Moderators: Canuck
Re: Has anyone seen this ?
one of us
The contribution to the economy in ANY part of Canada from ANY hunting dollars, our own, American or anyone else, is absolutely miniscule. The best hunting areas have an abundance of natural resources that is nearly incalculable and more goodies, i.e., sapphires and emeralds, are being discovered all the time. So, nobody here, other than a few guide-outfitters, really cares about the financial aspects of this situation and, as I stated, refering to this tends to piss we Canucks off. The real reason that I want to see Americans continue to hunt here and enjoy this country is because I like Americans, period.

You are right, buddy, we must stand together on both sides of the border and worldwide to conserve wildlife and the entire Biosphere and maintain our great hunting traditions, that is the gist of what I have been saying here. I seriously doubt that Geo. Bush or our Prime Minister, Paul Martin, really thinks very much about what hunters want, but, the public at large has certain opinions about us which we can modify through lobbying and daily example.

I honestly hope that this can all be worked out, I have met some damned fine guys who were Yanks hunting and fishing up here and I hope that this will continue, based on sound conservation and good sportsmanship.
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
one of us
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I have recenlty seen this while talking to a couple American hunters up here looking for geese this weekend. They tell me that their success rate for gaining access to private land has gone from about 90% to about 10%.

Do I think this is a goood stratigy. Personally I do not. Cattleman from the bordering states are the ones that need to be swayed, not two Californians looking for a couple of geese.
Posts: 67 | Registered: 30 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Hunt the cattle? Let's not even get into the rancher versus public land debate.
Posts: 21 | Registered: 06 April 2004Reply With Quote
one of us
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Against my better judgement I will shoot my mouth off.

I think this is BULLSHIT!

It will hurt the outfitting industry. Who is going to cover the Outfitters losses?

I do see how it could add some leverage but at what cost down the road. Will it open a can of worms? Will it set a precedent? Will all the No Hunting signs come down after this idea works or fails?
I have seen this before when farmers and ranchers have a problem with the government so they figure they cause a rucus by posting thier land so they get anouther interest group all worked up and involved. The whole country side gets posted, "No Hunting". The farmers/ranchers problem gets resolved one way or the other and years later half the fuck'n country is still posted.
I say leave hunting out of it. I am sure there are some good sayings about gambling, I just don't know one off hand.
It will just drag anouther industry in the shit hole.
I say leave politcs out of hunting!

Oh yeah,
I come from a farm/ranch background so I do understand your plight.

Posts: 536 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon | Registered: 28 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I heard a representative of the APOS on the radio today whining about this idea. After all, the outfitters are the ones who are going to suffer from this. The Gist is that Outfitters can't pay or give compensation in any form for access, so the land owner has nothing to lose anyway, except possible relief from wildlife depredation. In Outfitting, we have another industry that has been built almost entirely to accomadate american demand. Aren't we Canadians stupid to make ourselves dependant on one market and then bite the hand that feeds us? Then of course, we have a significant part of our population that believes we, of all people, are in a position to bully our neighbors. give me a break. I hear all kinds of crap, but the fact is that the border isn't going to open until the American regulatory process has taken its course, however long that takes.
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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