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Moderators: Canuck
Goodbye long gun registry
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Picture of Canuck32
Seems Canadians are electing a Majority Conservative government. 100 days and long gun registry should be toast.

Oh and Liberals are no longer official opposition

If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness."

- Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick

Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I'll believe it when I see it. Promises are just that... Promises
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Posts: 126 | Location: Arviat, Nunavut, CANADA | Registered: 02 March 2010Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Canuck32:
Seems Canadians are electing a Majority Conservative government. 100 days and long gun registry should be toast.

Oh and Liberals are no longer official opposition

Thank God for the majority! It's time to break out the GOOD Scotch! Big Grin

As far as the Opposition goes, the down side is that the Libs have been replaced with something even more reprehensible....but it looks like the Dippers have had so many clowns elected that their caucus will probably be one big series of gaffs and P.R. disasters.
Posts: 6105 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 14 November 2002Reply With Quote
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FINALLY, majority government now we can see if Harper can accomplish anything. Wifey and I were talking the other day Canada's got one of the best economies in the world, hmmm I wonder if that has anything to do with having an economist for a PM instead of a money grubbing lawyer as is usually the case.

Congratulations Harper and crew.
Posts: 2763 | Registered: 11 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Just to make sure, I'm sending an email to my newly elected member.
I'm going to congrataulate him and remind him why I voted for PCs!
Posts: 3785 | Location: B.C. Canada | Registered: 08 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Posts: 13468 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Having moved from the UK to Alberta three years ago, I can see the difference between the Labour/liberal run UK and Conservative Canada.
There was no recession here to speak of, and things can only get better ewith a majority.
Proud to almost call myself Canadian!
Posts: 669 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Has it been 3 years already ?? My goodness .. Time to buy even more guns, amigo !! dancing
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Long gun registry is dead! ----First thing I thought of when the majority was confirmed. Yes Canada should be able to move forward in the next few years. The NDP folks are as 'green as grass' and lack the tools to do an effective job. Will have to see the lay of the land in 4 years but they shouldn't be a concern now. I can't see how the election could have turned out better.
Posts: 234 | Location: Northern Ontario | Registered: 25 March 2005Reply With Quote
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Can't afford any more guns, need money for diapers!
Posts: 669 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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rotflmo tu2
Posts: 1553 | Location: Alberta/Namibia | Registered: 29 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Mighty Peace
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Originally posted by brass thief:
Can't afford any more guns, need money for diapers!

Now that is funny. I can relate.

Selling left over "NEW" diapers and baby stuff in garage sale this weekend...MORE GUns for my boys..............NOT..Wife will spend it elsewhere lol
Posts: 431 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 02 May 2005Reply With Quote
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brass thief you may not have had a recession in AB but we sure as hell got hit hard in BC
Posts: 201 | Location: Mackenzie BC | Registered: 15 February 2005Reply With Quote
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This is really great hold their feet to the fire. I would lve to come to Canada again with out all the paper work.
Posts: 20001 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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I very much doubt that entry to Canada, by foreign nationals will be affected by any changes to current Canadian gun laws. It is already FAR easier for a US citizen to bring a gun(s) into this country than it is for a Canadian to enter the USA with a gun and I see no valid reason for them changing this as things now are.

This, is merely a "throwaway" which the CPC is using to lull most Canadians into believing that they actually care about our individual freedoms......they do not and are selling our resources and sovereignity to foreign interests as fast as they can. Harper, is a corporatist of the worst type and has no concept of individual rights/freedoms and will never enact a constitutional amendment, as in the USA, to guarantee our right to keep and bear arms.....

Just more fun and games, very little will REALLY change, until WE DEMAND an end to the destruction of Canada, by foreign "ownership" and multicultural mass immigration. That said, it was great to see the traitor "Iggy", the little frogeater and traitor Duceppe and, especially, that vile little Paki, Dosanjh, get whipped at the polls....maybe God is listening????

This, boys, is only a beginning, it will take years to clean up the foul mess left by decades of liberal social and cultural rot. The first order of business must be to rally around a policy of "Canada for Canadians" and bring our once-proud nation back to where we were in 1945.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Wow Dewey
I forgot how much crap can come out of your mouth.
Posts: 227 | Location: West Central Sask | Registered: 16 December 2000Reply With Quote
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Well, you are entitled to your own opinion, however, I have been active in the battle to preserve Canadian firearms ownership since the spring of 1968 and frankly, I very seriously doubt that Harper will or even wants to do much to change the present situation. Why, would ANY politician voluntarily give up power over the populace at large, this has seldom happened in human affairs and certainly not in Canada.

