Bush Joke #7-Last One
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Time to move on - I'll just post one more....

Posts: 345 | Location: Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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Grizzly Albert:

That one is past the bounds. You're from Alabama? As a Southerner, you should know better than to give aid and comfort to enemies of the United States. I know that the "Rebs" don't think like that post of yours. I would imagine that the men who served in the 12th Alabama who fought against us Yankees at Gettysburg and who fought as an American regiment against the Germans in WW1 would not agree with you either.
Posts: 649 | Location: NY | Registered: 15 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I don't consider this one a joke, it's in pretty bad taste.
Posts: 118 | Location: Tonopah, AZ, USA | Registered: 27 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Totally uncalled for!!!!!!

Ask any active duty military person (I happen to be one) and nearly everyone of them will admit to liking Bush. Those of us that wear the uniform understand the difference between a man like Bush and a clown like Kerry or good old Slick Willy Clinton.

Ignore button on!!

Posts: 1638 | Location: Colorado by birth, Navy by choice | Registered: 04 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm having a hard time typing anything that expresses my disgust and keeping it from being obscene. You, sir (and I use the term loosely) went WAY over the line on that one.
Posts: 269 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 07 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Dear Grizzly Albert (ASSWIPE)

I think you are a prime example of the democratic party today. If you can't repect the president at least you could repect the troops.
Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Hey Albert, you do realize that all the time you waste posting this stupid shit takes away time from fucking your sister, don't you?~~~~~~~~~~~~~scott
Posts: 343 | Location: Dallas Texas | Registered: 05 February 2004Reply With Quote
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You've got to remember the freedom of expression in this country.
Albert can "say" what he wishes without fear.
Still, I can understand your frustrations...

What I can't handle is your misidentification...

That wasn't his sister, it was his mother.

Please have your eyes checked, and, while I'd normally not be bothered commenting, it's for your own good.
Posts: 34 | Location: NH | Registered: 27 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Grizz, what happened to 'freedom of speech', and your right to express your views? Go for it mate, and the more the merrier!! Not everyone in the world feels that the USofA has a monopoly on 'being right', and the war in Iraq (and VietNam before that are classic examples of a corrupt and self serving political and commercial ideaology.

It amazes me that 300million people can be hoodwinked into pursuing an invasion of a sovereign nation without UN approval on the basis of seeking and eliminating 'weapons of mass destruction' (fair enough, the US sold them to Hussein), then segues into 'eliminating a notorious dictator' without question. Has too many similarities to Hitler in the '30's for my liking. More, please!!

And yes, I am an ex serviceman!!
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Somehow I don't think you would dare leave a Sydney bar and shoot your mouth off that way in many other parts of Australia. In the memory of living Americans, many Aussies died once to make sure that you are not currently speaking Japanese as an outlying province of Japan. What galls the far Left like you is that real Aussies and Americans have a good relationship. We fight and we insult each other routinely and we holler at each other - but if it comes to a fight against a common enemy, Americans know that you don't represent anything of Australia. You shout - and if the balloon goes up you will whimper and cower. The better men and women of Australia will protect you so you can scream insults. Hey! That's "free" speech, isn't it? Too bad, so many better people had to die to let you mouth off that way. We have an old Western expression. "He's not worth the powder to blow him to hell". If the shoe fits,wear it.
Posts: 649 | Location: NY | Registered: 15 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Are you sure it's his mother, and not his daughter?, somewhat fuzzy from this distance... no! wait! it's his dad he's cornholing. Any one with an ounce of brains knows WHO the joke HERE is, and it ain't GW.
Posts: 350 | Location: state of missery/missouri | Registered: 08 May 2004Reply With Quote
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You have just proved my point - my grandfather, and his brother died in 1916, in France, BEFORE you guys entered the war in Europe, my father, and two of his brothers fought in both Europe and New Guinea (including the Kokoda Campaign) and a close relative fought in North Africa against Rommel, at El Alamein. My brother and I 'did our bit' in Viet Nam, and both of us thankfully, survived. My point was that the USofA promotes freedom of speech - I have no worries about 'leaving a bar' after expressing my feelings, and have done so on many occasions. You might be surprosed at how many Australians don't regard the USofA as 'saviours'. Yes, you helped, but you may also be surprised at how much we helped ourselves. I have nothing to hide, or to feel shame for my committment to defend my country, but I will not be sucked in again by the crap that our politicians feed us, and I pray to God that my son will not be sucked in the same way we were. I don't give a shit what you think, I have learnt to think for myself, and I will teach my son to think for himself. But thank you for your opinion.
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Oh, and by the way 'far left' ??? How did you arrive at that conclusion? By the way, my job sees me in many parts of Australia, from the outback to the major cities, and everything in between - you might be surprised (and perhaps a little disappointed) to realise that many Australians feel the same way as I do. Thankful for your help, but just a lttle bit distrustful of your country's motives. Our Prime Minister, John Howard was NOT voted in by a majority of voters - he came to power by virtue of our 'preferential system' of election.
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Well Rugeruser it kinda like this. Freedom of speech is in our bill of rights and not regulated by the government. But I take it upon myself to regulate free speech when people are around me. You can disrepect the troops or burn the flag and the govenment won't step in but do it when I'm around and one of us will get an old fashion ass kicking.
Posts: 1557 | Location: Texas | Registered: 26 July 2003Reply With Quote
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M-16. If you need help, I'll gladly jump in.
Paul B.
Posts: 2814 | Location: Tucson AZ USA | Registered: 11 May 2001Reply With Quote
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With the sacrifice that your family has made in defence of Australia and your own service, how do you attack the US as you do? Who ever told you that we think we are the "saviours" of Australia? I thought I made it plain that Aussies handled their defence. You don't like war? Who does? Do you know any other way to handle Muslim fanatics determined to wipe us out? What, exactly will you teach your son? That surrender is better than war? Many people thought that way at a place called Munich in 1938 - and the world ended up with over 50 million dead as a result. I do apologize for the insulting tone of my post. As an Irishman, I get carried away sometimes.

