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Sir Paul & Heather split the sheets...
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I see on the BBC that the Cute Beatle and his Hopalong Honey have split the sheets. Does that mean we have permission to go back whacking those f**king seals again? Confused
Posts: 6136 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 14 November 2002Reply With Quote
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When Heather is finished with Paul in court he may need a job as a seal hunter on the floes himself.


Ted Gorsline
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I do not think Paul would need a job for no reason,but seal hunter would be good laugh. Killman at a slaughter house would be even better.

Cry 'Havoc,' and let slip the dogs of war;
That this foul deed shall smell above the earth
With carrion men, groaning for burial.
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Thought this was a hunting forum, not a gossil colum.
Posts: 265 | Location: Rocky Mtn. Hse., Alberta | Registered: 09 September 2005Reply With Quote
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It is, but gossil season isn't open so we're making do with what we've got...and we do mention whacking seals! wave
Posts: 6136 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 14 November 2002Reply With Quote
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If the TO Star had its way the only thing Canadian hunters would have to do is read the gossip columns.

In today's paper they allude to the fact that Paul is not as avid about this animal rights thing as Heather is and that she is now running his life for him - choosing his hair style, friends, what he says and does etc. Typical good looking young bimbo with an old man behavior.

The paper says she has him by the balls and if they go to court she will clean his clock, take him for at least $400 million pounds.

That would make her about as rich as the Queen and she wants to devote her life to Animal Rights. If she does she will soon find out a great deal about the natural history of vultures.

I once talked to a wildlife biologist named Dave Lavigne from the University of Guelph about the harp seal hunt. He said he was out on the ice and wandered into a circle of animal rights leaders who thought he was one of them.

They were talking about rich old ladies with dementia and how to rook them out of their estates.

Heather hasn't got dementia but she is a model by profession and so chances are she is not good at mathematics.

The worst of them will be at her door step with their hands out once the courts are finished with Paul.

Also I don't think Heather has the tits for the job. The animal rights people substitute big tits for logic when they need attention from the press.

They gave us Bridgett Bardot who fell flat on her face and now because she didn't get her way she is a bitter old woman. Pamela Anderson is following in Bardot's footsteps and her assetts have stopped pointing at the stars and are now staring at her feet.

Heather just isn't well enought armed enough to be a successful animal rights activist. She needs to make a deal with the NRA.


Ted Gorsline
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Tumbleweed and Ted Gorsline:

I much enjoyed reading your respective posts. Why do I have the feeling (living where I do) that I will never see any of your sentiments mentioned on local TV? Smiler
Posts: 619 | Location: The Empire State | Registered: 14 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by duffy4:
Thought this was a hunting forum, not a gossil colum.

If this forum ever gets busy enough with actual hunting topics that gossip and politics start to interfere, I'll crack down on it. Otherwise, I see it as no harm no foul.


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Dear gerrys375,

I once appeared on "Entertainment Tonight from Hollywood" so I've already had my 15 minutes of fame.
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I heard paul being interviewed today and he got really upset, when the interviewer asked why he was so sad, he replied "because I'll never find anyone to fill her shoe"
Posts: 358 | Location: Wiltshire, UK | Registered: 09 June 2005Reply With Quote
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If he goes to the Q bar or the Jolly Club in Dar es Salaam he'll find anywhere from 100 to 300 to fill her shoes in about 30 seconds but he'll have to realize that he won't get the shoes back and he'd be wise not to wear a wrist watch or flash any gold teeth while he's in the bar.


Ted Gorsline
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Posts: 2921 | Location: Canada | Registered: 07 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Ted, you missed what Alex said ... Smiler
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Dear Scruffy,

The older I get the more I miss.


Ted Gorsline
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dar es salaam,where's that?300 in 30 secondss?Sounds like paradise.
Posts: 11651 | Location: Montreal | Registered: 07 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Dear Shootaway,

Dar es Salaam is in Tanzania on the east coast of Africa. In keeping with all former socialist states the common denominator of the people is empty pockets.

A white face means money and all the girls know that and they are not fussy. For example, if you are a middle aged white male with a pot gut and pipe stem arms, if you drool in your beer and piss on your shoe every time you take a leak the girls will swarm you as if you were Tom Cruise.

However, as in biblical times there is a snake in the garden. They girls are mostly HIV positive so you will have to design your own steel belted condoms if you wish to frolic in the garden.


Ted Gorsline
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Ted Gorsline:

From reading your acerbic comments on the passing scene, you deserve a lot more than 15 minutes of fame! (I'm too old to get to Dar es Salaam but your comments should be part of any State Dept. travel advisory!) Smiler
Posts: 619 | Location: The Empire State | Registered: 14 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Do you guys actually think that Paul McCartney is stupid enough to marry someone without a prenuptual agreement? I am betting she gets a few million pounds and thats it.
Posts: 7090 | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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From all reports, they didn't have a pre-nup. Apparently she offered, but he declined because it wasn't "romantic".

They also have a 2 year old child. Whatever she wouldn't have gotten due to a pre-nup, she'll get now for child support.

Reports have him worth about $1.57 Billion. I don't think he'll miss the $250 million that it's reported she'll get.

Having said that, I find the whole line that the cause of the breakup was "media pressures" to be BS. With his kind of money, they could be invisible to the media, if they so choose. Instead, they sought the media spotlight. Screw both of them. Razzer
Posts: 2921 | Location: Canada | Registered: 07 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Sometimes I get a bit carried away being, by nature, quite generous .. and I liked the Beatles while still a younger .. I am so glad that I didn't waste my money and send them matching wolf, or lynx, or seal coats for a wedding present . It would just be one more thing to fight over in the upcoming settlement battles ..
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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How many times does 63 go into something half as old guess these old fogies will never learn,Sinatra had the same problem.But then it's Hollyweird so it's the norm!
Posts: 1116 | Registered: 27 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Hell, for $250 million I'd pull on my sealskin parka, chew off my leg, and marry him myself! Big Grin
Posts: 6136 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 14 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Pauls another poor sucker who let his heart rule his head, and now instead of the seal getting skinned, he is !! animal rights fanatics have no respect for human rights
Posts: 175 | Location: australia | Registered: 14 January 2006Reply With Quote
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