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1st Coyote of the '09/'10 Season
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Picture of CoyoteKiller82
Buddy and I decided that due to the decrease in the deer population over the last couple of years that it is time to start blasting more coyotes. I usually don't start the season till the fur is acceptable, but their numbers are too high, need them thinned out!

Went out Saturday afternoon and called in a double on the first stand.

The hunt started while on my way home from a quick errand in town, I happend to spot a coyote in the neighbours field mousing. My buddy Travis was already on his way out, and when I stopped to look at the coyote (about 1/2 mile away) Trav stopped beside me to see what was up. I informed him of the situation and we carried on to my place, got our gear and headed out!

The coyote was in the perfect location to perform a spot and stalk, which had to be done without a mistake due to the fact we are required by law to wear blaze orange vests and hats during any big game season (black powder deer). We slowly made our way West along the Southern edge of the hay field the coyote was in, using some bush and a hill or two to block our movements. The wind was blowing from the NW, so it was also perfect. Once we managed to stalk direclty opposite the coyote on the other side of a low spot in the field covered in willows, we jumped the fence and took our positions. Trav sitting about 60 yards E of my position watching the down wind approach, I sat facing directly N, which was towards where I thought the yote would come from.

Now in position with the sun directly behind us, another perfect situation for coyote calling, I started a soft cotton tail distress with my Primos Ky-Yi for about 2-3 minutes. Just as I was trailing off with the distress, the coyote trotted into view for a split second then behind the hill Trav and I used to hide behind during the stock. I sat for a minute or two, then again tried the distress, but the coyote would not show. I figured the coyote was making its way down wind to bust us, so at this point I let loose with the pup distress, instantly the coyote's head popped over the hill not far from where it vanished, but only it's head. At this point I figured I'd try the shot, but as soon as I brought my gun up, the coyote spotted my movement and just as fast as it appeared, the head was gone. While still looking through the scope, I blew another pup distress and a different coyote came over the hill, sat and looked at me, so I sent a 50 gr berger from my 22-250 hitting her in the left shoulder blade. She did the spin-o-rama biting her leg and dropped after a couple of spins.

After the shot I continued the pup distress, but the other coyote was long gone and wasn't coming back!

Trav was almost as excited as I was about shooting the first of the season....he had the coyote in his x hairs but was too shaky without a good rest, and an admitted touch of coyote fever, can't blame hime though, I was shakin' like a leaf too, but my bipod helped me straighten out the shot!

Distance to the coyote was about 125 yards, fur's gettin' pretty thick, still blue though. Not that she'd be worth much anyways. Next day there were 5 or more bald eagles on the carcass, not to mention a handfull of ravens, magpies, and crows. It was quite the spectacle watching the eagles soaring about the place for an afternoon!
Posts: 504 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 03 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of 7mm-08
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Good for you both. I shoot coyotes throughout the year. I dont take them for fur, but when they are prime I drop the animals off at the local Hutterite colony. They appreciate getting the animals to pelt and having the numbers thinned. Count for the '09 season is 27 and counting. I use Primos Lil Dog calls. Prefer them over the electronic ones.
Posts: 80 | Location: Camrose, Alberta | Registered: 30 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of CoyoteKiller82
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Thanks 7mm-08. I also use the Primos hand calls, although this past Wednesday morning my dad and I were out trying to rattle in a monster buck but all that came in were 2 coyotes. So we popped one, but the other got away. Nice prime pelt this time. First time I've ever rattled in a coyote! My brother in law smoked another female Saturday morning while out deer hunting. Getting them thinned out sure is fun!
Posts: 504 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 03 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of CoyoteKiller82
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Blasted this one during our gereral rifle white tail season.....came into the rattle, I guess there is a first for least a first for my dad and I.

Posts: 504 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 03 December 2007Reply With Quote
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After many attempts, usually with the wily coyote running at breakneck speed a thousand yards away by the time I crack a truck door or rack a round, finally got my first one hunting this season. My guide saw him on his side of the truck, was able to slip out, pop a bi-pod and got on him slinking through the grass at 225 yards. Used my Sako 85 in 30.06 with a Swarovski 4-12. Federal 180gr triple shock did the trick.

Posts: 161 | Location: La Honda, California | Registered: 22 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of CoyoteKiller82
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Beauty! I was out only once this weekend, it was last night right before last light....but the stand only lasted about 8 minutes, with a -45 Celcius wind chill, I was pretty much froze through after the first 5 minutes. At about minute 7, a railway truck came clanking down the tracks and probably scared all the coyotes away anyways. Probably better I didn't get one, it was way to cold to be skinning coyotes!
Posts: 504 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 03 December 2007Reply With Quote
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