P.S. I had an American born uncle who went over in 1915 and enlisted and served in a British regiment in France - because he thought that the Germans were a more dangerous enemy than the English. Maybe you should be telling your son about who his real enemies of tomorrow might be - instead of attacking an old friend. BTW, I join with M1 Tanker and Paul. We'll take you on anytime our country comes under attack.
Posts: 649 | Location: NY | Registered: 15 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Guys, thank you for your responses, but please re-read my posts before you go off half cocked about 'burning flags', and 'teaching my son to surrender' etc., etc. Chill and then have a think about it with an open mind. Then reply. If you're not prepared to do that then you are more of a fascist than I care to deal with, or defend. That's if you really understand what a fascist is (it's in the dictionary).
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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"Why of course the people don't want war. . . . That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."

Comments by Hermann Goering (Nazi German Field Marshal, Commander in Chief of the German Air Force during WWII and the second most powerful Nazi leader in Hitler's regime) during his Nuremberg war crimes trial.

[those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it]
Posts: 2097 | Location: S.E. Alaska | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Your last post told me the real story about you. I had been a little puzzled about your inquiry about what "hard Left" meant. I took the trouble to call an old friend in Australia and found out out that the hard Left is doing its best nowadays to try to straddle the fence. You're terrified that democracy might succeed in Iraq. You have a son? I don't believe it. In fact, I think you're a liar in everything that you have posted. Across nearly 12000 miles my friend laughed so loud I had to lift the phone away when I quoted your claim that you could say your remarks in Western or Northern Australia. In fact, he suggested that I ask you for the name of any Sydney bar where you could talk that way. I gather that you may belong to a rather strange little clique in Australia. (BTW, I asked about your claim that Prime Minister Howard only had minority support. He tells me that it dealt with a variety of domestic issues and had nothing to do with Aussies standing by an old friend and ally)

You want to know where you gave yourself away as a hard Leftist? It was where you referred to us as "fascists". Really! You sound like an old greybeard that we see occasionally at leftist rallies. Yesterday you were nothing. What do you think you are today? In your own country you are considered irrelevant.
Posts: 649 | Location: NY | Registered: 15 January 2004Reply With Quote
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"Your last post told me the real story about you." Pray tell, what is 'the real story about me?' Why would I be terrified that democracy might succeed in Iraq? As to your friend's assertion that I could not talk that way in any Sydney bar, I would suggest that he nominate a bar where I couldn't!! It might create a bit of heated debate, but I have no fear of expressing my feelings anywhere!! Also, this is probably not the time or place to go into our electoral system, but in summary, we have what is called a 'preferential' system. The result of this is that a party can actually get less than 50% of the vote, but by forming a coalition with another party, they can then form a government, because between the two parties, they attain a majority, even though the majority of voters have not voted for them.

Your lack of intellectual rigour doesn't surprise me, but it does sadden me. Your assertion that I am 'far left' demonstrates EXACTLY my point - by labelling and name calling, rather than enquiry. This allows you to judge and make condemnatory decisions that excuse any form of behaviour you feel justified in pursuing. For you edification, I am not 'far left', and in fact, am generally extremely supportive of capitalism and democracy - my son attends one of Australia's leading private schools which has a military underpinning, and will (I'm sure) be educated in the traditions of Australia, together with the spiritual and social dimension so sadly lacking (in my opinion) in current society. The real benefit of him attending that school is that they teach their students 'critical thinking' as distinct from 'being critical'. Your assertion that you think that all my posts are 'lies' worries me not at all - if you're serious about putting your money where your mouth is, I'll provide documentary evidence.

I would suggest that the vehemence of your reaction and accusations put you firmly in the realm of a person who is 'threatened' by what they read, especially when it doesn't conform to their narrow minded opinion - sort of like the old fable of 'The Emporer's New Clothes' - my friend, I can't recall who said it but the saying goes something along the lines of 'patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel', if memory serves, it was one of your guys!! To close off, and end this pointless exercise, the Germans managed to convince their populace that they were under attack from all quarters - hence WWII. What I see is a nation which was once justifiably proud, but which now seems to be suffering from a collective paranoia which justifies its own actions. Once again, re-read my posts, and you'll see that I am not 'attacking' your country, I am simply commenting, and expressing my views - is that so subversive that you have to attempt to 'supress' my views by making personal attacks upon me? Wow, I obviously hit a nerve there!!
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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thank you - that is exactly my point. Generate sufficient paranoia, whip it into a frenzy, and away we go!!

As you say "[those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it]"
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Well, since this post is sent to the top again I guess it will never die. For you folks who don't need your political humor certified as politacally correct by the republican party, there is a hilarious website at AWOLBUSH.COM.

Here is another sample:

Posts: 345 | Location: Dauphin Island, Alabama, USA | Registered: 01 July 2002Reply With Quote
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is your sister taking a nap or something?
Posts: 343 | Location: Dallas Texas | Registered: 05 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Also, this is probably not the time or place to go into our electoral system, but in summary, we have what is called a 'preferential' system. The result of this is that a party can actually get less than 50% of the vote, but by forming a coalition with another party, they can then form a government

In the U.S. we have a similar system, but here the guy who gets less than half of the vote has to form a coalition with the Supreme Court.
Posts: 13245 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Just give the guy a break.

We see that you are good republicans with little humor. Take it easy.

Posts: 1082 | Location: Middle-Norway (Veterinary student in Budapest) | Registered: 20 March 2002Reply With Quote
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