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BC Bans Bear Hunting.....
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Anyone who takes Douchey's word for anything about BC may be as misguided as he is. Other than BBBoozy, has anyone from Canada agreed with anything he has ever said?
Posts: 2717 | Location: NH | Registered: 03 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Ah, are you upset and want to, poor boy, your macho fantasies are warping your tiny mind again.

I just sent you a PM, bring it on.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Ah, are you upset and want to, poor boy, your macho fantasies are warping your tiny mind again.

I just sent you a PM, bring it on.

knife nilly


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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jb, are you a "shitdisturber" here? Leave this BS to die and check HBC to SEE what is happening here in BC.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Iowanic, I suggest that you log on to and this is the "HBC" to which I sometimes refer. There is a cross section of opinion posted thereon, by both residents and some GOs as well as other Canadians. You can, IMO, obtain a pretty fair example of just how the feelings are running on BC hunting by reading various threads there and are welcome to join and post YOUR opinions, should you wish to do so.

I think that the general trend of resident opinion here IS largely opposed to the GOs and their machinations which greatly restrict resident and other Canadians from access to and harvest of our own resources. While many of us are active in wildlife and environmental issues here, both professionally and as an advocation, as I have been for many years, there are "newbies" to our ranks and they ask for advice and assistance.

So, take a gander and join in, I think that you will find it an interesting and informative exercise.

Dewey, aka "Devilbear" on HBC, the true "wilderness" man,how's the airmchair quarterbacking goin' tonight in downtown Vancouver? didn't...join..."".....until......MAY......"2008".....if'
Perhaps..... getting.... forcing you to....."RENEW".....your registration...."WITH" a new......HANDLE???? (Catch my drift? Take your f'n fingers off the "period" key and caps lock, your posts are difficult to read, at best)

Seems the BC residents don't like you any more on their forum than this one.

Posts: 99 | Location: SK,Canada | Registered: 25 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Dewey,you are the one disturbing the shit here.
I think you do yourself, and your fellow countryman a disservice by coming here, and "talking"the way you do.
I think you would get alot more sympathy to your situation in BC,and a lot more people who would listen to what you have to say,if you would be more diplomatic .
I have been to huntbc,am a registered member there,have been for awhile,and see the things you are facing.I think you have reason to be angry .But,You are "overboard", as was noted on HBC.You should be spending more time wrestling with the rottweilers,and less time posting about how your going to tell fat americans to"get out of your country ".Losing your temper ,and insulting people who are not to blame for the laws written the way they are in your country is counter productive,and a waste of energy.
I can tell you ,the GOABC and LEH ,FN,and all the other things I am learning about in BC are a huge mess,and no quick, easy solution is going to be found.Getting mad,and losing your temper isnt going to help your cause.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Well said jb.

Doug McMann
ph# 250-476-1288
Fax # 250-476-1288
PO Box 27
Tatlayoko Lake, BC
V0L 1W0
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The fact remains that an INCREASING number of posters on HBC are becoming totally opposed to any foreign hunting in BC and the few who are in favour of it are guides and GOs who are not very credible.

If, you think that I am losing my temper, I am rather amused as I very seldom come even close to losing my self control in any sense. As I have posted, I have been at this for a long time and know EXACTLY what I am doing, as would be obvious if you think about it a bit more.

The situation we face here is NOT insurmountable and, as usual, a few of us will make the difference, while some imbeciles and azzwipes kvetch and moan over what is not theirs to be concerned about.

Funny, I am, supposedly, so full of bs and nobody listens and yap, yap, yap, BUT, every post I make here on this topic ALWAYS elicits responses and usually from the same gang....must be getting through on some level......
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Funny, I am, supposedly, so full of bs and nobody listens and yap, yap, yap, BUT, every post I make here on this topic ALWAYS elicits responses and usually from the same gang....must be getting through on some level......

I dont know that there have been any posts here in support of you,has there? Most I have seen have been offended by you,or dont agree with what you say.

