Moderators: Canuck
378 weatherby
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Hello everyone, As you can see I am a new member, I really enjoy this site and had to become a member. OK enough jibberish on to the real stuff. I just purchased a 378 weatherby and would like some info regarding the 260 gr. Accubond and the 300 gr. BSX. I will primarily be hunting elk and moose.
Thanks in advance for your responses.

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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You don't believe in Overkill, do you? Big Grin

Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

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Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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I'd say get a scope with lots of eye relief Big Grin
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schmaus And a large package of those bandaids that don't pull too hard on your eyebrow when you pull them off.
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Please e-mail me after you shoot that thing. I need a take off barrel to sharpen and use as a winch anchor.
Posts: 200 | Location: alberta canada | Registered: 16 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Wow nice responses from some of you people. Anyone have some useful information? I guess I should be on the big bore page where people have actually shot these calibers without cryin about it. I own a 7mm as well as a 270, I thought I would try my hand at a big bore for some fun. Lighten up people I was just lookin for information not your approval.

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of PoppaW
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Hey Donk.
Its about time you got that big bore you been talkin' bout forever. Congrats. Welcome to the site and have fun with it. Hey have you noticed how much big bore stuff is on the Canadian site. We must be nuts up here. I love it.

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Posts: 419 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 10 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Hey Poppa Thanks, now I just have to work up some loads and have some fun. Look forward to it, I'll keep you posted with the results.
Grizz, I do believe in over kill. I want the animals to know they are dead.

and anyone that would use a weatherby barrel as an anchor probably should stay fishin and not shootin.

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Sorry, just a little kidding! I think we all like to take a rip with a big gun now and again. I would like to hear how it shoots and how it feels to shoot it. I have often found that if a big rifle is set up properly i.e. stock configuration, total weight,effective recoil pad,porting etc. it can be surprisingly pleasant to shoot. Good Luck!
Posts: 200 | Location: alberta canada | Registered: 16 February 2005Reply With Quote
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.366tourque used to have a .378 weatherby but I don't think the accubond or tsx's were around then but he probably has some useful info for yah.
Posts: 304 | Location: Prince George BC | Registered: 12 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey bwest,I will let you know how everything turns out. Still waiting for the gun to arrive, trying to locate dies brass and lead ASAP. Hope to be shootig in a couple of weeks.
Schmaus, thanks for the info, i will inquire.

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Can't help you with .378 info. I have been messing with the 260's in my .375 H&H for exactly that....elk and me an excuse to use it.


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Hello and welcome, I had a 378 for a while but foolishly sold it. I'm looking for another USA built one. I worked up a load with the 300 TSX. I loaded till I saw the first signs of pressure then backed off 2 grs. and called that max. I ended up with 111 grs. of 7828. That was over 3000 fps in my gun and averaged 3/4" for 3 shots. 7828 shot best out of several powders I tried.
Posts: 558 | Location: Southwest B.C. | Registered: 16 November 2005Reply With Quote
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For the 300 grain bullets use IMR 7828 & 215 primers.
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the info guys, I will definately give your loads a try, 300 TSX at 3000fps is smokin. MTM if you are interested Wholesale sports in calgary had 4 378's in stock, now only 3 haha. $2469.00 all day long and the ship through the mail.

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Just havin a little fun. You pack that cannon in the bush and you'll probably get lots of ribbing. Big Grin

Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

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Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Hey Grizz,
In the bush the guys I hunt with have bigger guns than me. I still get the ribbin. I should have ordered the 460 wthrrby to shut them up, lol

You don't have to be the best shot....Just the last shot.
Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Wooly ESS
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I asked a similar question on the African Hunting forum a while back regarding the 260gr Accubond in the Federal factory 375 H&H load. In general, the responses seemed to indicate that it was an effective bullet on plainsgame. If it works in the 375 H&H, it should work in the 378 Weatherby. I believe the bullet is tough eneough to withstand the extra velocity of the Weatherby round. Personally I elected to go with the 300gr Swift A-Frame Remington load as it was more accurate in my gun.

I apologize for merely recycling internet bumf, but it's the best I can do without actual field experience with the bullet.

