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wolf hunting
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I am interested a wolf hunt only. Can somebody direct me to a good outfitterr that can handle this.
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Any of the major GOs in northern BC can do a Wolf hunt, but, this is going to be fairly costly. I would look at a "combo" in late season and maybe get a Moose and a couple Wolves, gawd knows we have Wolves, Cougars and Bears by the freakin' boxcar load.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Wolves can be difficult to hunt as they usually are vocal and hunt at night. We aren't allowed to hunt at night, hense wolf hunting should be an 'added' tag to carry along on a moose, elk or caribou hunt.

I remember that Collingwoods did quite well in their Spatzizi camps on wolves, and I've shot a few while guiding at Slamgeesh Lake in the late 70's, but I don't know the outfitter who runs that guide area now.

Yes - lots of wolves, but a specific wolf hunt???

Considering we are now allowed to use electronic calling machines like the Fox Pro this is definitely possible, I guess, but don't know where to start. Perhaps Safari International can lead you correctly.

Daryl S.
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You may have better luck with an outfitter in the Yukon or Arctic, if it's wolf only you're after. They hunt them from snowmobiles, but it's cold and expensive.

Just google "wolf hunting yukon".
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Thank you for everbodys information, i will look into them all
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There are a number of outfitters in central/northern Alberta that offer guided wolf hunts over bait.Check out the Alberta Guides webpage.... Monashee
Posts: 165 | Location: British Columbia,Canada | Registered: 31 January 2007Reply With Quote
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I read about some ONT, and Que. Outfitters offering wolf hunts that use bait. Then they drive them towards the shooters. That might be the way to go.
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Here is an outfitter Ceaser Lake, out of Watson Lake, Yukon.
No not me..

Advertises wolf hunts. A real good family. they live just down the road...

Watson Lake
Posts: 326 | Location: Watson Lake, Yukon, Canada | Registered: 25 January 2009Reply With Quote
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I've heard good things about the Fink's wolf hunts, not enough to recommend them myself, but probably worth looking into...

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Wolf hunt? Buy a outa state wolf tag for Montana and walk any forest service road in the western half [ west of including divide] of the state.
You will shoot a wolf within 5 days and not have to pay a guide.
Posts: 744 | Location: Indiana | Registered: 10 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Ceasar Lake outfitters will definitly help you out there. Terry & Ruth Wilkenson have a very large
area and a big wolf problem. I know they would be happy to help out. They are in the southeast corner of the Yukon and I believe you can hunt all year around with them. They use sleds in the winter and late season.
Posts: 45 | Registered: 17 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Lots of wolves down here in the South East Yukon too.

Watson lake
Posts: 326 | Location: Watson Lake, Yukon, Canada | Registered: 25 January 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by SILVERBUZZARD:
Wolf hunt? Buy a outa state wolf tag for Montana and walk any forest service road in the western half [ west of including divide] of the state.
You will shoot a wolf within 5 days and not have to pay a guide.

Yeah, piece of cake, just walk the roads and pop one.

Wasn't so easy for a few thousand wolf hunters this year.
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Lloyd and Jack Hooper of Tukii Lodge located North of Smithers. Quality operation and family orientated. Members of GOABC. Lloyd took top honors this year for his wolf achievements. Have hunted with them 4 times.
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Originally posted by Watson Lake:
Lots of wolves down here in the South East Yukon too.

Watson lake

Do you by chance know a guy named Larry Schnigg (sp?)? He used to have a small fishing camp in the late 1980s on on Toobally Lake.

Tony Mandile - Author "How To Hunt Coues Deer"
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I'm almost ready to sign up for a wolf hunt w/ Peter Martin of Kapriver Outfitters of Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada. They hunt by baiting & driving them w/ snowmobiles & snowshoes towards the hunters. I've heard it's a high adrenaline, fast & furious wilderness adventure. Man vs Predator, in their backyard. I will be calling Peter this week to answer some questions before comitting.