I know most americans would not find the "laws" of BC acceptable here,as far as LEH and GOs,road closing ,fishing rights,etc.I havent seen any discussion of these topics here.Instead of talking about the issues ,and trying to get the word about them,you instead chose to piss people off by talking about banning foreigners,and "fat americans".I think if more people knew about how screwed up the situation was,you would have alot more understanding for your position,and atitude. bewildered


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Wow, Ive had nothing to do with Canadian's but boy If Dewey is the norm, then I'm happy to have nothing to do with them .
Some one said something in the lines of Canada was protected from Germany during the War. Well If Canadians think the same as this chap then Hitler would have made allies, heck even Robert Magabie would have friends . What was it, no foreign tourists, no foreign ownership, etc, etc.
However, from what it sounds like he might not be the typical Canadian. God hope so...
Knowing how much money is made from government hunting areas in third world country's such as Zimbabwe and Mozambique, I find it hard to believe BC makes little money from foreign Hunters and fishermen??
Posts: 5886 | Location: Sydney,Australia  | Registered: 03 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
The fact remains that an INCREASING number of posters on HBC are becoming totally opposed to any foreign hunting in BC and the few who are in favour of it are guides and GOs who are not very credible.

If, you think that I am losing my temper, I am rather amused as I very seldom come even close to losing my self control in any sense. As I have posted, I have been at this for a long time and know EXACTLY what I am doing, as would be obvious if you think about it a bit more.

The situation we face here is NOT insurmountable and, as usual, a few of us will make the difference, while some imbeciles and azzwipes kvetch and moan over what is not theirs to be concerned about.

Funny, I am, supposedly, so full of bs and nobody listens and yap, yap, yap, BUT, every post I make here on this topic ALWAYS elicits responses and usually from the same gang....must be getting through on some level......

Yup, a few more posts from you and we'll all be echoing your sentiments... rotflmo

I post replies so that others don't think every Canadian has your twisted views.
Posts: 99 | Location: SK,Canada | Registered: 25 March 2006Reply With Quote
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jb, you evidently do not yet seem to realize that I do not care what a foreigner thinks about what we want to do in our country. Comments such as that from the "OZHUNTER", AFTER I have repeatedly posted IN FAVOUR of hunting access to BC for Australians, New Zealanders, British nationals and other Canadians, simply illustrate that, as he admits, he has no knowledge of the situation. Fortunately, he is not typical of the many "Diggers" I have known over many years.

I do not expect to GET massive support here and that has never been my purpose in making factual and, unless attacked, civil posts on this issue. My purpose has been to both attempt to explain what IS happening here to anyone who cares and to provoke discussion in order to gauge the attitudes of various posters here as an example of American feelings about BC-Canada and our right to determine our use of our resources.

This has been very successful and taught me a lot about American attitudes concerning the rights of other nations and peoples. Frankly, I cannot remember a time when I was so utterly disgusted by Yankee arrogance and it certainly has made me somewhat less willing to have Yankees hunt, fish or whatever here in my country and province.

However, as I have posted, this is a discussion that has run it's course and when we see comments about Hitler and other such ignorant and probably "Foster's Beer" inspired bullshit posted, it is time to let this thread die. If, you don't like what I post on HBC, well, several there are posting far more aggressively and this indicates that changes are coming and a ban on foreign hunting will be among them.

For the antipodean poster, I might ask him to remember the American comment to General Blamey and also point out that B.C. and Zimbabwe have nothing in common in any respect, other than former status as British Colonies, just like Australia.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Here you go folks......a PM from Dewey to me:

Dewey: What a little chickenshit coward and loudmouth you really are, eh? First, you threaten me publicly here on AR and now you are too gutless to backup your typical of " 'net commandos" and fags.

ANYTIME, boy, I will send you back to NH in a bag.

