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Posts: 2663 | Location: Lone Star State | Registered: 12 November 2010Reply With Quote
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Unfortunately, that ain't funny. I have a nephew that is totally tech knowledgeable with the social skills of a door knob.

Aim for the exit hole
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Picture of NormanConquest
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I agree.With folks like that as the next generation,it does not bode well for our nation.

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Picture of The Dane
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Blame (bad/poor) upbringing on the parents not the children!
Posts: 1102 | Location: Denmark | Registered: 15 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Blame (bad/poor) upbringing on the parents not the children

My uncle used to complain often about my generation until one day I ask him "who raised my generation?"
He said that I had a point.

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Picture of twoseventy
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I think they will all right in the long run. Every generation only has about five to ten percent of them getting things done. The rest just skate and bitch.

...I say that hunters go into Paradise when they die, and live in this world more joyfully than any other men.
-Edward, duke of York

". . . when a man has shot an elephant his life is full." ~John Alfred Jordan

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." Cicero - 55 BC

"The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities." - Ayn Rand

Cogito ergo venor- KPete

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest. We address ourselves, not to their humanity but to their self-love, and never talk to them of our own necessities but of their advantages.”
― Adam Smith - “Wealth of Nations”
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Young modern shitiot !
I wonder who wipes her ass ?
Posts: 1991 | Location: Sinton, TX | Registered: 16 June 2013Reply With Quote
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We have slowly lowered the bar over time. It was amazing to me, over the length of my career, to see how we allowed employees to get by with slipshod work and reporting. They would submit something that I would be embarrassed to put my name on, but the younger generation thought they were doing great. I'm glad I'm retired.

I've got the same nephew as wasbeeman I guess. He's a genius with computers but doesn't know how to dress, eat, or communicate in a social setting. He just stays in front of his computer all day. I guess that is the future. Find your mate online. Someone exactly like you. Have kids that relate even less to the outside world or nature. Eventually AI takes over and humans are obsolete, or simply living, breathing robots. But, we can damn sure play that xBox.
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They vote too.

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Picture of stubbleduck47
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I sent this to a friend who owns / operates a rather successful small computer/internet/office networking business. He replied that the video was a reasonably accurate portrayal of some of his attempts to hire millennials for his business.
Posts: 911 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: 09 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by nopride2:
They vote too.


That's the worst of it .


Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man

Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln

Only one war at a time. Abe Again.
Posts: 4211 | Location: Alta. Canada | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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A good lawyer is a total workaholic. At least that's the way I was raised and I'm the worst culprit. But these new kids are different. I hire them because I have to, but they "meet" budget, never exceed it, by much anyway. I'd have never made partner at my old firm if I only "met" budget, it was understood. I started a new firm, with a goal of being more fair to the young folks so they could take care of me in my old age, but I've got folks I'm barely breaking even on that expect to make partner.
Good luck with that. When I bill more hours than an associate, plus client development, plus administrative work to run the firm, plus supply them with 100% of their work, what makes them think they are entitled to the same percentage of their personal billings that I get? Really don't get it.
Posts: 10139 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of BlackHawk1
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I have an "entitled" snowflake similar to the girl in the video just across from me in the cube farm. All she does all day is wear out her cell phone texting or whatever.


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say what you will but the girl in the vid DID have two really outstanding assets!
Posts: 1537 | Location: south of austin texas | Registered: 25 November 2011Reply With Quote
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