"A Lone Hunter is the Best Hunter..."
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Wait a minute.
I have a problem with this "hunt".
The wolves are baited, driven with snow machines & snowshoes toward the "hunter". This is "High Adventure" and a "Wilderness adventure"? "Man vs predator?"
You're kidding, right?
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Take your "problem" elsewhere... middlefinger

"A Lone Hunter is the Best Hunter..."
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I also have a problem with "hunting" ANY animal on a snowmobile. I do not consider this to be an ethical form of hunting, in fact, it is not hunting, but, harassing of wildlife.

I know that such activities are illegal here in BC as they should be and am surprised that this is allowed in Ontario. This is not what I want to see in my country.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I'm not trying to get on the soap box with Dewey. You should phone a conservation officer and check on the legalities of this first. I'd hate to see anyone get in trouble.

the chef
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Best way to hunt wolves is with a dozen leg hold traps, leg of roadkill and an old .303 klunker.
Set the traps all around a tree with open approach lanes of access to the bait. Tie-strap the .303 to the tree - muzzle down. Run a cord from the trigger, up over a brach and down to the 'bait' hanging 6' from the ground. Don't forget to load the rifle. Tinfoil around the action will keep it free of ice.

Woves come in and easily pick their way through the traps up to the tree. One will reach up and grab the bait and pull - gun goes off and they scatter. Works every time - apparently.

Wolves need to be thinned by any means possible - in many areas of BC and the Northern States.

Daryl S.
Posts: 169 | Location: Central B.C. | Registered: 27 October 2009Reply With Quote
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I totally agree and strongly favour a "control" programme using humane traps, dogs, and sports hunting. I DO NOT accept cruelty to ANY animal and the oldtime trappers I knew in the West Kootenays were among the FIRST to invent and advocate for humane traps.

Totally apart from my lifelong committment to genuine conservation, which I do not consider being on a ...soapbox..., but, I actually worked in resource management, the "optics" of the Wolf-Cougar-Bear situation MUST be taken into consideration in all of our hunting/management activities in today's society.

Daryl, that is a sound Wolf disposal method, but, you could never get away with it in most of Canada now. One little "soccer mommy" from suburbia finds that on her hike on Sunday afternoon to wear off her little tummy and WHAMO, the "Communist Broadcasting Company" plus the "Global Gang" would be ALL OVER IT like stink on shit.

If, the media found out about snowmobiles chasing ANY wildlife, goodby hunting in that region of Canada, unless you are among the "chosen few", if you get my drift. Sooooo, we have to do what looks good, like it or not.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Very few people indeed treck where these systems are being used.
I passed this on to some of my friends in Wyoming, Montana and Idaho who are now feeling the 'pinch' of the stupid government agencies who bought/borrowed or were given a bunch of our big wolves. By the government's own numbers, when the elk populations plumet from 20,000 or more down to 3,500 in 4 years, something must be done. Started in Wyoming, they are now stating across into Oregon and Washington - just as I predicted a few years ago.

Although they already had an indiginous population of a kind of brush wolf, they chose to import our more agressive timber wolves. One pack photographed in Wyoming was 22 animals - just about ready this spring to break up into 10 or 11 new family packs & in 4 years, each of those will be around 22 animals.

They are a plague.

Don't get me wrong - I do not condone allowing animals to suffer - in fact makes me ill if I don't drop an animal in it's tracks, but this is war now and sentiments have to change.

Daryl S.
Posts: 169 | Location: Central B.C. | Registered: 27 October 2009Reply With Quote
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I also have a problem with "hunting" ANY animal on a snowmobile. I do not consider this to be an ethical form of hunting, in fact, it is not hunting, but, harassing of wildlife.

I don't have a dog in this fight-no pun intended. I guess we should not use boats for fishing either because that is harrassing the fish!

Ask the administrator of the Texas Predator Posse about how I like to stir up the shit! The only people I know that are better at stirring it up are DaMan and GatoGordo. My hat is off to Mr. GatoGordo. DaMan is just an asshole, a true ignoranus. Gato usually has his facts straight.


