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Re: Bear hunters please read
one of us
That is a very good point, C , I often think that we hunters-gun nuts do ourselves a disservice by using coarse language to describe "the enemy". Once again, you demonstrate the sort of wisdom we need in this battle, good on ya!
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Unfortunately the internet allows narrow minded, uninformed human types the ability to broadcast their views, you can't stop it. We must inform the youth, which haven't formed an opinion on hunting that it is needed, even if they don't want to join in.
Her greed rivals the greed of the lumber barons she speaks of. She wants her piece of the expense of the hunter the gas station owner or the store keeper trying to run their businesses.
Bottom line is apparently her livelihood doesn't depend on the community she lives in.
It matters little to her if bear hunting brings in thousands of dollars to businesses around town...she just want to be able to see and watch "her" bears.
She notes that the bears pose no threat or problem for town residents...
Does she have an clue that hunter are keeping area bear populations in check, thus keeping the bear numbers at a manageable level.
I find it funny she rants about killing a bear and then invites others up for fishing and suggests a shell fish factory...seems to have a pecking order for animals and indeed she implies a pecking order for humans as well, those that disagree with her are "porkers and drunks" as she put it.
Can we speculate to why she is divorced and her children refer to her as a friend....
Posts: 4 | Registered: 19 May 2004Reply With Quote
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I spent 45 minutes composing what I felt was a sensible reply to the woman, but not surprisingly it wasn't accepted.
I guess replies have been cut off. That always speaks well doesn't it. If you don't like the responses, simply don't listen. I guess it takes all kinds. Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal
Posts: 1866 | Location: Montreal, Canada | Registered: 01 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I was just looking at the site Cal and your response was printed. Actually it was printed 3 or 4 times! LoL I loved your common-sense, no bull reply and appreciate that you took the time to take the time to prepare it.

BTW: Some sites have a "lag" when you post so if you don't see your reply right away justy hit the "refresh" button until you do.
Posts: 277 | Location: McLeese Lake, B. C. Canada | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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My reply was posted right away.Living on Vancouver Island,I can certainly tell you that most of the people who live in these tiny dying villages on the West Coast of the Island do NOT share Annes views on bear hunters.They are happy for every cent that is spent in their communities.In all my years of bear hunting here,I've generally found the locals to be very receptive to me and they've usually congratulated me when I've had a successful hunt(which is a gimme on Vancouver Island).I know that they appreciate it when I fill up my tank with fuel or buy a hamburger at their restaurant.I certainly wouldn't have been there if not for the bears!

Scarletgem,just a comment on your well written post.Even the hunters can't keeping the bear population in check here.The population is still multiplying here.You'd need to shoot a lot more bears even to keep the population at a status quo.

I work alot on the west coast of the island and I see more and more bears every year.

Posts: 74 | Location: Nanaimo,BC,Canada | Registered: 23 April 2004Reply With Quote
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I just left a comment to Anne and it posted right away.
Posts: 451 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 20 November 2003Reply With Quote
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For those that have not read Anne Camerons ramblings here is a quote that lets one see how twisted her mind really is:


written by Anne Cameron at the Tyee site

Allan, I thought of it. I don't know who the dork is who does the "guide outfitter" stuff but I'm going to find out. I DO have a hint as to where he parks his boats when they aren't in use. But as we all know, I'm a meek, mild woman who is a dozen times a grandmother and three times a great-grandmother so I probably wouldn't be the kind who would put a plastic milkbottle of gas in the bottom of a boat, then put a piece of that solidified napalm charcoal starter on it and walk off before the barbeque starter burned a hole in the plastic jug and blew everything apart... that's the kind of eco terrorism that would have us up to our eyebrows in Dudley Do-Rights and who needs them cluttering up the scenery?

Posts: 277 | Location: McLeese Lake, B. C. Canada | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Posts: 536 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon | Registered: 28 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I've Emailed the editor of the online magazine that the article was printed in but have recieved no reply.I'm not holding my breath waiting for one either.
Posts: 74 | Location: Nanaimo,BC,Canada | Registered: 23 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Regarding Anne Cameron, I think you should report her both to your local authorties and to the Department of Homeland Security in the States for making a terrorist threat.

The rhetorical device of saying, "Of course, I won't kill you because I don't have a sniper's rifle....," etc., is called Occupatio, and is not a defence against a deliberate attempt to intimidate through threat of violence.

This woman obviously has read the manifestos of the radical left and knows how to implement arson, vandalization and, likely, assassination techniques.

Don't take my word for it or assume you can see her intentions and the future. Let the professionals decide.

Posts: 1224 | Location: Southern Ontario, Canada | Registered: 14 October 2002Reply With Quote
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I got a response from the contributing editor who published Anne Camerons article.Here it is for you guys to read.His signature was cut off the bottom of my post but his name is Charles Campbell,and he's a contributing editor to the Tyee.Give him line as to what you think about the article.

Dear Mr. Parenteau,

I address many of the issues raised by readers of the article in the
following post, which I added to the site on Friday. I don't object to
writers using strong language when it reflects the depth of their feeling. I
do object to veiled death threats, which are continuing to be posted.

