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Is moosehunting with dogs allowed in Canada ? I'am thinking about Elkhounds or Laikas. I know it's not allowed in the USA, but I meant I have read about this sort if hunting sometime. Perhaps in the eastern parts of Canada, Labrador? My memory is probably wrong, but can someone help me? | ||
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Highly illegal as far as I know. Reading the Instructions - a sure sign of weakness and uncertainty. | |||
one of us |
It's legal in Ontario for deer, moose and bear. I know lots of guys who use them for deer, and I know some use them for bear, but I've never heard of anyone using them for moose. It would be an interesting hunt! Page 11: http://publicdocs.mnr.gov.on.ca/View.asp?Document_ID=10734&Attachment_ID=20631 | |||
One of Us![]() |
Around here we shoot dogs that run deer. Funny how rules can be so different province to province. Reading the Instructions - a sure sign of weakness and uncertainty. | |||
Moderator![]() |
Same in BC and AB. Canuck | |||
One of Us |
Thanks for the interesting information WannabeBwana. Does anyone else have more information about this sort of hunting in Ontario or other states allowing this sort of hunting? Perhaps we should send over some scandinavian hunters learning the canadians to hunt moose with elkhounds? ![]() | |||
one of us |
Most places the rifle season for deer is only 2 weeks, maximum, plus you have to licence the dogs with the Ministry and they have to be ID'd on their collars. Outside of that, yeah, most dogs running deer would be shot. I've never hunted deer with dogs, but I have buddies who do, and they say the song of the dogs is something else! Probably like a pack of beagles on a rabbit, really, but covering a lot more territory. One of the guys I work with told me they just collected one of their dogs that had gone missing during the hunt in November. Was found a month later 30 miles away. But he had ID on, and the group was contacted and went to collect him. I wouldn't mind doing a moose hunt with dogs, but most areas, the first week would be so busy with guys, you'd be putting moose out for everybody but your own party. It'd probably work well later in the season. In some areas, the moose season lasts almost 3 months. | |||
One of Us![]() |
Then you folks are doing something very illegal! if not stupid! Hunters are not to kill other folks dogs, running deer or not! Somehow, and also, I can't see that folks in Nova Scotia would tolerate their neighbours killer their dogs. Kill someone's dog illegally and you made yourself a target...well you know.!!! Killing someone's dog might be more costly than a court fine, in the Nova Scotia I know..... As a matter of fact, in english part of Nova Scotia I know, killing your best friend's dog might be more about him stealing you girl friend, than any conserns for hunting ethics. Kill an acadian's dog and you are going to loose things for a long time, yrs. They will just disapear sort of thing, but in a consistent enough manner to drive the message home that dog hunting (killing dogs) is not neighbourly. Also, it is possible to be a prig about all of this an report your best friend to DNR. Why shall there not be patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? Abraham Lincoln | |||
One of Us![]() |
Canucks know more about this than you would think! LOL Why shall there not be patient confidence in the ultimate justice of the people? Is there any better or equal hope in the world? Abraham Lincoln | |||
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Here too, if dogs run deer they will also run cattle and horses. Once dogs start to behave like a pack you have trouble. You see a neighbours dog in among your livestock you shoot it-period. Then you call your neighbour and tell them what happened and why you shot their dog just so they know what happened to their it. They usually take it pretty well as no one with any sense will allow their dogs to harm others livestock. the chef | |||
One of Us |
Well Exit31, a dog is dead if it runs wildlife here. | |||
one of us |
Here in central ontario hunter's use dog's on moose. I have seen anything from beagle's to bluetick's running moose. (legal in Ontario) Our camp has taken a few moose in front of dog's. | |||
One of Us![]() |
In Alberta its legal to shoot dogs running wild. We had an acreage owner move in with some dogs and they started running cattle. We called them and asked them to tie up their dogs. They refused. The next day I shot one in the field after it chased some horses. They called the police and were informed that it was legal to shoot the dog and next time they should tie up the animals. The next week they had a dog run built and we have had no problems since. We have also had problems with city people dropping off dogs in the country when they no longer want, or can no longer keep. Those get shot too. Sorry but thats the way it is. Get used to it If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness." - Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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I've shot a few 'wild dogs' in my time. We have more open country in Alberta than Ont. so we don't really need the dogs to find slough donkeys. If you really love your dog out here you'll teach it to behave or keep it locked up. Otherwise I'll treat it like a coyote. A dog hunt for a moose could be a helluva ride, I just hate running through muskeg. | |||
