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Who hunts with a 9.3 x 62 in Canada ?
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Picture of londonhunter
I am planning to retire to Canada in the near future and will bring one my rusty 9.3 x 62 with me

Anybody else hunts with one here ?

Very handy with this long gun registry disappearing

I have plenty of European toys to share !

Where do you guys buy your 9.3 bullets from

Ontario or BC ?
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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I don't use a 9,3x62 but they are fairly popular here. Try Tradex in Quebec for lots of Husqvarna rifles in 9,3x62. Bullets are available from most major retailers.
Posts: 94 | Location: Chilcotin B.C. | Registered: 05 December 2002Reply With Quote
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9.3 bullets and brass are easy to find and are available from many sources here in BC.
Where in Canada do you plan to relocate ?
Posts: 98 | Location: Fraser Valley B.C. | Registered: 07 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I am looking at some cottages near north bay
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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I wish you the best of luck with your move, the Province of Ontario has many fine gunshops and sporting goods stores.
I'm sure you will love Ontario.
Posts: 98 | Location: Fraser Valley B.C. | Registered: 07 December 2005Reply With Quote
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I love it when one can hunt near the back yard ......
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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you even find components and factory ammo in Whitehorse.

and i know a lot of people there using it.

i will certainly soon get another one.

see you.
Posts: 2264 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada. | Registered: 21 May 2006Reply With Quote
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good luck for your new experience.I bought a property in New Brunswick four years ago and I'm very satified.

Posts: 1421 | Location: northern italy | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Londonhunter You will not likely run into many hunters carrying a 9.3x62. However there are quite a few of them around. I have carried mine in the bush for moose and elk. My Husqvarna 1600 is just about a perfect rifle for that. Lots of bullets availible to reload. 270 gr Speer semi spitzers are quite good . Nosler makes a 250 gr Accubond and a 286 gr Partition. Swift A Frames and Barnes X bullets are also availible. Several European made bullets are also availible . Brass can usually be found with several dealers.
Posts: 2457 | Location: manitoba canada | Registered: 01 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I have been using 250 sift a frame and accubond bonds for some time now and virtually hunt with this and a 6.5x55 and nothing else

On the east coast who do you order supplies from ?

Lapua case accubonds and varget ?

Manitoba should be I the resting

Post so details of game and species
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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I would say for all the years I ave been hunting in Canada 270 and 3006 are the most popular caliber

Since I use blaser I might get a 270 just in case
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Speaking as a Canadian hunter who uses a 9.3x74R regularly, and who also is a devout Blaser R93 fan, welcome! Components for reloading are readily available by mail order from a number of large retailers, and you won't be too far from a few excellent gunshops.

You will meet a few genuine gun nuts who will recognize and admire (or abhor) your gun and cartridge choices. The VAST majority will never have heard of either Blasers or 9.3mm anythings! Reactions vary from bemused disbelief, through vague distrust, all the way to mild contempt...but most hunters are just happy to meet a kindred spirit. Stay away from Toronto (the anus of Canada, IMHO) and you'll get along just fine. Smiler

Good luck, and congratulations on your retirement!

Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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If you are moving over here do you plan on getting residency, or just living here "part time"
Posts: 193 | Location: Uxbridge, Ontario | Registered: 10 December 2005Reply With Quote
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The 9.3 X 62 is near the top of any list as a one cartridge do-it-all for anything in Canada, Alaska or Africa.

Mine's a TIKKA with a 22.4" barrel that loves about anything shot through it (handloads). The 286gr Hornady shoots into sub-MOA, and the 286 Nosler Partition into sub-1/2 MOA! I won't give loads or velocities here but you can check my website at:

I hunt black bear, moose, whitetail and the canine predators with my 9.3. And all that within an hour's drive of my home.


"Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being" - King David, Psalm 148 (NLT)

Posts: 849 | Location: Kawartha Lakes, ONT, Canada | Registered: 21 November 2008Reply With Quote
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That's what I plan to do as well

Now I have 3 x 9.3 62 and one in each continent so I don't have to travel with guns any more

Sort of flyby and hunt !
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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I hunt with a couple of em,
CZ 550 medium and an FN mauser with heym barrel
Posts: 88 | Location: Prince Rupert BC | Registered: 14 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Tradeex is where I get my 9.3 bullets.

Move to BC. Ontario is not gun or hunter friendly compared to the West.

SCI Life Member

"In those savage countries success frequently depends upon one particular moment; you may lose or win according to your action at that critical instant."

Sir Samuel Baker
Posts: 297 | Location: New Scotland, Canada | Registered: 01 August 2007Reply With Quote
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BUGly Man;

Where does the West begin? I know where Ontario is! We have OVER 100,000 moose hunters alone, and Ontario stretches from the Great Lakes to Hudson Bay! It could swallow up The British Isles, France, Germany, Austria, Spain and Italy with still plenty of elbow room to move around.

I hunt year 'round... Tell me about "the west"!!?? Big Grin


"Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being" - King David, Psalm 148 (NLT)

Posts: 849 | Location: Kawartha Lakes, ONT, Canada | Registered: 21 November 2008Reply With Quote
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Oh, come now! Bob, surely you are not suggesting that gun ownership and hunting in Ontario can compare favourably to the same activities out West?

I grew up and lived in Onterrible for the first 54 years of my life (the last 12 in the City of Kawartha Mistakes), and just moved to Manitoba last year...maybe not "the West", but at least "the Middle" and definitely not "the East". Big Grin

BUM is not only correct in his assessment, but he is being very understated and diplomatic. I would have put it much more strongly.
Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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If you end up in North Bay, travel about an hour south on highway 11 and stop in at Ellwood Epps Sporting store. They are one of the best gun dealers in all of Ontario.
Posts: 66 | Location: Canada | Registered: 10 February 2010Reply With Quote
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The only 9 I have ever used is the 9.3X64 Brennke.In a Blaser Rifle.

short and fat and hard to get at, hit like a hammer and never been hit back.
Posts: 251 | Location: Just north of Salingrad. | Registered: 07 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jwm:
Oh, come now! Bob, surely you are not suggesting that gun ownership and hunting in Ontario can compare favourably to the same activities out West?

I grew up and lived in Onterrible for the first 54 years of my life (the last 12 in the City of Kawartha Mistakes), and just moved to Manitoba last year...maybe not "the West", but at least "the Middle" and definitely not "the East". Big Grin

BUM is not only correct in his assessment, but he is being very understated and diplomatic. I would
have put it much more strongly.


Yeah, I thought things were noticeably more peaceful and pleasant over the past YEAR in The Kawarthas, but was unsure of the reason... NOW you've cleared up that mystery for us all! Big Grin

The MIDDLE of Manitoba means the middle of winter year 'round!! Winnipeg? Now THERE'S a place to live... FLOODS & FROST!! rotflmo

They do have some good bear huntin' tho, if ya don't drown or freeze before ya squeeze the trigger! Wink



"Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being" - King David, Psalm 148 (NLT)

Posts: 849 | Location: Kawartha Lakes, ONT, Canada | Registered: 21 November 2008Reply With Quote
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Well, Bob, I suspect that my leaving may well be responsible for any perceived increase in peace and quiet in my old Kawarthas stomping grounds. Now that I am not doing any recreational shooting behind the barn any more, you aren't hearing the constant and repetitive sound of police cars heading for my house, summoned by frantic, rabidly-liberal neighbours quaking in terror at the sound of gunfire. I even shot my first Manitoba deer a couple of weeks ago, in 16 inches of fresh snow, using a RIFLE...something unthinkable at my previous place...shotguns only, of course...too many yuppies and cidiots getting back to nature by moving out of the city and then bringing as much of it as possible with them. dancing

Enjoy the East! For me...I've fallen in love with the Middle! Cool


edited to add: Just so this isn't a total highjack...I got that deer with a 9.3x74R!
Posts: 1028 | Location: Manitoba, Canada | Registered: 01 December 2007Reply With Quote
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