"I�m the Tyee contributing editor who posted Anne Cameron�s article on bear
hunting. I did this as someone who once shot a deer, spent several days in a
moose hunting camp in the Yukon, knows many hunters, objects to some aspects
of federal gun legislation, and has no objection to people hunting for food.
I�ve eaten elk, caribou, seal, narwhal, venison, and bear. On the other
hand, trophy hunting and the attitudes of SOME hunters make me squirm. I
posted Anne�s article because it reflected a passionate view about hunting
that many people share. I expected equally passionate responses from people
who don�t hold her view. That�s one of Tyee�s objectives -- to create
heartfelt debate. I allowed Anne to use strong language because it reflected
the depth of her feeling. I�m sorry that some critics of the article feel
she resorted to attacking a 12-year-old. I also understand how that
impression was created. I believe Anne felt sorry for a kid who she saw as a
creature of his upbringing. She wished better for him, and said so. I don't
think she picked on the kid; she bit her tongue when she met him. Instead,
the piece picks on his father. Anne raised no objection to hunting for meat,
or shooting bears. She raised an objection to a curious foreign invasion
that some small B.C. communities occasionally experience. Many big game
hunters in B.C. are Americans. I've never seen that subject written about
with such feeling. I felt she had a right to express that feeling fully, and
that others would respond with equal vigor. It�s true that the language and
passion of Anne's article sets her up for some reciprocal name-calling. (I
certainly wish that Anne hadn�t, no matter how far her tongue was in her
cheek, mused in her own posts to the discussion about acts of revenge.) Tyee
has been generous -- as it should be -- in allowing a full dialogue on the
issues. Tyee offers a unique forum that few other media allow. However, the
extent of the name calling in recent posts -- some of which have been
deleted -- is disappointing and a little out of control. The tone of the
worst of them reminds me that a few years ago an advocate of a bear-hunting
moratorium received many death threats. If the threatening and abusive tone
of the posts continues, the thread will be closed
Posts: 74 | Location: Nanaimo,BC,Canada | Registered: 23 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Pretty well the same letter I got back from him as well.

I find it amazing that while it is his pet writer making outright threats it is us hunters he is accusing of doing the same. I never once saw any reply that threatened her with violence although some of the replies from "our" side made me cringe a bit. LoL No, Mr campbell is no better than she is and I for one have book marked the Tyee site to keep an eye on what appears to be a popular place for some of our BC bunny-humper types!
Posts: 277 | Location: McLeese Lake, B. C. Canada | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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If, someone can get an actual copy of that paper and p.m. me, I will obtain the paper from them and take it to E-Division Headquarters, here in vancouver. I very deliberately did NOT respond to this diatribe and I do not think that certain replies to it helped our cause.

I get as angry as anyone, but, this is exactly what they want you to do. By making references to Ms. Cameron's physical appearance, sexuality and/or any other personal idiosyncracys she may have, one weakens not only one's own case, but, that of all hunters. Too many of the responses that I read did exactly this, just as Ms. Cameron foresaw they would.....

It would not surprise me if the corpulent, little boy was a figment of her imagination, deliberately maligned in order to arouse the indignation of male hunters. One of the things that I have noticed on these forums is the tendancy for many gunnuts-hunters to refer to people such as "Wendy", Anne Cameron, Svend and Allan as "stupid"; they are fascists, perverts, whackos and liars, BUT, they are not stupid and we can only beat them by being both smarter and more credible than they are.

I am willing to try to see, on my own time and at my own expense, if a charge of 'uttering a threat" can be brought against this woman; that, might do some good. If, her statements can be brought into the mainstream media, her credibility can be destroyed and that is far more useful than references to her personal habits, whatever they may be.
Posts: 619 | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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As far as I kow Kute the "Tyee" is an on-line only electronic magazine. (But hell I am usually wrong 4 or 5 time each day and so far today I am only up to 3 so I may be wrong about that too! LoL )

One would have to print out the article and all the responces, including Ms Cameron's, and forward it that way.

And for what it is worth I agree 100 % with what you are saying about the people on the other side of this issue. They are may be misinformed and misguided but they surely are not stupid!
Posts: 277 | Location: McLeese Lake, B. C. Canada | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Some of the replies from "our side"were definitley unwarranted and merely showed the ignorance of the responder.
Posts: 74 | Location: Nanaimo,BC,Canada | Registered: 23 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Some of the replies from "our side"were definitley unwarranted and merely showed the ignorance of the responder.


Isaid the same thing oer at Huntshoot...Some of them really didn't help our cause.

When you start using insults to try to make a point, you've lost, and some of 'our' guys did just that.
Posts: 3082 | Location: Pemberton BC Canada | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Well it seems that even the reasonable comments were not appreciated by the editor there. I have been keeping a close eye on this article (and the comments arising from it) since the beginning and I don't recall anyone from "our" side making the threats we are accused of. There were a LOT of very stupid things said by both sides but the only actual threats I saw were made by the old bat Cameron herself and a few of her followers. It is funny however how, after a few of us complained to the authorities about her threats they, along with all the other replies, are long gone.


The Tyee wishes to thank all those who have participated in the discussion that followed this article; however, we have closed this forum, and in so doing our software removes all comments from view. Why have we decided to block further comments (a first for The Tyee)? At its best, this thread has presented lively and thoughtful views from all perspectives. That has been most welcome. But recent posts haven't added much new information to the debate. Unfortunately, some recent anonymous contributions continue to use threatening language, despite our warning that such language is not acceptable. For this reason, The Tyee is closing this forum.

Posts: 277 | Location: McLeese Lake, B. C. Canada | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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After I posted a comment I read a number of comments by hunters and I was appalled by the language and the nonsensical prattling that some of 'our friends' posted.

How does one get through to these mental midgets that posting comments like they did does more harm than a hundred articles by an anti hunter. It is too bad that an intellegence test can't be given to people who buy computers.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Generally you can't reach them Mickey! It is what and the way they are. Mental midgets and human! derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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nice story. Man people need to get it right before they write it I like how she talks about just leaving bear meat in the bush.Do they not know it is illeagle to leave black bear meat in the bush.
Posts: 4 | Registered: 08 June 2004Reply With Quote
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