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Re: Manitobans
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I live in North-eastern BC, and am getting real hooked on sheep hunting for Stone sheep. The physical exertion of carrying 75 pound plus packs back into some nasty terrain, glassing up to 15 rams at a time, seeing goats, monster moose, and mountain caribou, dealing with the stuff Mother Nature throws at you in late September/early October in the mountains of northern BC......I LOVE IT.
I also hunt elk, and moose. I didn't buy a moose tag this year, cuz I still have a bit of meat left from last year.
I whacked a couple of wolves 2 weeks ago; they are getting to be a real scourge around here, decimating the game. Anyways, to sum it up, it's good to live here, stupid gun rules or not. I still can hunt damned near anywhere I choose, I pack a rifle any time I go out for a hike, quad ride or camping.
We as British Columbians are BLESSED with the variety of big game we can hunt, from just buying a tag to Limited Entry draws. I payed $60 dollars for a sheep tag, and Guided hunts for a sheep start at something like $10k-$12k for a non-resident....
Posts: 106 | Location: Muskwa, BC, Canada | Registered: 31 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Sheldon C.-

Nice going on the bear. Bear numbers are awfully high around SE Man. and taking one actually does the bears a favour. Your photo looks like it coulda been anywhere from Anola to the RM of Brokenhead....


Doc Sharptail
Posts: 27 | Location: Winnipeg, Canada | Registered: 24 October 2003Reply With Quote
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BTT for anyone newly here....

Feel free to chime in if you haven't done so yet....


Doc Sharptail
Posts: 27 | Location: Winnipeg, Canada | Registered: 24 October 2003Reply With Quote
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US ex-pat in Newfoundland. 25 years. Caribou, mainly, some small game/ducks. Lots of target shooting.

Seem to be only NF-person here.
Posts: 65 | Registered: 06 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of cobra
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How many canadians do we actually have here and what is your primary game?I live in alberta and hunt elk and whitetails every year and bighorn,mules,moose and pronghorn in my home province when my schedule allows it and I draw the tags that are required.I also hunt whitetails in saskatchewan on a regular basis.

I live in southern Ontario, previously in Northern Ontario. My cousin and I hunt for moose and deer. Glad to see so many Canadians at AR.
Posts: 8827 | Location: CANADA | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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I am a Canadian, but (sob) now live in Florida. I LOVE the gorgeous Canadian outback.....there is so much of it. I hate the fact that Canadians have come under the boot of successive mindless governments waging a holy war against firearms. So, my caribou hunts take me to Alaska, instead of Canada. Still, would love to correspond with Canadian hunters
Posts: 2097 | Location: Gainesville, FL | Registered: 13 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Hey Greener.

I'm in Manitoba too. I live in Anola and work in the city. My two boys (6 & 8) go to school in the city too. They just got pulled out of school a couple of weeks ago for two days so they could sit in a tree stand with me and watch me shoot a bear with my muzzle loader. It was very cool. You are right, we have some of the best hunting anywhere right here.

Posts: 244 | Location: Winnipeg, Canada | Registered: 02 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Hey Sheldon,

Where abouts? Right in Anola or what. I have family a little ways south east of there, Marsh road, and did some tree planting north east of town when I was in university.

I've never hunted bear. One day maybe. I can't wait until my little guy is old enough to come out with me. He'll be two in December. So I figure in another 3 years he should be able to sit for an hour or so on a nice afternoon for deer.
He's already hooked on the Realtree videos I have. It's about 50/50 whether he wants to watch deer or Nemo. I figure that's pretty good for now!
How's your season been? I just got back from moose camp, am heading out for geese this weekend and then muzzleloader deer starts next week. Great time of the year!
Posts: 2 | Registered: 06 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Central Vancouver Island
The last 60 years have been split between here and Alberta. Did too many years as Class "A" guide/outfitter on the east slope of the Rockies.
Now mostly whack the odd dwarf deer (Blacktail) thats eating my fruit trees. Or coons outta the cherry trees
Posts: 203 | Location: Vancouver Island BC | Registered: 23 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Born and raised in New Brunswick. I've spent the last 7 years or so, here in Arizona....
Posts: 37 | Location: Queen Creek, AZ | Registered: 12 September 2004Reply With Quote
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