Typical political garbage. They made it a campaign promise six years ago and waited till they had an idiot go on rampage so they could justify it. Nobody even knows how the latest moron even got the guns he had (he was already prohibited from owning any) or what type of guns he used. Nothing has been released. 1500 models and variations of "scary" military type semis are now listed as illegal. Some of the items are so bizarre (RPG's and missle launchers; like somebody has legal access to these anyways!), and yet all our mini-14's are illegal, the cheap-ass SKS found at every Canadian Tire outlet didn't seem to make the list! These bottom feeders are buying votes on the graves of victims not even put to rest yet.
Well Justin Trudeau's Liberal gov't is a minority government. Our only hope is that the Conservatives pick a new leader with some charisma, an early election can be engineered, and the entitled prick gets his ass kicked at the poles.
Of course there is the problem of Covid 19....I think most politicians would be happy to have the response on someone else's shoulders.
Time will tell.
The power of accurate observation is frequently called cynicism by those who are bereft of that gift.
Posts: 1890 | Location: Northern Rockies, BC | Registered: 21 July 2006
Originally posted by NormanConquest: I know it's the truth but it still always pisses me off that we have to fight to KEEP a RIGHT that is not a privilege. It is a RIGHT!
May be for Americans, but we Canadians are still theoretically subjects of the Queen and she gets to decide what is good for us.
When the horse has been eliminated, human life may be extended an average of five or more years. James R. Doolitle
I think they've been misunderstood. Timothy Tredwell
Posts: 1730 | Location: Central Alberta, Canada | Registered: 20 July 2019
In the fine print it also bans rifles that develop more than 10,000 jules of energy. That could ban some big bore stopping loads along with the .50 BMG.
About 10 years ago after California gun owners figured out how badly the gun laws were actually written and that we could actually buy AR-15 style rifles. Some of the guys on the largest gun forum in California (Calguns.net) had some AR 15 lowers made with CALGUNS.NET on them.
I was surprised to see that they are specifically listed by name, as banned in Canada.
"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money." - Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953
NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite
Posts: 12931 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: 30 December 2002
A friend was shooting his restricted AR 10 down at the range. He has had it for 42 years he told me. He is a world class shooter and instructor but now has to turn in that gun to the government for destruction or if he is lucky - he can keep it until he dies but then it will be destroyed. You can only use that gun at a registered range or you have broken a criminal law. All the AR 15s are so restricted. In the history of Canada, I was told, there has been a total of one homicide with an AR 15. Bloody Liberals!
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004
I know it's the truth but it still always pisses me off that we have to fight to KEEP a RIGHT that is not a privilege. It is a RIGHT!
Yep, a GOD GIVEN, INALIENABLE, NATURAL Right, that actually belongs to ALL PEOPLE in order to protect them from those who would rule over them and make them subjects to unrighteous dominion. Since there are many of us that believe that the U.S. Constitution was divinely inspired, that gives our Bill of Rights even more importance.
The 10000 joules limit makes the Weatherby .460 prohibited, and the 20mm prohibition makes most modern 12 gauges with removable chokes, and all 10 gauges, prohibited as well.
Having just gone through this bullshit in New Zealand , and having had our Police get a free hand in writing what ever rules they want to "control" the law-abiding firearms owners - were we to go through this debacle again I would simply not comply. If there was no record of my now-classified firearm then it would not be found.
Canadians didnt comply with the arms register - dont comply with this either.
Old enough to know better
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
I reckon, Muzza, that the Canadian firearms owners are not going to let this happen without a hell of a fight.
Speaking of cops .. on May the 4th, a little restaurant named Coco Vanilla Gallactica which is about the Stars Wars franchise hired a 19 year old girl to dress up as a storm trooper and walk around in front of the store with her plastic Blaster to drum up business.
4 cop cars showed up and with pistols drawn (one guy had an assault rifle), they did the usual shouting and threatening the poor terrified girl to drop the gun, got her down, hand cuffed her and put her in a police car as the owner kept yelling that she was an employee .. She ended up with a bloody nose and has not been back to work since the May 4th incident.
A bloody white plastic Storm Trooper dressed young lady.
If cops are so poorly trained that they considered her a threat, can you imagine what they might do if a guy had a mini 14 and was shooting gophers in his back 40. Now strictly illegal..
What a world!
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004
Originally posted by scruffy: I reckon, Muzza, that the Canadian firearms owners are not going to let this happen without a hell of a fight.
Speaking of cops .. on May the 4th, a little restaurant named Coco Vanilla Gallactica which is about the Stars Wars franchise hired a 19 year old girl to dress up as a storm trooper and walk around in front of the store with her plastic Blaster to drum up business.
4 cop cars showed up and with pistols drawn (one guy had an assault rifle), they did the usual shouting and threatening the poor terrified girl to drop the gun, got her down, hand cuffed her and put her in a police car as the owner kept yelling that she was an employee .. She ended up with a bloody nose and has not been back to work since the May 4th incident.
A bloody white plastic Storm Trooper dressed young lady.
If cops are so poorly trained that they considered her a threat, can you imagine what they might do if a guy had a mini 14 and was shooting gophers in his back 40. Now strictly illegal..
