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378 Weatherby
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Just thought I would fill you guys in on my first pumpkin throwing through a chrony. Still waiting for scope mounts but couldn't wait any longer had to squeeze some off.
260gr Accubond
fed. 215

This is what I saw my first round:
115 gr 3328 fps all 3 shots within 3 fps
116gr 3318 - 3369 kinda eratic
117gr 3427 2nd & 3rd didn't register
All brass didn't show any signs of pressure what so ever. Looking forward to taking it up another notch.

What a dream to shoot, with the heavy barrel and the muzzle brake very nice, took the brake off for a 117 gr load and not bad at all. With brake definately a bench rifle. Will keep you posted on the accuracy side of things next outing.(and some pictures possibly)

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Those seem kinda high. You might want to check your primer pockets before continuing to increase your loads.
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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I think you're done at the 115 gr. load. Scope it and check accuracy. They're fast but not magic.
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Just for laughs I checked the latest Nosler book. It says 107 max. The new Barnes book says 111 grs. Not that those are dead on but gives some idea. I found with mine I was slightly over book max too. I was going slightly over 3000 fps with 300s. I think slightly over 3300 with 260s should be about right. Your primer pockets will tell you.
Posts: 558 | Location: Southwest B.C. | Registered: 16 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Thanks guys for the input I will check my primer pockets before I load anymore. These numbers are from the Alliant loading pages, I know they are quite abit higher than the nosler loads. Why is there such a huge discrepency?

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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BDD, I'm not sure about the discrepencies.
Wby. 3.62 26 Fed. 215 Reloder 22 115 3,050 c.u.p.
47,200 -

Check the cases carefully. I agree with MTM, 115 does sound like a good shooter!
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Twenty years ago when I still had a shoulder, 270 grain Hornadys reallt did chronograph at 3100 Ft/Secs. It was a FULL LOAD though. 260's at 3400... That's a bit of a stretch. Eeker

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I am actually quite offended that you would call me a BSer and we haven't even met, kinda rude. I have posted a comment from another forum and another individual and he has some pretty fast rounds with REL 22 as well. Guess he must be lying as well huh!!!!!!!
I will be at the range again in the next couple of days with a camera and video and will post some results later

Thread: 260 Accubonds? View Single Post
#6 08-12-2007, 07:48
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: usa
Posts: 2

Re: 260 Accubonds?


Well finally got a chance to fire some loads for the 260 gr Accubonds.

Brass had been previously fired 2x, and was in good shape.
All rounds were neck sized, and bullets seated with a slight crimp.

Loaded 12 rounds of Imr 4350 at 108.

I loaded 6 rounds of rel 22 started at 116 116.5 117 and 117.5

I found loads for 4350 Imr that were recommended at 108gr on some site. The speed was about what was claimed aprox 3220. However pressure was very high. DO NOT START WITH 108 FOR THIS ROUND! Indications are accuracy may be good, but I did not shoot many, as the pressure is way high and cartridges extracted with difficulty, with bolt impression all around base of cartridge not just extractor. I am pulling this bullets. I will try a couple at 105gr just to see how much velocityis lost, and try and get a sense of accuracy.

The reloader 22 velocities ranged from 3225 at 116 to 3280! at 117.5. But the bullets seemed to scattered all over, and the 117.5 was getting too hot. Pressure signs for the 116 range was good. I have loaded in the past the Hornady 270spire with 116 grains of H4831 with cloverleaf results using new brass. However the Nosler has a higher BC, so I wanted to try it out. I plan on loading several more with reloader 22 at 116 - 116.5, and concentrate on shooting for accuracy.

I will also load the old faithful 270gr Hornady with H4831 at 116, and see how it is with neck sizing.

Thats all for now, I hope to get this done on Sat the 18th of Aug.

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You don't have to be the best shot....Just the last shot.
Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Hey, I am NOT calling you a BS'r, rather saying that to my experience it would SEEM a BIT OF A STRETCH to get 3,400 Ft/Secs with a 260 gr AB. If you do I think it's awesome and hope for your good luck that you do. The rifle I chronographed was a 26" factory rifle and 3,108 with the Hornady 270 was the fastest it would do. That's still in awesome performance country. Now as to using R22, actually that might be the ticket.

Good luck and good shooting.... NO BULL! Wink

Member NRA, SCI- Life #358 28+ years now!
DRSS, double owner-shooter since 1983, O/U .30-06 Browning Continental set.
Posts: 3611 | Location: LV NV | Registered: 22 October 2002Reply With Quote
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