And my response:

Norton: I'm gonna compare my "threat" on the gunsmithing thread to what you just said:

Norton: "Fuck you and I hope we meet sometime...then we'll hear some whining"

Dewey: "I'll send you back to NH in a bag"

So your plan is to KILL ME.....while I HINTED at giving you an attitude adjustment in say a saloon or something.

You're fucked up, old man.

And I'll let this end here.....this guy is nuts.......he instigates you into an angry retort then PMs you a death threat....and anyway I prefer not to beat up washed up, old goats.....never considered killing him.
Posts: 2717 | Location: NH | Registered: 03 February 2009Reply With Quote
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This is a new low, even for you, Norton, and I thought that PMs were supposed to be kept "private". As it happens, you have not posted all of the PMs we exchanged and so this is a distorted presentation of what was actually posted.

I, at no time, so much as HINTED at ...kill... in any of my comments to you; I merely used a common metaphor AFTER you had continued to slag me and THREATEN me. The moderator told you to stop the threats, so, it seems as though I did not over react to your harassment.

You are a coward, a liar and YOU initiated the nasty interchange between us and now are too gutless to either back up your mouth or just let the thread die.

Anytime, you want to come to BC and give me an ...attitude you threaten to do, well, I would welcome the encounter and WILL give you a sound lesson in how BC men deal with punks like you. So, GFY.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I said I'd not reply further but I don't take kindly to be called a liar. You're the only liar here and everyone already knows it. And to say I continued to threaten you is nonsense. All I said was if and when we meet we'll hear some whining......vastly different than saying you'll send me home in a bag.

No one here cares about this but they can decide.....ANYTIME anyone would like to see the ONLY PM I LEFT OUT I'd be glad to post fact here it is:

Dewey sent me his home address and phone no. to which I replied:

Posted Nov 07, 2009 6:42 PM Hide Post
Elder abuse ain't my thing, old man. Lighten up.
Posts: 2717 | Location: NH | Registered: 03 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
jb, you evidently do not yet seem to realize that I do not care what a foreigner thinks about what we want to do in our country. Comments such as that from the "OZHUNTER", AFTER I have repeatedly posted IN FAVOUR of hunting access to BC for Australians, New Zealanders, British nationals and other Canadians, simply illustrate that, as he admits, he has no knowledge of the situation. Fortunately, he is not typical of the many "Diggers" I have known over many years.
my point is,you have not done a good job of explaining the situation in BC ,without name calling and threats.

I do not expect to GET massive support here and that has never been my purpose in making factual and, unless attacked, civil posts on this issue. My purpose has been to both attempt to explain what IS happening here to anyone who caresyou havent done this and to provoke discussion you have been provoking arguementsin order to gauge the attitudes of various posters here as an example of American feelings about BC-Canada and our right to determine our use of our resources.

This has been very successful and taught me a lot about American attitudes concerning the rights of other nations and peoples. Frankly, I cannot remember a time when I was so utterly disgusted by Yankee arrogance and it certainly has made me somewhat less willing to have Yankees hunt, fish or whatever here in my country and province.You come here and insult us,dont expect to get civil discussion back.

However, as I have posted, this is a discussion that has run it's course and when we see comments about Hitler and other such ignorant and probably "Foster's Beer" inspired bullshit posted, it is time to let this thread die. If, you don't like what I post on HBC, well, several there are posting far more aggressively and this indicates that changes are coming and a ban on foreign hunting will be among them.Posting more aggresive on HBC is different.Here you are trying,or should be trying to present your point of view,so that more can understand.On hbc,you all know what is happening ,and can gripe to each other about how screwed up it is.
For the antipodean poster, I might ask him to remember the American comment to General Blamey and also point out that B.C. and Zimbabwe have nothing in common in any respect, other than former status as British Colonies, just like Australia.

