The stupidity level must be truly staggering and to have two of 'em in the same family should be cause for automatic and compulsory vasectomy to prevent 'em polluting the gene pool any further.
And you folks talk about us rednecks as being dumb. You'd never see a redneck doing something stupid like that........ A Budweiser logo or a replicate of Dale Ernhart's car maybe yes but never anything stupid.
Hell, I LOOK very intelligent. If you ignore the "R.I.P. Dale" tattoo. My girlfriend has Dale's car on her belly so's when she dances, the car looks like it's moving. Kewl, huh.
thats not kewl - kewl is having a tattoo of a rowboat on the end of your penis so that when you get a hard on it looks like an aircraft carrier..... now that is kewl , and slightly klassy too...
Old enough to know better
Posts: 4474 | Location: Eltham , New Zealand | Registered: 13 May 2002
I had a girlfriend who asked me what all the little dots and dashes were on my wienie. I told her to just kiss it once or twice and see. She was amazed that you could do the Declaration of Independence in 24 point type.