Like the truck driver who found out his wife was leaving him for his best friend + that the bank was repossessing his truck + everything he owned. He was making one final run + picked up a hitchhiker who turned out to be a hijacker who before stealing his truck, strips him naked + ties him face-first into a tree. He is lamenting his losses when a car on the highway stops + a guy comes over + asks him what's going on so he tells him. The new guy unzips his fly + says, "This just isn't your day, is it?"
Truck drivers are the worst witnesses. Back when I used to try personal injury cases, we had a very defensible case and my two best witnesses were the driver himself, surprisingly, and the dispatcher. Turned out the dispatcher was sending the driver on a lot of long haul trips so he could be alone with the driver's wife. The driver finally figured it out and they had a huge fist fight at the office and my client chose to fire both of them about a month out from trial. Thanks a lot.
Then there's the one about the trucker who gets hijacked stripped naked + tied with his back to the tree. When help finally arrives the worn shell of a man has only one statement, "Doesn't that calf have a mother?"