest, where I take advantage to clean and revise my rifle, 5 min. and now we begin to seek the ram surrounding the top revising the slops of the mountain, step by step with a lot of care he went Kevin, then I and in the end Josh, all seeing in all directions as if to feel that there would be at any moment, we would have walked 20 minutes when on the verge of turning the corner, in same slope, Kevin saw the head of the ram, in that Kevin tell us that we bent down quickly and with the binocular in the face little by little he was being raised and he told us "fast we descend to that extension of stones" I slip me as quickly as possible following Kevin, but still we were 10 meters of the edge of the slop, there we hid and while Kevin removed his spotting scope of his backpack I prepare my rifle I put cartridge in the chamber of the 7mm Dakota and remove me backpack to use it, as a rest, trying to control my pulse and respiration, Kevin tells me "OK, be ready", and little by little he began to raise to see where was the ram, but just then I committed a serious error that fortunately not step to greater; at the same time that Kevin raised itself I raised after him, the impulse of Seeing the ram was able but that to control me to avoid that to see us. Upon going rising even up than Kevin, because not block me the view, my angle of vision was greater than Kevin, and I could see clearly two rams, the first one was stopped giving us the back looking at toward the front and the second that was 15 meters bellow the first one, went walking a little slanted to the right, they were 250-300 meters of distance, so, Kevin tell me "lets go to the edge", quickly take my backpack and we approach the edge of the slope, Kevin place its spotting scope to see the ram and I chest to land place my rifle on my backpack in a perfect rest, in that moment Kevin says "Very good shot him" and I told Kevin "which of the two" in that Kevin hit Bounce back and I repeated, "which one is the biggest", Kevin removed of wave placed again its spotting scope and little by little went rising shaft that saw the second ram, the bottom one and told me "The second, that of down that this a lot better". Just then seemed that the time stopped and I recalled all the histories of my friends hunters of the confusions to decide which ram to shot, and in specific me harmonious of a friend in his hunt in Iran: Guide- "Shot him, the good one he is the fifth one" Hunter- "the fifth one, taking the leader as the first one" Guide- "yes" Hunter- "The one that has a white spot in the back" Guide- "yes" Hunter- "The one that is crossing the stream" Guide- "yes he is the good one" “Bang” the shot go on, and the ram collapse guide says- "why you shoot that small one, the large one was the other" After all this cross to my mine, I check the first ram, through the scope of my rifle, descend the rifle and check the second ram, I revised again to the first one and later again to the second and at this moment the large ram that was the second, already was slanted toward the right seeing us with that fixed look of the rams, just then concentrate me and insurance of the rifle and goes the shot, I hear the magic sound of the bullet hitting the target. the ram fell on its tracks without giving a single step, quickly a reload but Kevin said "well done is down", what a happiness shout, I hold and kiss Kevin and Josh, fast kick-off my camera of video and reach to film to the ram that was running, just then we understood that this ram that had hunted was large that the first one That we saw, nevertheless the ram that went if gave the 40 inches by side since were very symmetrical the horns, quickly we keep all and we leave flying to see my ram. I could not believe, the horns of the ram grew and grew among at approached him, upon throwing I saw the ram and it is really good one, is a lot better than expected the three, 44 ¼" in the right horn and 40 ½" in the left horn, with 13 7/8" of bases in the two horns. ![]() By mexicanhunter, shot with HP ScanJet 4600 at 2008-06-21 ![]() By mexicanhunter, shot with HP ScanJet 4600 at 2008-06-21 ![]() By mexicanhunter, shot with HP ScanJet 4600 at 2009-08-21 The bullet hit the left arm and exit in the base of the neck of the right side, I measured the distance with the laser, and the distance to the dead ram was 249 meters. The following day we awake late to the 9:00 a.m. and we dedicate us to clean the hide and the skull, rained all the day, New hopes are received to the new day that to give us but elation woke up, sunny and cleared, so after the excellent composed food of backs and ribs of Stone sheep, we dismantle the camp and we begin to charge to the horses, which is all an art since the loads should be leveled of each side of the so much horse in weight as in height. The eight horses were ready for the half a day, so we mount and we initiate the cavalcade toward the new camp, after almost 5 hours and already entrance the night we arrive at the camp, where we discharge the horses and we set tent, have dinner and went to sleep, near midnight. October 4 we raise ourselves with one morning extremely cold, after having breakfast we saddle the horses and we leave in north direction, to a mountain that tapeworm all the top covered with snow. In no place as before we find traces of grizzly, for which all the road was with a lot of precaution to be able to avoid some encounter with a