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double grizzly hunt in BC - is it possible?
one of us
I am doing some research on a grizzly hunt for spring 2009. I am getting the impression that some outfitters only get one tag per year, is that right?
I've already asked on here and sent of a letter to a bunch of outfitters that came up on searches, but hardlyu any offer horseback hunts, which is what we realy want.

Can anyone suggest a good outfit that might be able to accomodate for to hunters looking to take two grizzlies?

An AR member already put me on to an outfit called Height of the Rockies, who seem pretty good, and I have sent a second letter to them, but from my recollection of the phone call he can only offer one bear each year.

Posts: 2286 | Location: Aussie in Italy | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Many outfitters only get one tag per year. There are some that have more, but its will generally find them up north. The reason is that the sustainable harvest rate is pretty low, and residents are supposed to get the majority of opportunities. Many units only allow for 1 resident to take a grizzly in a year (tags awarded through lottery system).

It doesn't really matter though as far as you are concerned...the bag limit for a hunter (resident or non-resident) is only one bear per year. Even if someone had two to sell you, you would only be allowed to buy one tag and could therefore only take one bear.

You could take one grizz and two black bear though.


Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Sorry there is a typo in my previous post - I meant "for two hunters looking to take two grizzlies"
That would be one eeach between me and my dad.
Posts: 2286 | Location: Aussie in Italy | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Gatehouse
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From what I understand, most peopel book a moose/sheep/elk hutn and get a grizz tag "in case"

The only way to know a quota is to call the outfitter, I think.

Many areas would have a tough time getting 2 mature grizzly boars in one hunting session, I think. Not impossible, but probably rare.

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Try Pelly lake Outfitters.I think they have 3 tags a year. I really wouldn't try a horse back grizzly hunt as you need to cover a lot of ground if you want to find a shootable bear. Most outfitters in the interior will hunt clear cuts & do a lot of glassing.
Posts: 94 | Location: Chilcotin B.C. | Registered: 05 December 2002Reply With Quote
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The outfit I have enquired about in another post has at least two tags, strange thing is, they stil have the two tags for this spring of 2008. Isn't it a big unusual that a good outfitter have 2 bear tags this close to the season?
Posts: 2286 | Location: Aussie in Italy | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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If I had read closer, I would have figured out what you meant! Now I get what you are after though. Smiler

I don't have the outfitter quotas on hand (although I am sure I have them somewhere!), but, its safe to assume that many of the outfitters in Northern BC (where the territories are large and bears are relatively undisturbed by resident pressure) have more than one grizzly draw per year.

You might want to check with outfits like:

Stone Mt Safaris
Folding and Terminus Mt Outfitters
Kawdy Outfitters
Upper Stikine River Adventures
Tuchodi River Outfitters
Prophet Muskwa at Sleeping Chief
Collingwood Brothers Outfitting
Muncho Lake Outfitters
Christina Falls Outfitters
Horseshoe Creek Outfitters (a smaller outfit, but I believe he gets two tags)
High and Wild Wilderness Safaris

Just google them...they all have websites. All are well known (except maybe Horseshoe Creek) and they all charge a pretty high rate...but they have good territories and lots of bears.

Hope this helps,

Posts: 7123 | Location: The Rock (southern V.I.) | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
one of us
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Thanks for those leads Canuck, I have sent an e-mail to each one and am just waiting on replies. So far, the only outfit who has been active in getting back to me was the one that was said to have been taken over and "run into the ground"
I hope this lot will be more promising, otherwise I think the outfitter you put me on to via PM will be the best bet.
Posts: 2286 | Location: Aussie in Italy | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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How are you making out?
Posts: 31 | Location: Central BC, Canada | Registered: 09 June 2002Reply With Quote
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