Harper is a very controlling and disciplined guy, he is very much like Pierre Trudeau, in that respect and his domestic policies are hardly an example of a desire to advance the individual freedoms of the average Canuck. Perhaps, you have some "inside knowledge" not available to we ordinary citizens, but, from your post, I am inclined to doubt it.

BTW, where is "Opuntia Lake Sports" and what are these laminated stocks you refer to as I am considering one for a custom "dropmag" Browning Safari Grade-.458WM. that is sitting in pieces in one of my gun safes. Are these a product you manufacture, as in the "Accrabond" stocks of the late Mel Smart, or, are they merely the same old "Rutland Plywood" versions that so many manufacturers offer?
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Brass thief may not have the complete picture of the economic situation in Alberta over the last few years. Just ask all the folks that got laid off...

Posts: 1717 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 17 March 2003Reply With Quote
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ok, perhaps we are sheltered down here in Lethbridge and I may have overstated the "no recession" but compared to the UK Alberta is in awesome shape.
Posts: 669 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Here in Germany, we have at the moment other problems. The green and left parties would have a general big bore ban in shooting sports, with the option, to store the guns from target shooters and hunters in central storages.
We will get in the next two years a green/left government and this will bring very hard times for gun owners here. thumbdown

Posts: 824 | Location: Munich, Bavaria, thats near Germany | Registered: 23 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Ya know, I,ve just never been able to wrap my head around the idea that somebody is pulling my teeth, because they,ve got my best interests at heart.. And the accepted notion that you,re guilty until until you can prove yourself innocent has always offended me, but it seems to have become the norm. I,ve always thought the long gun registry a fairly idiotic proposition. Criminals just don,t seem to get with the plan.. Facts is, facts don,t seem to be a big determing factor with politicians and such. But if they can milk any sort of incident and drum up some press time, they will. For some reason, I find myself thinking about a bunch of black birds circling overhead. Anyhoo, truthfully, I do hope they get rid of the long gun registry. It would be a good start.
Posts: 806 | Location: Ketchikan, Alaska | Registered: 24 April 2011Reply With Quote
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22wrf....interesting question. I'm all for state run health care on the simple idea that a healthy population is one that can do stuff like go to work, volunteer for the kids baseball game, join the military, become teachers etc.

The Canadian medical system is in big trouble not because it's "socialist" but because of runaway costs due largly to unions and a baby boom population bubble that was obvious but nothing was done about it.
Posts: 2763 | Registered: 11 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Sorry I missed the action

Is the scrapping definite or still a may be(watch this space scenario?)
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 22WRF:
This is just a question.

Do you that are Canadian Citizens, and who dislike the liberals and socialists, disagree also with the concept of government sponsored medical care such as you have in Canada.

These two issues have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other and the "Canada Health Act" is completely separate from the provisions of "The Firearms Act". To equate these two aspects of contemporary Canadian law-social policy is to completely misunderstand Canada and Canadians.

One other note here, I am a NATIVE CANADIAN, born of the founding Nordic blood of my country and into a specific family who helped found this nation beginning in 1620. There are ...Canadian Citizens...and, these are NOT "Canadians" as I am, they often reside overseas to evade paying our taxes, yet, return to retire here and benefit from the medical and pension systems we who belong by right of birth and blood have paid for.

This is a simmering social issue here, due to the vile immigration changes made in the '60s by morons and traitors and it is also WHY our medical system is overloaded with riffraff parasites from foreign sources. The Lower Mainland of BC and parts of southern Ontario, i.e. Brampton, are examples of what is happeing and a warning to all real Canucks.

We CAN afford "medicare" and appropriate salaries for doctors and nurses; we simply have to stop wasting taxes on grants to every scumbag group of "multicult" bums and phoney "artists" plus withdraw from Afganistan, Libya and so on.....our "job" is not "policeman of with world".
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:

These two issues have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other and the "Canada Health Act" is completely separate from the provisions of "The Firearms Act". To equate these two aspects of contemporary Canadian law-social policy is to completely misunderstand Canada and Canadians.

One other note here, I am a NATIVE CANADIAN, born of the founding Nordic blood of my country and into a specific family who helped found this nation beginning in 1620. There are ...Canadian Citizens...and, these are NOT "Canadians" as I am, they often reside overseas to evade paying our taxes, yet, return to retire here and benefit from the medical and pension systems we who belong by right of birth and blood have paid for.

This is a simmering social issue here, due to the vile immigration changes made in the '60s by morons and traitors and it is also WHY our medical system is overloaded with riffraff parasites from foreign sources. The Lower Mainland of BC and parts of southern Ontario, i.e. Brampton, are examples of what is happeing and a warning to all real Canucks.

