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Best area/outfitter for Mountain Caribou
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Picture of Northman56751
posted 19 May 2007 16:18
Looking to book a Mtn. Caribou hunt for 2008 and appreciate any information i can get. We are looking at hunting Mtn. caribou and i am wondering which areas have the best trophy potential and which outfitters any of you have had good or bad experiences with.
We (brother and i) are going for the caribou slam and this will be the 4th species. Need Quebec- Labrador after this hunt and it will be complete.
I noticed huge differences in cost on some of these!!!
Saw some hunts for $5,000 and some for $8-9,000 just for a caribou hunt. I realize that the areas these animals inhabit are like sheep, but man that's expensive just for a caribou.
Which province is better - B.C., Yukon,Etc.??

Thanks a lot,

**If you're looking for a good Central Canadian Caribou hunt - look at Henik Lake Adventures in Nunavut - went there last fall and it was truly 1st class. They offer caribou, mmuskox, polar bear, wolf, wolverine

Brett Mattson
Cell: 218-452-0774
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posted 19 May 2007 18:29Hide Post
You can't do better than Stan Stevens in NWT -tell him I sent you.

Bob Clark
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Picture of Northman56751
posted 20 May 2007 07:54Hide Post
I looked at Stan, but we are looking for a horseback hunt (bad knees) and it looks like Stans hunt are backpack style hunts.


Brett Mattson
Cell: 218-452-0774
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posted 23 May 2007 02:28Hide Post
Try a snowmobile hunt with Ceaser Lake in Yukon.
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Picture of Northman56751
posted 23 May 2007 08:31Hide Post
I was looking at them before, but their snowmobile hunts are full for 2007 and 2008.

I was also wondering why on some of the outfitters websites, it says they hunt mounatin caribou but then in some of the other print it says barren ground. What gives there??


Brett Mattson
Cell: 218-452-0774
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posted 23 May 2007 15:49Hide Post
check into kelly hougen, red river outfitters. he takes big bou.

i have never hunted with him, but have never heard a bad word about him.

Cold Zero
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posted 23 May 2007 16:03Hide Post
check into;

redstone trophy hunts in the n.w.t.


tim mervyn's outfitting in the yukon

i beleive the 3 that i mentioned are the 3 best outiftters for what you are looking for. there is good, then their is the best, for reliably and consistently producing trophy size animals.

if someone else has another idea, i would like to hear it. good luck.

Cold Zero
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posted 23 May 2007 17:31Hide Post
I hunted with Stan last September and two 400+ bou were taken ( this was "camp" news and I have yet to put my eyeballs on a pic of either). Stan has yet to post his 2006 pics. It is as you say a "walk" but the scenery is wonderful.
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posted 23 May 2007 17:38Hide Post
stan stevens is a quality outfitter.

all 3 of the names i listed have taken more than one 400+ bulls. that is also the criteria that i used to put them on that short list.

good hunting.

Cold Zero
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Picture of Northman56751
posted 24 May 2007 07:36Hide Post
I'm kind of leaning towards Redstone but now my brother is talking about a combo hunt for caribou/goat. Looks like Redstone only does Caribou/moose (we both have moose).

Heard anything about Troy Ginn with Cassiar Stone Outfitters? They offer a gaot/caribou combo and it's horseback.
Wondering about trpohy potential on the Caribou in that area - says they hunt the "Kawdy Plateau" - know anything about this area or where it's near? Alos says the are in the Cassiar Mountains just south of the Yukon border.
Isn't the Macenzie range the best for big caribou?

Thanks - appreciate it.

Brett Mattson
Cell: 218-452-0774
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posted 24 May 2007 08:20Hide Post
you are concerned about trophy quality, but want to go on a combo hunt? does that make sense?

kawdy plateau is a good area.

redstone has a long history of producing quality animals from a large concession area.

good hunting.

Cold Zero
Posts: 1318 | Registered: 04 October 2003Reply With Quote
Picture of Canuck
posted 24 May 2007 08:40Hide Post
redstone has a long history of producing quality animals from a large concession area.

My best friend guided for Redstone for 5 seasons. Whacked some HOG caribou over the years. I think he has two caribou buckles from Dave. Its a good area. If I get some time on the weekend I'll try to scan a couple of his pictures and post them up.

He also got a couple dandy's when he guided for South Nahanni Outfitters, before it was bought by Werner Asbacher.

The Lancaster's hunt Kawdy Plateau as well, and have shot some big caribou.

The Collingwoods in the Stikine country are also well known for big 'bou.


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posted 24 May 2007 18:16Hide Post
We hunted with Stan Simpson in 2001 for Dall Sheep and took two monster bou along with the Sheep. We hunted out of Ram Head Lake and it was a horseback hunt. I have no recent information about him but that whole Mckenzie Range is awesome. Good luck, James

James J. Thomas
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Picture of Northman56751
posted 26 June 2007 06:46Hide Post
To all of you - thanks for all the info.

Sorry for the delay - just had a baby awhile ago and he's colic. Gotta go.......he's screamin' at the top of his lungs as we speak!!!!

Thanks again,

Brett Mattson
Cell: 218-452-0774
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posted 26 June 2007 18:23Hide Post
As Canuck suggested, you might want to consider the Collingwood Brothers, out of Smithers, B.C. ( They have excellent mountain caribou and also top notch goat hunting and offer combination hunts for them.
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posted 28 June 2007 03:07Hide Post
Stan Stevens runs a great outfit. Hunted Sheep with him in 2005 and it was great. I did not take a caribou as I was there July 24-August 5 and did not want one in velvet plus they were a ways from being done growing. When I was there everyone else in camp took caribou walking from base camp. As I understood it that year was unusual to have so many caribou coming past camp (McClure Lake) so early in the year. I think the Mackenzie mountains are mountain caribou and not barrenground.
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Picture of Aziz
posted 01 July 2007 06:32Hide Post
Hello Brett

I agree with Bullgetter Stan Stevens has a great area and is a delightful man. I took a Mountain Caribou with him while Dall Sheep hunting that green scored in the B&C.


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