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Wolves don't need to be hunted, they need to be reduced to bare existance levels. Any methd that works to attain that goal is OK with me.

When ungulates are concerned, I am an ethical hunter.

I shoot ground squirrels (gophers), I shoot crows, ravens on private land, I shoot coyotes & I shoot wolves & I shoot steel and paper targets.

I hunt moose, elk, deer and bear, ducks, geese and upland birds. When I hunt, I am there for the hunt and I don't give a damn if I get anything or not.

When I go shooting, the more I hit, the better. A good week-long gopher shoot up here in the North is 1,500 of the rats, maybe 1,600 shots.
Sure would like to have a shoot like that on wolves.

Daryl S.
Posts: 169 | Location: Central B.C. | Registered: 27 October 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Daryl S.:
Wolves don't need to be hunted, they need to be reduced to bare existance levels. Any methd that works to attain that goal is OK with me.

When ungulates are concerned, I am an ethical hunter.

I shoot ground squirrels (gophers), I shoot crows, ravens on private land, I shoot coyotes & I shoot wolves & I shoot steel and paper targets.

I hunt moose, elk, deer and bear, ducks, geese and upland birds. When I hunt, I am there for the hunt and I don't give a damn if I get anything or not.

When I go shooting, the more I hit, the better. A good week-long gopher shoot up here in the North is 1,500 of the rats, maybe 1,600 shots.
Sure would like to have a shoot like that on wolves.

Right On, Daryl. I agree w/ you 100%.

BTW, to clarify...Kapriver wolves are not chased down w/ snowmachines in a manner consistent to unethical hunting, rather used to get to & from the hunting grounds & to check baits set out the night before. If the bait has been hit, then the guides drive the wolves out of the woods via snowshoes towards the hunters. The hunter is left alone in the wilderness positioned where the guides think the wolves will probably cross. I was also told that they use a FoxPro Prarie Blaster to call the wolves in & I told them that was my preferred method of taking my wolf.

Ruger...I chatted w/ Peter Martin, heck of a nice guy & I think I'm getting off the fence this week & joining next January's hunt. The only bummer is that Lynx can't be hunted, only trapped, but fox is on the menu if everyone gets their wolves first. Let me know if you're interested in joining our group & I'll send you the sign up-information link.

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Originally posted by Daryl S.:
Wolves don't need to be hunted, they need to be reduced to bare existance levels. Any methd that works to attain that goal is OK with me.

When ungulates are concerned, I am an ethical hunter.

I shoot ground squirrels (gophers), I shoot crows, ravens on private land, I shoot coyotes & I shoot wolves & I shoot steel and paper targets.

I hunt moose, elk, deer and bear, ducks, geese and upland birds. When I hunt, I am there for the hunt and I don't give a damn if I get anything or not.

When I go shooting, the more I hit, the better. A good week-long gopher shoot up here in the North is 1,500 of the rats, maybe 1,600 shots.
Sure would like to have a shoot like that on wolves.

No, Wolves are an important and integral component of the BC wilderness and should NOT be extirpated. I do agree with a careful sports hunt for them and this should do what level of control is necessary to ensure appropriate levels of game/prey animal populations for BC hunters to harvest.

The problem here in BC is not Wolves, it is poor management in general and now that the Olympics are over, it is finally time to get on with the campaign to reform BC hunting/fishing policies that I have been waiting for.

I am an ethical outdoorsman about ALL aspects of outdoor activities and cannot accept a mass slaughter of any organism to suit the desires of a few GOs and their employees and foreign "trophy" collectors. Another aspect of this is that the antis will use a large scale Wolf cull to succeed in banning all hunting.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Outdoor Writer here is a story about Larry that was in our local paper a while ago...

Watson Lake...
Posts: 326 | Location: Watson Lake, Yukon, Canada | Registered: 25 January 2009Reply With Quote
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Coke Wallace of Healy Alaska,it's his spring specialty.