What a world!
The real idiots are the people who called in the complaint, never watched any Star Wars Movies ?
When the horse has been eliminated, human life may be extended an average of five or more years. James R. Doolitle
I think they've been misunderstood. Timothy Tredwell
Posts: 1730 | Location: Central Alberta, Canada | Registered: 20 July 2019
The idiots also outlawed Black Rifle Coffee Company products. Some fool saw the company name and included them on the list. Not even smart enough to find out they don't sell scary guns but they make some mean coffee. I can see a bag of Silencer Smooth coffee beans on top of my refrigerator from here. I'm beginning to get scared. NOT. Do the world a favor and tell those Richard Noggins to leave government and take a reading comprehension class. Better yet move to England, bunch of queen lovers. Have I mentioned I don't suffer Liberals well? But Be Well, Packy
About two or three years agi I was fishing on Lake Ontario along the Canadian Border. I was drifting into Canadian Waters and possessed both a NY State fishing license as well as an Ontario Canadian license. I saw a US Coast Guard vessel approach and after a short time they stopped me and wanted to check me. I WAS IN CANADIAN water and wondered why THEY were stopping to check me. As we secured to each other I was then questioned by a uniformed RCMP officer, the US crew members said nothing. I was asked about fishing and if I possessed a proper license. I was also asked if I had any firearms on board and relied no and that they were welcome to search the vessel as I knew they could anyway. Then, I was asked if I owned any firearms and I did not answer when asked several times. Finally I said that I was confounded by why a CANADIAN official was interested in what firearms I may own in the UNITED STATES, The officer appeared Upset with my answer and I then said that I was a retired police captain and thought the firearms question regarding what if any arms I posed in NY State was not the business of anyone in Canada. It went well after that but I was definately troubled that a US COAST GUARD craft was stopping me in Canadian water and asking me about firearms that I may have legally possessed in the UNITED STATES. The Canadian government is out of touch with the Second Ammendment, ownership of arms and American freedoms in general. I used to visit and vacation in Canada a lot but really no longet care to go there for a variety of reasons.
I watched the video. That was simply disgusting. I'm sure there is some protocol for dealing with a Star Wars Storm trooper but this just makes the police look like idiots. Didn't anybody ever hear of just talking with a possible suspect before threatening them with multiple guns? What if that girl panicked and ran? Would they have shot her dead? I can see that getting out of hand easily. Scary thought!
MARK H. YOUNG MARK'S EXCLUSIVE ADVENTURES 7094 Oakleigh Dr. Las Vegas, NV 89110 Office 702-848-1693 Cell, Whats App, Signal 307-250-1156 PREFERRED E-mail markttc@msn.com Website: myexclusiveadventures.com Skype: markhyhunter Check us out on https://www.facebook.com/pages...ures/627027353990716
Posts: 13167 | Location: LAS VEGAS, NV USA | Registered: 04 August 2002
So several parts of this are asinine to say the least. They want to say that this gun ban is because of safety and no one uses these guns for hunting, then exempting natives from the ban for hunting purposes.
At least the Alberta govt is taking steps to fight the feds on this along with several gun groups.
Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004
There are at least three groups filing lawsuits against the federal government but because of this convenient covid crap, they have now closed parliament for the summer. Meanwhile, the feds are quietly adding hundereds of guns to the list while there is no-one around to question them. We have now seen the complete destruction of democracy.
This proves, despite, what some of our progressive brothers on this site think, the gun bans/restrictions are not aimed at high capacity semi auto rifles.
Even on face value when was the last time someone was killed or held up with a Barrett 50 cal single shot rifle.
Posts: 13414 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky | Registered: 31 July 2016
Originally posted by jimmy j: There are at least three groups filing lawsuits against the federal government but because of this convenient covid crap, they have now closed parliament for the summer. Meanwhile, the feds are quietly adding hundereds of guns to the list while there is no-one around to question them. We have now seen the complete destruction of democracy.
And they have increased the number of firearms banned to over 9500. Including some shotguns and 22 rimfires. Because "guns scary".- dan
"Intellectual truth is eternally one: moral or sentimental truth is a geographic and chronological accident that varies with the individual" R.F. Burton
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001
It's not over and done yet as the Government is facing at least 30 law suites! It'll be interesting to see haw the lawyers on both sides deal with it.
But "our side" must make their briefs available to the government side, while the government deals in secret and has not made anything available to "our side"!
Typical Liberal Minority Government that's kept in power by BC and Quebec NDP Members of Parliment (they're the "left wing" promoters of gun bans and any other left-wing liberal ideas, who've come fresh from our "liberal" universities! It's the nouveau mode of world culture that's foisted on "the world" under the guise of "what's best" for humanity, endorsed by the UN. It's not going away soon!)
NFA regulations on semi auto 'assault rifles', i.e, $200 tax stamp. And a similar $200 tax stamp for each large capacity mags you possess. And shoud the Biden admin get this through, I can predict Glocks and such will be next.
I hope I'm wrong.
Posts: 3303 | Location: Western Slope Colorado, USA | Registered: 17 August 2001