Instead of saying" I want to ban all foreigners hunting in BC,and save all our game for ourselves",you should be saying," We,as the residents of BC believe we should have a bigger share of the available resources,and are going to change the laws to what we believe is our right". I dont think you are getting a good idea of americans views on your plight,because your approach is so antagonistic.Contiuing to argue with one poster after another only makes you look like a fool,but it is your right to do your chosen work,however you please.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Norton, you initiated this entire thread to harass and mock me and commented on a BC wildlife issue of which you have no knowledge so that you could do so. You now threaten me and actually publicly post PMs, but, in a distorted fashion.

You are, without doubt, the lowest scumbag, liar, coward and snivelling little prick I have ever seen on AR. If, you were even half of a real man, you would let this die and get on with life, but, you won't as the attention you obtain by it feeds your infantile psyche.

Norton, you make me want to puke and you will never become a REAL man.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I rest my case



Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jb:
[QUOTE]Instead of saying" I want to ban all foreigners hunting in BC,and save all our game for ourselves",you should be saying," We,as the residents of BC believe we should have a bigger share of the available resources,and are going to change the laws to what we believe is our right".

These two statements do not mean the same thing, the first is a simple declaration of BC citizens rights and possible intentions, while, the second essentially states that we merely ...believe... that our ...share... is or should be ...larger...

This is THE problem in a nutshell as there is NO "share" of BC or our resources, ALL of BC and it's contents BELONG to us, period. We do NOT have to temporize or ask "permission" to do as we see fit with them, now or anytime in the future.

I do not need to be "instructed" in how to go about saving BC from foreign greed and I do not care, again, about who gets "offended", especially Americans like Norton and others who have made derogatory comments about me here.

Now, jb, can we drop this thread as I doubt that any here are interested and there really is nothing more to say that has not already been said. If, there were any value left in this, I might be inclined to continue, but, I don't think there is.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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jb, there IS NO to rest, for Krist sakes. this is OUR decision and NOT yours!
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Like I say,it is you priviledge to do as you please,but I think you could get more of the results you do want,if you were to change your tactics.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Irest my case ,talking about you,do dewey,you are not winning people over to your side,which is what I thought you were trying to do.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Norton, you initiated this entire thread to harass and mock me and commented on a BC wildlife issue of which you have no knowledge so that you could do so. You now threaten me and actually publicly post PMs, but, in a distorted fashion.

You are, without doubt, the lowest scumbag, liar, coward and snivelling little prick I have ever seen on AR. If, you were even half of a real man, you would let this die and get on with life, but, you won't as the attention you obtain by it feeds your infantile psyche.

Norton, you make me want to puke and you will never become a REAL man.

You're one hell of a name constipated, old man? And I didn't distort one single word....I quoted you and every PM verbatim, you liar. How sad it must be to be that old and that angry.
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I decided to delete my reply, this has gone too far now and I am not going to take it further.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I have been following this thread and it seems to me that Dewey wants to blame all the "foriegners" for the things that his own Canadian ploiticans have done to the BC reidents. Fact is we as Americans have no control what your politicans do with your laws. I will comment that I do find is disgusting that they would restrict access to their own residents that they are suppose to be representing. Fact is that Dewey needs to lay the blame where it belongs with his own politicans.

With that being said now if you push your politicans to ban hunting for a select group of people where will they stop? Every politican, no matter where they come from, never know when to stop. Once they get something passed they all ways seem to want to see just how far they can push it, which means if you ban hunting for a select group soon hunting will be banned for everyone.

Good Hunting,

Posts: 3143 | Location: Duluth, GA | Registered: 30 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Gawd, the bullshit just goes on and on and on here.

I have not blamed Americans for what BC's politicians are doing or have done. I blame the GOABC and SOME Ministry bureaucrats and SOME BC politicians. HOWEVER, we need to cutoff the CASH FLOW that finances the lies and lobbying of the GOABC and banning foreign hunting here will do just that...clear enough?

Again, I do NOT want a ban on BC hunting for a select group of people and never have; what I want is to restrict BC hunting to Canadians and eliminate the entire rotten "guiding industry".