We CAN afford "medicare" and appropriate salaries for doctors and nurses; we simply have to stop wasting taxes on grants to every scumbag group of "multicult" bums and phoney "artists" plus withdraw from Afganistan, Libya and so on.....our "job" is not "policeman of with world".

Dewey, I understand your concerns about sovereignty and squandering resources for bargain prices and agree with many of your points, despite being one of those immigrants you despise...

On the topic of Health Care, it has been shown that immigrants typically vastly under use the health care system. This is becasue they often come from places that require payments for care so are less inclined to visit the doctor willy nilly. Immigrants also suffer lower rates of chronic illnesses.

Not all of them are lazy mooches either. My fiancee (who is a 4 gen Canadian who unfortunatly lacks your founding family's pedigree and provenance) is an RN and many of her immigrant patients work multiple jobs. My immigrant colleagues here are typically well employed and contributing members of society (although I realise that it is not representative).

I find the notion of citzenship interesting. Many people are not legal-rational citzens in the bureaucratic sense but are very good citizens in the sense of perpetuating the Canadian norms, beliefs and institutons that you and many others hold dear (as do I).

However its tough to have a mature discussion with someone who barks AT you like you are fucking studpid. I am willing to discuss these isues but not if I am treated like a child in a 1950's bording school.
Posts: 1274 | Location: Alberta (and RSA) | Registered: 16 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Kayaker, let me make something very clear with respect to this entire issue. It is is that I did not state anything about despising anyone and my feelings concerning immigration are not the topic here. I stated what I have seen and what many Canadians have commented upon in various media venues for at least thirty years and that is all I posted.

Kevin, this is a topic that is hardly relevant to Canadian hunting and I see little value in pursuing it further. There have been, in the past, some rather acerbic interchanges here concerning Canadian cultural-political issues and it is of no benefit to anyone to further engage in such discussions in this venue.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Point taken. Like you I find the prevalence of corporatism and fear of corporate sabre rattling unfortunate. e.g. oil sands - the idea that if we just create enough employment and forgo issues like the Heritage Fund that our grandkids will be able to enjoy paid-for health care providers and receive a useful Canadian pension while still enjoying reasonable taxation. I may be wrong though...
Posts: 1274 | Location: Alberta (and RSA) | Registered: 16 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by kayaker:
Point taken. Like you I find the prevalence of corporatism and fear of corporate sabre rattling unfortunate. e.g. oil sands - the idea that if we just create enough employment and forgo issues like the Heritage Fund that our grandkids will be able to enjoy paid-for health care providers and receive a useful Canadian pension while still enjoying reasonable taxation. I may be wrong though...

Enough people die, while in line, and the problem will solve itself. Big Grin


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Originally posted by 22WRF:
This is just a question.

Do you that are Canadian Citizens, and who dislike the liberals and socialists, disagree also with the concept of government sponsored medical care such as you have in Canada.

These two issues have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other and the "Canada Health Act" is completely separate from the provisions of "The Firearms Act". To equate these two aspects of contemporary Canadian law-social policy is to completely misunderstand Canada and Canadians.

One other note here, I am a NATIVE CANADIAN, born of the founding Nordic blood of my country and into a specific family who helped found this nation beginning in 1620. There are ...Canadian Citizens...and, these are NOT "Canadians" as I am, they often reside overseas to evade paying our taxes, yet, return to retire here and benefit from the medical and pension systems we who belong by right of birth and blood have paid for.

This is a simmering social issue here, due to the vile immigration changes made in the '60s by morons and traitors and it is also WHY our medical system is overloaded with riffraff parasites from foreign sources. The Lower Mainland of BC and parts of southern Ontario, i.e. Brampton, are examples of what is happeing and a warning to all real Canucks.

We CAN afford "medicare" and appropriate salaries for doctors and nurses; we simply have to stop wasting taxes on grants to every scumbag group of "multicult" bums and phoney "artists" plus withdraw from Afganistan, Libya and so on.....our "job" is not "policeman of with world".

Wow you sure are insulting to Canadians who have immigrated here and obey all the laws , pay taxes and vote. You do bring up some very valid points but please don't lump all immigrants who are now Canadian citizens as not "Canadian"
Posts: 21 | Registered: 25 December 2007Reply With Quote
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I guess Canadians who have been here for a few generations more don't want "immigrants" coming over here and paying taxes, employing Canadians, getting into the shooting sports and voting conservative.
Posts: 669 | Location: Alberta Canada | Registered: 18 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Put on the ignore list

Next year I will organise a trip with Lebanese, Pakistan, Iranian French Chinese Russian to hunt in BC

See what he can do about it

Empty vessel makes much noise

Bark and no bite
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by brass thief:
I guess Canadians who have been here for a few generations more don't want "immigrants" coming over here and paying taxes, employing Canadians, getting into the shooting sports and voting conservative.

