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New to Regina, need info
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I've just arrived in Regina for work and would appreciate any info for hunting and shooting. What are the local rifle ranges. Where are the best areas to scout for birds (ducks & pheasant) and in time, deer. No need for secret spots, just general hunting info.

ps: any secret spots you can pm me!
Posts: 109 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: 20 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Doug my friend,
You just hit the jackpot. I happen to have been a Sask boy all my life, lived at Regina, Estevan, Stoughton, amongst others places, so I know that area a bit.

Ranges - Best bet is to contact the Sask Wildlife Federation and find out who the contact is for the local branch, as they likely own the range.

I guarantee you'll get a satisfactory response at that website.


Never hunted the Regina area, but GOOD deer hunting is found around Fillmore, Stoughton, Creelman, Kisbey areas.... it's all good really. Further you get from Regina, better odds of permission, probably.

Going NW, the Lumsden valley (Qu'appelle valley) is anabsolute deer hunter's dream............but I don't kno how hard permission is to get. Pull out a map and check out where the qu'appelle runs. ANYWHERE in that valley is primo for deer.

Happy to answer any more questions, just fire away.
Posts: 648 | Registered: 14 January 2002Reply With Quote
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Small world Johnny. I had relatives that lived in or near Stoughton and Qu'appelle and in the late 70's I rented the old teacherage in Edgely. derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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DJ, go to , register and post your question on the board in the General section. There are several prairie boys in there who will more than likely be glad to help(as long as you don't mention me ). derf
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Hey Derf!!

Small world indeed!!

By the way, thanks for the link. Checking it out, I always thought Dave Watson's shows were head and shoulders above the rest - by far. He's so down to earth, and his shows are realistic, working man's shows.


I can think of HUNDREDS of places for you to hunt. Although the area right around Regina is flat and ugly, you don't have to go too far to find good hunting. Pheasant I'm not sure on, but as I said before, the Qu'appelle valley is good. The Little Arm valley is also cool, it runs on the North side of HWY 11, between S'toon and Regina and can be seen from the HWY. At Chamberlain, it's just 1/2 mile north of the Sonny Boy Esso, on the corner. Mulies in there, and WT, pretty valley.

My advice would be become a member of your local SWF (Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation). Go to their range (which I believe is just west of Regina) and a few meetings and I'm sure you'll find lots of guys that will offer help.

Good luck.
Posts: 648 | Registered: 14 January 2002Reply With Quote
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I grew up in the Regina area. There is definately no shortage of hunting oppertunities there. I hunted the Qu'appel Valley for achery and blackpowder. My favorite place for whitetails is around Mooseomin, Maryfield, Wawota, Stouton area. I still go back there to hunt every other year. Most likely will be there to hunt whitetails this year at the end of November. I am leaving for Regina tomorow morning. I have got to pick up some farm machinery that I have there.
Anyways, if you are serious about pheasant hunting, go see Todd Graham at Great Northern Rod and Reel. He is a nice guy and he would be glad to help you out. There is anouther gun club just north west of Regina. Regina Fish&Game. I spent alot of time there.
I don't care what anyone says about how flat Saskatchewan is, etc. The hunting is great there. I really miss it. I hunt and work in areas most people only dream about yet I still wonder if I shouldn't be back there.
If I don't have any break downs I will be eating pizza and beer on wenesday evening in Regina. Your more than welcome to join. Just look up Rob Haroldson in the Regina directory. He will know where I am.

Posts: 536 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon | Registered: 28 May 2002Reply With Quote
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If you really want some good hunting, the best spot is...
Posts: 248 | Location: Republic of Alberta | Registered: 04 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I use to live in Regina. I hunted pheasant in the Torquay to the border area and always did extremely well. Ducks and Geese spent a lot of time in the Long lake areas (imperial, craven, etc). Deer I hunted mostly in the Lumsden Valley (archery, ML or shotgun zone) or Mclean where I had a large area with sole access on. I also hunted the Qu'apelle Valley and the Pipestone area during ML and Rifle (Rocanville area's).

Quill Lakes is a couple hour drive but excellent waterfowl. Moose Jaw WMZ zone is another worth considering for Mules or WT(shotgun, Bow or ML only). Your not far from the Yorkton/Esterhazy area 1 1/2-2 both good for birds and equally deer. A few more hours your in the forest for bear, moose, elk, deer and more birds. Literally tons of options for the sportsman in this province. I'd hook up with the SWF like mentioned. A visit to the Regina Fish and game,DU or RMEF functions wouldn't be bad idea either. I met my hunting partner through SWF, DU and Rocky RMEF functions, we first did some birding then turned into full fledge hunting partners....really is the brother I never had and our families get along great to boot.

Todd at GNR is a great guy but you can also chat with ED at GNR...I spent a lot of time their when I lived in Regina just chatting with the boys.
Posts: 130 | Registered: 12 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Thanks for all the tips. Chatted with Mike(?), hardware store on 8th ave, he mentioned a community pasture south near the border called the Rice creek/river/valley or something. Anyone refresh my memory (I really should write this stuff down!). The GNRR store was kind of busy, so didn't get much chance for questions. Will pop in later on, same with TNT (closed on Monday). Really looking forward to checking all these spots. Just need work to be slow so I have the time.

Posts: 109 | Location: BC, Canada | Registered: 20 July 2004Reply With Quote
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I farm 20 min S of Regina. PM or email me and we can discuss further.There is lots of hunting to be done within 1/2 hr. of Regina. Mark
Posts: 109 | Location: Sask.Ca | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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For a range I would suggest the Regina Fish and Game League range located at Condie just north west of the city. Go out Highway 11 and take the Condie exit to the west. It is only 8 miles from my house so it is the range of choice. There is trap shooting on Wed nights more for recreation than serious competition but a few good shots come out. It is an approved pistol range.The pistol club also has access to an indoor range located in the city for winter months. The archery range is available every day but the club tends to meet on Wed as well. The Regina Buffalo Plains Black Powder club shoots there as well. The BPBP club also has a long range set up at Bethune were several play the silouette game most week ends. At Condie we have 25, 50 100 and 200 yd stands and a covered shooting line with concrete benches. There is a very interesting trophy night held in Feb each year featuring many excellent mounts of fish and game taken by members. The club is involved in a pheasant release program and supports a other conservation and sportsmen's events.
The league operates as an affiliation of general members and a number of special interest groups but in general all facilities are available to all members. Single memberships are $25 per year.
The Sask Wildlife Federation has a higher membership fee structure if you are into several activities but is a part of the provincial organization whoich some find a bonus.Their trophy competition has locqal and provincial levels. They also have a 300 yd range as well if memory serves me.Both can be excellent organizations to join and several do belong to both clubs. As well there is a shotgun only club located just at the south west edge of town. They are a bit more serious re. trap and skeet and have some excellent members. They are in the process of moving to a new site and this weekend will be their last at the present location. I hear they are determined to be ready for next spring at their new site. Sorry but I am not aware of its location.
To find out about the various clubs and their activities go see Todd at Great Northern Rod and Reel or Darrel at TNT Gunworks.
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