Well I gotta get this out in the open. LOL I'll never again laugh at a guy whose scope bites him!! I happened to me this afternoon and I bled like a stuck pig, all over my shoes all over the floor in the range...it was pretty dramatic. I forgot to ask the doc how many stitches he put in, but my guess is 5. I was damned embarassed but now it's settling into humour and in a few months it will be a good story. For now though it hurts like absolute hell.
What were you shooting? I have never had it happen to me but have seen it happen. I read something the other day where a guy said it could happen just by a shooting from an odd position up hill or down hill or something and that even veteran hunters who have shot for years may sometimes end up "bitten".
Robin down under
Posts: 265 | Location: Rocky Mtn. Hse., Alberta | Registered: 09 September 2005
Yup it sucks to be you. I always suggest safety glasses of some sort when shooting usually the frame keeps the scope from getting a good bite on your noodle. And yes scalp wounds bleed like a severed artery, well at least it seems that way, it's because all the blood vessels are close to the surface. How bout some pics.
Posts: 120 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 16 October 2004
had it happen to me while shooting off a ford truck hood at buffalo in south dakota. it nailed right above my glasses at the nose bridge. bled like everything untill i got a band aid on it. truly an out of position shot.
Posts: 510 | Location: pa | Registered: 07 May 2003
Good thing it happened there, Chef. I faint at the sight of blood and my first aid certificate is expired. You, with your stitches and me with my cracked rib. Ought to be an inteersting Hunt. Grizz
Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man
Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln
What scope were you using?Most scopes being sold today have a rubber ring on the eyepiece.I have seen the worst cuts delivered by the nice sharp edges of leupold scopes.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002
Just cut through the skin this spring for the first time using a 9.3x62 when the bears were all around me and I got a wee bit excited! Nothing major, just a wee crack, no bleeding of significance.
Chef, I feared you had cut a finger off with one of those nasty broadheads... no, not really! ;-) Grizz already told me!
Which range were you, that has a floor? Anybody know about the range in Olds? I asked Grizz, but of course he is too busy working and falling off horses! ;-)
It's a BSA scope, and has a nice sharp edge. I brought it back from a Montana run a few years back when I didn't have much money for a decent scope. I hate that scope and have been meaning to replace it...but I've been so busy bowhunting that I've put guns on the back burner. I don't think I've shot it for a year or so. Recently I had a recoil pad and mercury tube installed so I was just siteing it in, but as usual I was in a rush to pick up the kids etc. and got careless. The work on it does make it kick less, but it's still pretty stiff. I've shot 300 win mags that kick less, I guess it's just a bad stock configuration. One thing for sure I fully intend to do some training this winter.
I keep 13 inches from my buttplate to the rim of the eye piece.I would like to know what distance do people keep when shooting the bigger magnums,like the 375RUM,etc...
Posts: 11651 | Location: Montreal | Registered: 07 November 2002
This will sound goofy as hell, but when I sight in at a range, even though I wear glasses, I position whatever "Give-Me" cap I am wearing at the time, as low as possible on my head, so that the end of the bill of the cap is almost touching the eye piece on my scopes. I have all my scopes adjusted where I have around 3.5 to 4.5 inches of eye relief. When I pull the trigger, if I am too close to the scope, I know it real quick as my cap will fly up a little when the scope hits the bill of the cap. I have never been cracked by one of my scopes, but have a friend who got nailed by a K6 weaver that was on the first 300 Win. Mag. I owned. We were spotlighting coyotes and he just got up too close and it left a little semi-circle above his right eye.
I got scope for the first time in a 25 years or so. When I got my 416 home from the smith. It only weight 8.25lb then now it weights 10 lbs on the head.
I move the scope as far forward as possible but a thicker recoil pad on and added 1.75 lbs of weight.
Posts: 19932 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001