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The last time I checked it was perfectly legal to shoot unsupervised dogs in the woods or on ones own land in N.S. My ex-father in law was a game warden and he told me many times that I should shoot any dogs I saw running free or chasing deer. The Department officially discouraged this and preferred it be reported so that the Warden could go shoot the dog instead. The end result was the same, if the dog was found, it was shot, period. He hated free running dogs with a passion because he saw the results on deer so many times during his career. Anybody that lets their dogs run in such a way that they are unsupervised is a completely irresponsible dog owner and deserve what they get. Exit 31, maybe the law is different now. I don't know and I don't really care. I never see dogs running free when I hunt anyway, but if I do it will be shot at if its not accompanied by a human. I'll take my chances with the Acadians. Who's talking about a best friend's dog anyway? None of my friends would allow their dogs to behave this way. Hunting deer or moose with dogs is barely a step above hunting them in a fenced in compound in my book. I think many others feel this way too and that is why it is illegal in most of Canada. Reading the Instructions - a sure sign of weakness and uncertainty. | |||
One of Us |
I'am not sure if you understand how we hunt moose with dogs in Scandinavia. Dogs running in paks are not allowed. When using elkhounds you only use one or sometimes two dogs. The dog is not chasing the moose, nut is trying to stop the moose. When the moose stops the elkhounds starts barking. This is a totally different sort of hunting than using hounds in packs or coonhounds . Often the moose don't care mucha bout the baying dog. If the moose walks or runs away the dog is silent following the moose. I'll see if I can found some short films about this sort of hunting. In the meantime take look at www.huntingfootage.com/showphoto.php?photo=1183&cat=514 People in the Norway,Sweden Finland and Russia have been hunting moose this way for hundreds of years or perhaps thousands of years. Hunting bears works very much the same way, but you need a tough and brave dog. | |||
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I think the only way I would try something like this would be if the dogs were highly trained to make the moose come onto the road. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me to chase a moose way back in the bush and then have to pack it out. | |||
one of us |
Exit31, there are dogs for hunting deer and dogs that run deer. Not the same thing. A dog that runs deer is out by itself or with its local buddies/pack, just like wolves, killing deer. Those are the ones that get shot. Usually owned by an irresponsible owner. Spelling and grammar count. | |||
one of us |
ofcourse you know that by killing someones dog you risk being killed ![]() | |||
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What I'm looking for is a retriever to take moose hunting. He can stay in camp till I shoot the moose, then he will be sent out to retrieve it back to camp. If he can hawl it up the meat pole, so much the better. Maybe a Lab crossed with a grizzly and a pitbull. My only worry is what would I feed this dog the rest of the year. Robin | |||
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Jehovas Wittnesses and bill collectors. ![]() Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln Only one war at a time. Abe Again. | |||
One of Us |
same in Saskatchewan An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject. | |||
One of Us |
Interesting how Easterners see things differently than us out here in the West. As far as useing dogs to run your game , its sort of like killing a bear with its head stuck in a barrel. Hunting or just killing? Sporting? Hardly. | |||
One of Us![]() |
WHOA! MTM, Ontario ain't EAST, its middle. We don't use dogs in the East. And I agree with you re. the bear analogy. Reading the Instructions - a sure sign of weakness and uncertainty. | |||
one of us |
So, I guess none of you would ever use a beagle to hunt rabbits, or a bird dog for upland game?? | |||
new member |
its not the dogs fault.it should be kept under control 24/7.the owners should be taken to task over this. this happens in the UK,were dogs chase and kill livestock and they do get shot,but the owners escape proscution from the police most of the times. ive hunted the welsh moorlands with fox hounds and that is one of the most memorable experiences ive ever part taken in.views of valleys and vales whilst a 40 strong pack of hounds hunts its quarry.excellent times but sadly no more. if ever get the opportunity to hunt with dogs,take the offer up as it might not be there in the future. | |||
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