That, is not what I said and this thread is really not about immigration, as such. I suggest that you research WHO has been MOST active and vociferous against native Canadian's gun ownership birthrights and THEN comment on the accuracy of my posts.

SOME immigration, is beneficial to any society, however, since 1962 and increasingly under Mulroney and now Harper, we have allowed various criminals, terrorists and parasites into Canada and others who support these types. My concern is for the country that I was born in and it's continued survival as a nation to be proud of and I will do anything I must to ensure that.

The guncontrol issue here is very interlinked with several other issues that are destroying traditional Canada and bringing forth an increasingly totalitarian and foreign-dominated "corporatist" state in which WE will be "serfs" in our own that what you want?
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by londonhunter:
Put on the ignore list

Next year I will organise a trip with Lebanese, Pakistan, Iranian French Chinese Russian to hunt in BC

See what he can do about it

Empty vessel makes much noise

Bark and no bite

I have always enjoyed the droll humour of these Chinamen, it is about their only admirable characteristic.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of kiwiwildcat
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I think the experiences you guys had with your long gun registry swayed our own politicians here in New Zealand than registartion of long guns is a complete waste of time and money.

Lucky for us too, we have a pro firearms group that has educated our politicians and work with the Police as well, so they don't make any ridiculous knee jerk reactions.

She was only the Fish Mongers daughter. But she lay on the slab and said 'fillet'
Posts: 511 | Location: Auckland, New Zealand. | Registered: 22 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Big Bore Fan
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Originally posted by kiwiwildcat:

I think the experiences you guys had with your long gun registry swayed our own politicians here in New Zealand than registartion of long guns is a complete waste of time and money.

Lucky for us too, we have a pro firearms group that has educated our politicians and work with the Police as well, so they don't make any ridiculous knee jerk reactions.

Your ´re lucky guy´s. In Germany, the politicans here have the ideas to registry everything, inclusive airrifles and knives. Roll Eyes And the final situation should be, to forbit every gunowning for citizens. killpc
Only this year, the bavarian CID have destroyed nearly 50tons of guns. And we have 16 states in Germany. And the governement is destroying guns since over 2 years. Befor, only the scrab and crime-guns went to steel furnace. Now, everything must destoyed, scrab-guns, hunting rifle, new and old ones, old and historical guns, everything. I saw boxes of rare Lugers, C96 and other collections. We will loose historical treasure for the next generations. But at the moment, Gunowners are at the same level, as terrorists, drugdealers or other criminals. Guns are the evil. And target shooters are "dump" people. After the last school-shooting, some have had the idea, to registry each pupil/student, practicing targetshooting. Now, it´s forbidden to shoot .22 under 16 years and "big bore" under 18. cuckoo I shoot my first .416Rigby as I was 13 years old. But that was an other time. Roll Eyes And now, if you under 25 years, you must have a certificate from a psychiatrist.€€€€€€€ Eeker cuckoo
No long gun registry in the future? Dreamer!

Posts: 824 | Location: Munich, Bavaria, thats near Germany | Registered: 23 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Well, you sound like just the sort of person that we need and would welcome as a "landed immigrant" here in Canada. We can always use a good pro-gun Euro. conservative and I hope that you will condider moving here and joining us.

Germanic peoples founded Canada, and I would be happy to help you immigrate here should you wish to. It is not an "easy" process, but, it can be done, so. give it some thought! Smiler
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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@ Dewey,

thanks for this offer. It´s true, as I was younger, I was thinking to emigrate. Canada was my first choice. But now, I´m older, married and my dad is over 60 and need help in his little gun store. Hmmmmmm.......
And, my wife isn´t very pleased with this "ideas". Big Grin
But, when it be unbearable here in Germany, I come back to your offer. Wink

A friend got a job as hotel manager in the summer month´s anywhere in Canada. Perhaps, I have the possibility to visit him. Hunting with my new .358Norma Mag. Cool Maybe.

Posts: 824 | Location: Munich, Bavaria, thats near Germany | Registered: 23 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Hi: So has anyone heard when this money wasting bullshit is going to end? Dan
Posts: 201 | Location: Mackenzie BC | Registered: 15 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Dan, I kinda suspect that the slick oil giveaway specialist, Harper, will do it, but, he is going to try to get as much mileage out of it as he can from mostly "blue collar" voters, who will only vote for him on the gun issue. This, is about the only issue where he can attract the "union" votes from Layton and the NDP and that is how he will proceed, IMHO.

Nice to see that the Harper government is allowing OVER a half million foreigners in to OUR country every year, eh and is now talking about MORE "Asians" and so-called "refugees" because we don't have enough (?) "workers"....... typical "neo-con" lies!
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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