We need our resources for our own people and have no "spare" game for foreigners, get it?
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Gawd, the bullshit just goes on and on and on here.

We need our resources for our own people and have no "spare" game for foreigners, get it?

So,why come here and ask our opinion,if you dont care what we think? Maybe you just want to stir the shit?,or could it be....


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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So the idea is to punish YOUR ministers by banning OUR hunters....

If we're not the problem, why are we the ones being punished?

What am I missing here? bewildered
Posts: 98 | Location: Iowa | Registered: 13 September 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Iowanic:
So the idea is to punish YOUR ministers by banning OUR hunters....

If we're not the problem, why are we the ones being punished?

What am I missing here? bewildered
you're not the only confused one here.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I do not see anyone as being "punished", my point is clear, we BC people and our fellow Canucks need all the game we can sustainably harvest in a year in BC.

The fact is that I cannot "hunter host" a guy from Nova Scotia, whose family came here with Alexander in 1627, as some of my ancestors also did. HE cannot AFFORD to compete with wealthy foreign hunters and should not have to, so, there must be a change to meet the needs/desires of Canadians.

As to opinions, this IS the Canadian forum of an international hunting website and I post here due to that. While I am interested in what foreigners have to say and the arrogant rancour displayed by some does influence my thinking on this issue, I am more concerned with reaching Canadians in other regions of Canada and this is one way to do that.

The entire world is growing short of resources of the kind we have here and I want my fellow Canadians, not Americans, to benefit from them, end of story.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
jb, you evidently do not yet seem to realize that I do not care what a foreigner thinks about what we want to do in our country. Comments such as that from the "OZHUNTER", AFTER I have repeatedly posted IN FAVOUR of hunting access to BC for Australians, New Zealanders, British nationals and other Canadians, simply illustrate that, as he admits, he has no knowledge of the situation. Fortunately, he is not typical of the many "Diggers" I have known over many years.

I do not expect to GET massive support here and that has never been my purpose in making factual and, unless attacked, civil posts on this issue. My purpose has been to both attempt to explain what IS happening here to anyone who cares and to provoke discussion in order to gauge the attitudes of various posters here as an example of American feelings about BC-Canada and our right to determine our use of our resources.

This has been very successful and taught me a lot about American attitudes concerning the rights of other nations and peoples. Frankly, I cannot remember a time when I was so utterly disgusted by Yankee arrogance and it certainly has made me somewhat less willing to have Yankees hunt, fish or whatever here in my country and province.

However, as I have posted, this is a discussion that has run it's course and when we see comments about Hitler and other such ignorant and probably "Foster's Beer" inspired bullshit posted, it is time to let this thread die. If, you don't like what I post on HBC, well, several there are posting far more aggressively and this indicates that changes are coming and a ban on foreign hunting will be among them.

For the antipodean poster, I might ask him to remember the American comment to General Blamey and also point out that B.C. and Zimbabwe have nothing in common in any respect, other than former status as British Colonies, just like Australia.
i never realized that Australians, New Zealanders and British nationals were also considered honorary Canadians-i.e. not "foreigners".

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Originally posted by jdollar:
Originally posted by Dewey:
jb, you evidently do not yet seem to realize that I do not care what a foreigner thinks about what we want to do in our country. Comments such as that from the "OZHUNTER", AFTER I have repeatedly posted IN FAVOUR of hunting access to BC for Australians, New Zealanders, British nationals and other Canadians, simply illustrate that, as he admits, he has no knowledge of the situation. Fortunately, he is not typical of the many "Diggers" I have known over many years.

I do not expect to GET massive support here and that has never been my purpose in making factual and, unless attacked, civil posts on this issue. My purpose has been to both attempt to explain what IS happening here to anyone who cares and to provoke discussion in order to gauge the attitudes of various posters here as an example of American feelings about BC-Canada and our right to determine our use of our resources.

