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Saskatchenwan Black Bear hunt taxidermy question
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Close friend of mine booked a May 2007 black bear hunt for the both of use in Saskatchenwan. He has goose and white tail hunted with the outfitter so I expect all will turn out well. Just one outstanding question. How do most US customers work the taxidermy? Locally or ship the hide back? I've been dealing with the outfitter through my freind and have not had a chance ask the question.
Posts: 11 | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I've done both. I will never leave another hide in Canada for work.

I left my New Brunswick bear I got this past May was done there by a tax. highly recommended by the outfitter. Just got it back a week ago. Looks like shit, and I gave it away.

It is worth it to me to take the hides to a taxidermist you are familiar with.

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You can do it either way. I have had friends up ship theirs back and have their taxidermist work on it. On bear, their is a "cities" tag they must purchase before taking it out of the country but if the work is done here there is no tag to purchase I believe.

Myself, I would have the work done up here just for the simple fact that I have had too much luggage lost and would hate for that to happen to a prime fur that cost me a lot of money to harvest.

Posts: 187 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 07 February 2005Reply With Quote
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There is a fellow in Weyburn Sask. 'Tundra Taxidermy' that does some pretty nice work. I have seen almost every type of bird/animal go thru there but not a full life blackie. Steve Von Hagen is the guy.Mark

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Posts: 199 | Location: Sask, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I brought back my hide and had it done by local taxidermy. I have seen the hide stuffed by a taxidermy up there and sent back.
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If you have it mounted up in Canada or in the states, you still have to have the CITES permit. Check out Hawkins taxidermy. They have trucks go throughout Canada picking up trophies to be mounted. Shipping gets mighty expensive for a full mount.

You might want to ask around for local taxidermists. Go see their work and ask them questions. They should let you know how they would like the hide brought back.

You might want to put this post in the taxidermy section ,too. George Roof posts there and has a vast amount of knowledge.

Good luck,
Posts: 115 | Location: mid west | Registered: 10 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 35404:
There is a fellow in Weyburn Sask. 'Tundra Taxidermy' that does some pretty nice work. I have seen almost every type of bird/animal go thru there but not a full life blackie. Steve Von Hagen is the guy.Mark

He did all my African critters and and he will be doing my next batch as well he does excellent work I have seen some of his bear work when I stopped in at his shop. He had a mount with 2 full size blackies and some landscape, trees rocks etc. on it that looked great in his show room. He will be doing my cape buffalo and Leopard just as soon as I can shoot them.He was doing a full size giraffe the last time I was there.He also delivers and sets up the displays

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Posts: 144 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 28 October 2004Reply With Quote
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I wonder if you could ship the hide to the tanners and get them to ship it to you when it's done. Then take it to the taxidermist of your choice. The skull would fit in your suitcase-as long as you had proper documentation it should work.

the chef
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