one barefoot; upon arriving near the top we hitch the horses and we begin to climb for turn the corner the top and to seek the goats in the slope of the other side of the mountain. Upon arriving at the top almost immediately we find 4 lambs and 3 young lambs of stone eating in a wall of stone, without bothering them we turn right and we begin to seek to the goats in the slopes, almost immediately we discover 3 goats at 600 mts bellow us, one of them excelled for his size, was a male adult with excellent measures of horns, so we decide to hunt it, we were seeing them for 45 minutes, until they were walking in a slope that made the approach ease. Descend hiding us with a stones as 400 meters and upon appearing us in the predestined point to made the shot, we saw with horror that the goats were moving and apparently they had discovered us, and instead of be an easy shot at 200 meters with the animals stopped, now was presented me a shot at 300 meters and the animals walking, quickly place my backpack at front, place my rifle supporting me in her, looking true the riflescope the goats that walked in straight line being moved away of my for which when Kevin indicate me that shot to the first one, I put the reticle in the center of its back and little by little I was squeezing the trigger until the shot, the goat fell in his tracks and began to be rolled for the slope. We descend the slope until arriving at the animal, the shot had hit in the center of the column lither back close to the kidneys in direction to the chest, it was larger than imagined me. ![]() By mexicanhunter, shot with HP ScanJet 4600 at 2009-08-21 ![]() By mexicanhunter, shot with HP ScanJet 4600 at 2008-06-21 Now my objectives are in completing my grand Slam, two rams lack me and I expect that they be of the same quality of this Stone. TROPHYS AT HOME IN MEXICO ![]() By mexicanhunter, shot with DSC-W80 at 2008-07-05 ![]() By mexicanhunter, shot with DSC-W80 at 2008-07-05 best regards G. Ayala | ||
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Wow, congrat on a nice ram. Thanks for taking the time to share. | |||
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Touche' beautiful animals. Sounds like a great hunt!! | |||
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Wonderful Ram!! I have seen your pics before, thanks for the story. | |||
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Outstanding animals and mounts, with good story,pictures | |||
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That is a great sheep, anything over 40" is getting tough to find. Doug McMann www.skinnercreekhunts.com ph# 250-476-1288 Fax # 250-476-1288 PO Box 27 Tatlayoko Lake, BC Canada V0L 1W0 email skinnercreek@telus.net | |||
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What a Stone! Well done. | |||
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Outstanding ram and great story. I loved the Spanish/English version! I killed a ram last year just east of where you were hunting. Not as big but gorgeous all the same. Congratulations | |||
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I'M JEALOUS!!!!!!I want a stone BAD!!!, all I have to settle for is huntin' Dall sheep every year... | |||
Moderator![]() |
WOW. That stone is a beauty! I got one in '99 that is almost a perfect twin...mine is actually a little longer, but yours has a little more mass. Unreal. ![]() Congrats and thanks for sharing! | |||
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thanks to all, for your letters and canuck , really good stone you get, and as your said they are twins. mine was hunt near de mayor hart river, in the cassiar. again thanks to all. best regards G. Ayala | |||
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Fan300Mag, Thanks for taking the time to post and take the pictures. I am somewhat aware of the difficulty in thinking in one language and communicating in another. It was facinating to read. Congratulations on a great hunt and great memories. Good hunting, Graham | |||
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Absolutely - great reading and the pics are like good icing on a cake. "Shoot hard, boys." | |||
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Congratulations on a super ram and thanks for a great story. NRA Endowment Life Member | |||
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WOW! What a great hunt! "There are worse memorials to a life well-lived than a pair of elephant tusks." Robert Ruark | |||
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Awesome trophies, and good story....good luck in your quest for the remaining two. Canuck, that ram of yours still makes me choke as much today as it did when I 1st saw the pic yrs ago....awesome! Rod -------------------------------- "A hunter should not choose the cal, cartridge, and bullet that will kill an animal when everything is right; rather, he should choose ones that will kill the most efficiently when everything goes wrong" Bob Hagel | |||
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That is a gorgeous ram in any "lenguaje"! Congratulations. You just killed two animals that would be high on my "to-do" list right after I cashed that lottery jackpot check! Frans | |||
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thanks to all, now i´m woking in the report of mongolia hunt best regards | |||
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