This has been very successful and taught me a lot about American attitudes concerning the rights of other nations and peoples. Frankly, I cannot remember a time when I was so utterly disgusted by Yankee arrogance and it certainly has made me somewhat less willing to have Yankees hunt, fish or whatever here in my country and province.

However, as I have posted, this is a discussion that has run it's course and when we see comments about Hitler and other such ignorant and probably "Foster's Beer" inspired bullshit posted, it is time to let this thread die. If, you don't like what I post on HBC, well, several there are posting far more aggressively and this indicates that changes are coming and a ban on foreign hunting will be among them.

For the antipodean poster, I might ask him to remember the American comment to General Blamey and also point out that B.C. and Zimbabwe have nothing in common in any respect, other than former status as British Colonies, just like Australia.
i never realized that Australians, New Zealanders and British nationals were also considered honorary Canadians-i.e. not "foreigners".

"United Kingdom"or UK


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To me and to many other Canadians of the founding peoples, there is a deep and strong emotional tie with "The Old Commonwealth" and always will be.

H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, was here in Vancouver, yesterday and the papers today are full of praise and enthusiasm about this good, decent and very well liked man. I happen to support him and wish he were "Governor-General of Canada", as do many of my friends.

To me, an Aussie, a Kiwi or a Brit is a brother and always will be; they are welcome here and I have had many great times with people from those nations....course, we Canucks have to teach Aussies how to drink beer.......

I do not feel that way about Americans and never have, you are foreigners.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey

I do not feel that way about Americans and never have, you are foreigners.

Thats why we didnt need passports up until 9/11


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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What is your point, here? The entry/exit requirements between Canada and the USA were tightened by YOUR government, not by ours. We are not responsible for your problems with your politicians and YOU guys elected that azzwipe, "Baby Bush"...not that the alternative was any better..............

Do you actually think, that because you did not require a passport to enter Canada prior to 9/11, that you have some claim to "rights" here? Get over yourself, pal, American "trophy" hunters are not very popular here and that is the truth, like it or not!
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Roll Eyes bewildered animal

I think if your the cutting edge of Americans getting shown the door in BC,neither of us will see it happen in our lifetimes.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
What is your point, here? The entry/exit requirements between Canada and the USA were tightened by YOUR government, not by ours. We are not responsible for your problems with your politicians and YOU guys elected that azzwipe, "Baby Bush"...not that the alternative was any better..............

Do you actually think, that because you did not require a passport to enter Canada prior to 9/11, that you have some claim to "rights" here? Get over yourself, pal, American "trophy" hunters are not very popular here and that is the truth, like it or not!
and we are not the problem with YOUR politicians, moron!!!!! the very laws you complain about came from YOUR provincial government.

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That, is precisely WHY we are working to change current MOE policy and eliminate the GOs and ban foreign hunting here. I see this gaining strength every day here and once we have the ban in place, we can share our wildlife-fish and other resources with our fellow Canadians.

I actually seldom complain about the laws, it is the implementation of them and the foreign presence here that I object to. So, we shall see, eh?
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
That, is precisely WHY we are working to change current MOE policy and eliminate the GOs and ban foreign hunting here. I see this gaining strength every day here and once we have the ban in place, we can share our wildlife-fish and other resources with our fellow Canadians.

I actually seldom complain about the laws, it is the implementation of them and the foreign presence here that I object to. So, we shall see, eh?

Who's "we",Dewey....You got a mouse in your pocket?
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Originally posted by Dewey:
That, is precisely WHY we are working to change current MOE policy and eliminate the GOs and ban foreign hunting here. I see this gaining strength every day here and once we have the ban in place, we can share our wildlife-fish and other resources with our fellow Canadians.

I actually seldom complain about the laws, it is the implementation of them and the foreign presence here that I object to. So, we shall see, eh?
but what will happen to the Brits, Aussies, and Kiwis that you feel such a bond with??? and how do you separate a law from it's implementation??

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