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Backgrounder- CPC
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Stand up for Security


Stand up for Security

Table of contents


Serious crime must mean serious time…………………………………………4-5

More police on the streets …………………………………………………….…….6

Invest in effective gun control, not phoney measures………..………………..7

Get tough with sex offenders……………..………………………………………...8

Youth at risk……………………………………….…………………………………...9

Strengthen the Youth Criminal Justice Act………….………………………….10

Establish a national Victims’ Ombudsman Office…………………………...…11

Enact a national drug strategy………………………………………...…………..12

Air India inquiry……………………………………………….……………………...13

Securing our borders………………………………………………………………..14

Ensuring effective deportation laws……………………………...………………15

Appendix: Mandatory minimum prison sentencing for gun crimes…....16-17

05 January 2006

Safe streets have been a defining characteristic of the Canadian way of life and Canadians are rightly proud of that tradition of community safety and security. The federal government must act decisively to ensure that all Canadians – particularly the most vulnerable members of society – can live in safe, healthy communities.

continued ...............

Go to this site to download the entire document.
Posts: 277 | Location: McLeese Lake, B. C. Canada | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Canuck32
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Lord help us if the liebrals get back in. Hopefully the CPC does and maybe we have a chance at getting a handel on the crime etc problems in our country before they get really out of control.

If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness."

- Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick

Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I am 60 now but when I was a boy I went to Toronto with my father and there was no crime and there were no street beggars.

I left Toronto when I was 44 and by then there were many street beggars but no street gangs at all and you could safely walk anywhere in town.

I have returned to Toronto every year for the past 16 years and now there are beggars all over the place and there are 57 street gangs. The Jane Finch area isn't safe.

There was a time when immigrants to Canada were chosen on the basis of what they could do for the country. Pierre Trudeau personally changed that by bringing in drug culture Jamaicans to help his Marxist friend Michael Manley, then Prime Minister of Jamaica, get off the hook. These people were rioting in Jamaica. They create riots so they can break into stores.

Since then all kinds of orhanized crime figures have been let into Canada. Lloyd Axeworthy persoanlly brought in known Mafia criminals. The upper echelons of the RCMP must have been corrupted by appointments from the Liberal party because tons of people with known criminal records pouring into the country and that means bribery and kick backs. This is now especvially true with Triad immigrants from Hong Kong. Somebody is getting paid off.

The murders in Toronto are mainly Jamaican drug dealers shooting Jamaican drug dealers. They were imported by Pierre Trudea I have watched this development with my own eyes.


Ted Gorsline
Posts: 1116 | Location: | Registered: 14 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Ah, actual FACTS about what has REALLY caused the degradation in Canadian life, the attacks upon our traditions and the diminishing safety in our homes and streets. Sadly, if you posted that TRUE information on any of the "Canadian" gunsites, you would almost certainly be "banned" as I was, for telling it like I see it here in Vancouver, every single day.

The Liberal/No Democracy Pinko/Red Tory TRAITORS have employed the school system and the mass media, largely owned by ONE ethnic group, to brainwash Canadians, especially those under about 55. I am almost 60 and I remember what OUR country once was.....and I just want to puke when I see it now.

Ain't it funny that "RACISM" has increased exponentially in Canada, ESPECIALLY among the hordes from third-world shitholes who have hated/killed each other for centuries. The Filipinos, who are the one good group of Asians, are constantly harassed, beaten and frequently killed by VietCong and East Indians.....and we allow this to go on........

We need a nativist, nationalist CANADIAN immigration/citizenship policy and we need it damned fast! On today's Global TV news out of Vancouver, a report detailed how some construction industry people are trying to bring in a lot of British construction workers to fill vacancies in their industry and these Brits want to immigrate here. Do you want to bet that various obstacles will be put in their way, BUT, Sikhs and Muslims who do not even speak OUR language have No trouble getting into Canada................

The latest Governor-General, a black immigrant from Haiti is now visiting B.C.; she is actually a sweetie and has a wonderful attitude about Canada, BUT, when was the last time that a CANADIAN of founding, non-French extraction was chosen for this position? It was over 30 years ago, yet, the "French" get every second appointment.....ah, "diversity", "tolerance" and "the just society", ain't it wonderful??????????
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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