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What´s with Grizzly Bear and Canadian Outfitters?
one of us
I can´t figure out if Canadian outfitters hate Grizzlies or just want quotas raised. I was once asked to report that I had seen three times as many as I saw after a hunt. What was going on here?
Posts: 13925 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote
One of Us
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In BC outfitters are allocated Grizzlies on a two year basis. If and Outfitter has a quata for 6 Bears in a two year period he may shoot all, some or none each year.

Let's say he has two hunters in year one and fills both tags. In year two he only has one hunter and fills the tag. That leaves 3 unfilled tags. The BC Gov. looks at that and says, "he only filled half the tags so that must mean we over estimated the number of Bears so in the next period we will only give him 3 tags."

The Outfitter needs to prove that this is incorrect so he provides statements that so many people saw so many Bears. It is not ethical but just as Scientific as the Gov. approach.
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
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I appreciate the explanation. I thought it would be something like that.
Posts: 13925 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002Reply With Quote
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This demonstrates just how totally fucked up all environmental management is in Canada and it has always been thus. We actually could and probably should shoot more Grizzlies here in certain parts of B.C., but, the government will not fund appropriate management programmes....although there is plenty of tax money for "multicultural" grants to non-traditional immigrants and the money wasted on Aboriginals is simply appalling.

With the sort of management that we need and should have, B.C. could have hunting that equals or exceeds anything on Earth, but, this type of BS is what we have and what will likely continue.
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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I just got back last week from a grizzly and black bear hunt with an outfitter along the Babine Lake/Babine River. In three days of grizzly hunting, we saw 21 griz. We are sure that at least 15 were different bears. One sow had two cubs, another had three. In six days of black bear hunting we sighted 41 black bears. This was some of the best bear territory I have seen. If grizzly are endangered, I sure couldn't testify to it. The outfitter's quota is two bears in two years.

Posts: 853 | Location: St. Thomas, Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 08 January 2004Reply With Quote
one of us
Picture of Gatehouse
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There are shitloads of grizzlies in many parts of BC, zero in others.

We dont' have a grizz shortage, I see more and more of them these ys, in country that is supposed to have almost no girzz population.

Of course, the lowest populations of grizzlies are int he lower mainland, where suprisingly, most of the anti grizzly bear huting people come form! Big Grin

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