Don't let the clowns grind you down on the big bore. I get the same BS all the time at the range when I shoot my 375 H&H. Meanwhile, the guy to the right of me is in full tactical gear and shooting an AR15 clone and the guy on the left is wearing a 19th century gambler's frock coat and string tie and is shooting a SAA in 45 Long Colt. Nobody asks them what they think they are going to shoot with their rigs, but I get that question all the time.

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Posts: 574 | Location: The great plains of southern Alberta | Registered: 11 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Here is a range report on the 260 gr Accubond.

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Posts: 574 | Location: The great plains of southern Alberta | Registered: 11 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey Wooly,
Thanks for the vote of confidence, I am really goin to enjoy my weatherby. Thanks as well for the info, I read that thread as well on the 260 accubond damn nice range setup. I will post my range results once I pick up all my reloading gear.

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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Hey BDD,

As PoppaW noted, there are a few of us Canucks here that like the Big Bores. You have picked a cartridge that I doubt many of us have had any experience with though! I believe .366tourque used to have one, but I am not aware of any other regulars on the CDN Forum.

I certainly haven't had any experience with it, and I haven't tried the 260gr Accubond either.

Good luck with your new rifle though. Hope you really enjoy it, and am looking forward to your range reports.


ps: A fella that posts on this site as Superspeed has a tonne of experience with 460 and 378 WBY's. He hasn't been posting much of late, but I bet you can get his attention by posting your question on the Australia Forum. I am sure he can help you out.

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Yep, I had one but it was before the 260 Ballistic tips and the TSX's. I tried 285 Grand Slams (didn't like them) 300 NP's, 300 Hornadies, 300 Sierras (deadly accurate!) 270 Speer bt's & 250 Sierras ( AN HONEST TO GOD FRICKIN' GRENADE on black bears!!!!!!!!!) If you want sure death on a black bear, with little chance of anything salvageable, then load up with 250 Sierras.
One thing I noticed is that with lighter bullets, the 378 had not too strong of a gain over my 375 AI. with the 300's there was a differance. Not so much with the lighter stuff though.
My older brother has it, but it's been retired for just about 9 years now. I'll try and talk him into reviving it.
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the info, I will reload with 260 gr accubonds initially to plink around and get used to the gun(if U can call .378 plinking lol) After a 100 rounds or so I will begin to play with 300 gr Barnes. I will initially try RL22 but I have found some other info that pushes the RL19 as a better powder with this caliber, as always lots of chrony time.
Thanks again will keep everyone posted on results.

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Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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YOU CAN put a brake on that beast and tame it out to a lamb type recoil for mor time spent at the bench becoming a better shooter.
A REALLY good brake will bring that down to a felt hot .243 or light .270
I have them on my 2 .340s and my 7 pound .375H&H and will never shoot without one again if I have the chance. The .375 is like a light .243

You can screw around with others or you can get the best right the first time. Big Grin
Bruce McArthur
Flint & Frizzen gun shop

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Its not your Weatherby, but I've had excellent results with Barnes TSX's in my .375 RUM.

Two years ago, I loaded 300 gr TSX's for buffalo and PG in Zimbabwe and RSA. I didn't chronograph them, but I estimated the velocity at around 2830 fps and they shot in an inch at 100 yds. They worked GREAT on my buffalo, nyala, and a few other PG.

Right now I'm working on a 270 gr TSX load for my PG hunt in ehe Eastern Cape in September. My best load so far is 95.5 gr of IMR 4350 and CCI 250 primers. I chronographed a 3 shot string that averaged 3043 fps and grouped in 0.71" at 100yds. That's 5552 foot pounds of muzzle energy with a .375 caliber!

I tamed some of the recoil on my .375 RUM with a KDF muzzle brake and a mechanical recoil reducer in the stock.

Good luck on your Weatherby

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The new weatherby's have a a heavier barrel than previous models, Gun weigh's 9.5 lbs. The rifle comes stock with a removable muzzle brake. I have calculated the recoil energy and the most I will feel is eqivalent to a .340 or 338. Still waiting for scope mounts, takes forever trying to get all the gear for these not so common calibers.
Buffybr, I will keep those loads handy, thanks for the info.

You don't have to be the best shot....Just the last shot.
Posts: 126 | Location: Peace River, Alberta | Registered: 27 May 2007Reply With Quote
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