The Bacon Tree
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The Bacon Tree

Two Mexicans are stuck in the desert after crossing into the United States , wandering aimlessly and starving.

They are about to just lie down and wait for death, when all of a sudden Luis says: "Hey Pepe, do you smell what I smell. Ees bacon, I theenk."

"Is, Luis, eet sure smell like bacon."

With renewed hope, they struggle up the next sand dune, & there, in the distance, is a tree loaded with bacon. There's raw bacon, there's fried bacon, back bacon, double smoked bacon, every imaginable kind of cured pork.

"Pepe, Pepe, we ees saved! Ees a bacon tree!"

"Luis, maybe ees a meerage? We ees in the desert don't forget."

"Pepe, since when deed you ever hear of a meerage that smell like bacon? Ees no meerage, ees a bacon tree!"

With that, Luis staggers towards the tree. He gets to within 5 yards, Pepe crawling close behind, when suddenly a machine gun opens up, and Luis drops like a wet sock.

Mortally wounded, he warns Pepe with his dying breath: "Pepe, go back man, you was right, ees not a bacon tree!"

"Luis, Luis miamigo, what ees it?"

"Pepe ees not a bacon tree. Ees...






Ees... A ham bush."


SO SORRY I know there is something wrong with me for posting this.

Just couldn't help it! Little voices made me do it!

And I bet you tried to do the accent didn't you?

I know you did!

You're grinning aren't you?


DRSS; NRA; Illinois State Rifle Association; Missouri Sport Shooting Association

“One of the sad signs of our times is that we have demonized those who produce, subsidized those who refuse to produce, and canonized those who complain.”
– Thomas Sowell, “The Vision Of The Anointed: Self-Congratulation As A Basis For Social Policy”

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Best Giggle In Awhile. tu2 jumping
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Love it.
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By God, I thought it was funny!

Never mistake motion for action.
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1-I agree that you are not quite right nilly

2-Little voices are difficult to ignore cuckoo

3-No, I didn't try the accent, I DID the accent Whistling (but you said you knew that)

4-Of course I grinned... at the stuff after "SO SORRY..." Big Grin
Posts: 147 | Location: Green Co.,Wis | Registered: 07 September 2004Reply With Quote
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Now that IS FUNNY! rotflmo
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