I tend to use more than enough gun
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Originally posted by Dewey:

No, Wolves are an important and integral component of the BC wilderness and should NOT be extirpated. I do agree with a careful sports hunt for them and this should do what level of control is necessary to ensure appropriate levels of game/prey animal populations for BC hunters to harvest.

The problem here in BC is not Wolves, it is poor management in general and now that the Olympics are over, it is finally time to get on with the campaign to reform BC hunting/fishing policies that I have been waiting for.

I am an ethical outdoorsman about ALL aspects of outdoor activities and cannot accept a mass slaughter of any organism to suit the desires of a few GOs and their employees and foreign "trophy" collectors. Another aspect of this is that the antis will use a large scale Wolf cull to succeed in banning all hunting.

Wolves cannot be hunted to control their population levels so everyone's happy. They hunt mostly at night - we cannot hunt at night as they do - hunting wolves in the daytime is a chance deal - not very successful.
Woves cannot be exterminated - we tried that in BC in the 50's with a Province wide poisoning program- everone was poisoning wolves, using horses, cattle, dogs, anything that would hold cyanide, strycnine or 10/80 - it didn't work then or we'd not have a wolf problem now - ?????

Daryl S.
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What's the big deal w/ hunting wolves at night w/ a red spotlight & using e-callers?

That's how we put a big dent in the coyote population here in south Texas on some the ranches we hunt, but of course we can't get them all.

IMO, It's kind of like winning the war on terror, if we could fight w/ all means necessary, we'd kick their ass in a hurry, but no we must follow the politically correct red-tape crap that ultimately could defeat us. Abolish the laws on wolves & we varminters could have a better chance to keep the wolf pop in check.

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Originally posted by Daryl S.:
Best way to hunt wolves is with a dozen leg hold traps, leg of roadkill and an old .303 klunker.
Set the traps all around a tree with open approach lanes of access to the bait. Tie-strap the .303 to the tree - muzzle down. Run a cord from the trigger, up over a brach and down to the 'bait' hanging 6' from the ground. Don't forget to load the rifle. Tinfoil around the action will keep it free of ice.

Woves come in and easily pick their way through the traps up to the tree. One will reach up and grab the bait and pull - gun goes off and they scatter. Works every time - apparently.

Wolves need to be thinned by any means possible - in many areas of BC and the Northern States.

Somehow, I think there could be a few legal and safety issues , here. Big Grin


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

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Watched an episode of "Hunting University" last night. There was a segment on wolf hunting. I only caught the last couple of minutes but the outfitter was Russell Cummings - Jennings River Outfitters.

Jennings River Outfitters
BOX 119
Teslin, Yukon CANADA
Phone 867-851-6406

Apparently they do wolf only spring hunts.

Wolf is on my list too. Smiler

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A buddy is in Ontario this week on a wolf hunt. don't know any details other than they are hunting over baits. will have more details upon his return if anyone is interested.
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There is no better wolf outfitter than Lowell Davis d/b/a Alpine outfitters. He is located in Grand Prarrie, AB.
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Originally posted by Longshot:
There is no better wolf outfitter than Lowell Davis d/b/a Alpine outfitters. He is located in Grand Prarrie, AB.

Care to tell us WHY there is no better wolf outfitter?

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Just came back from wolf hunting with my DAD , and we got 109 of them, along with 2 wolverines, up here in Nunavut. Sure had fun, but lots of skinning for just the 2 of us.

White North
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Originally posted by drewhenrytnt:
I also have a problem with "hunting" ANY animal on a snowmobile. I do not consider this to be an ethical form of hunting, in fact, it is not hunting, but, harassing of wildlife.

I don't have a dog in this fight-no pun intended. I guess we should not use boats for fishing either because that is harrassing the fish!

Poor analogy. Show me a guy who talks of worrying/harassing any fish to exhaustion chasing it with a boat and I'll show you a liar.

Carry on. Wink


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
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Headed to BC next spring and I was told there's a good chance at taking a wolf.

Can you legally import the skinned hide into the States without a lot of fuss?
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Can you legally import the skinned hide into the States without a lot of fuss?

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