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These are Signs translated into English Seen in various international locales:

1. Cocktail Lounge, Norway:
Ladies are requested not to have Children in the bar

2. At A Budapest Zoo:
Please Do Not Feed The Animals. If You Have Any Suitable Food, Give It To The Guard On Duty

3. Doctor's Office, Rome:
Specialist In Women And Other Diseases

4. Hotel, Acapulco:
The Manager Has Personally Passed All The Water Served Here

5. Information Booklet About Using A Hotel Air Conditioner, Japan:
Cooles And Heates: If You Want Just Condition Of Warm Air In your Room. Please Control Yourself

6. Car Rental brochure, Tokyo:
When Passenger Of Foot Heave In Sight, Tootle The horn. Trumpet Him Melodiously At First, But If He Still Obstacles Your Passage Then Tootle Him with Vigor.

7. Drycleaner's, Bangkok:
Drop Your Trousers Here For The Best Results.

8. In A Nairobi Restaurant:
Customers Who Find Our Waitresses Rude Ought To See The Manager.

9. On The grounds Of A Private School:
No Trespassing Without Permission

10. On An Athi River Highway:
Take Notice:
When this Sign Is Under Water, This Road Is Impassable

11. On a poster At Kencom:
Are You An Adult That Cannot Read? If So, We Can help

12. In A City Restaurant:
Open Seven Days a Week And Weekends

13. A Sign Seen On An Automatic
Restroom hand Dryer: Do Not Activate With Wet Hands

14. In a Cemetery:
Persons Are Prohibited From Picking Flowers From Any But Their Own Graves.

15. Tokyo Hotel's Rules And Regulations:
Guests Are Requested Not To Smoke Or Do Other Disgusting Behaviours In Bed

16. Hotel Notice, Tokyo:
It Is Forbidden to Steal Hotel Towels Please. If You Are Not A Person To Do Such A Thing Is Please Not To Had Notice

17. On The Menu Of A Swiss
Our Wines Leave You Nothing to Hope For

18. In A Tokyo Bar:
Special Cocktails For The Ladies With Nuts

19. In A Bangkok Temple:
It Is Forbidden to enter A Woman Even A Foreigner If Dressed As A Man

20.Hotel Brochure, Italy:
This Hotel Is Renowned For Its Peace And solitude. In Fact, Crowds From All over The World Flock Here To Enjoy Its Solitude

21. Hotel Lobby, Bucharest:
The Lift Is being Fixed For The Next Day. During That Time We Regret That You Will Be Unbearable

22. Hotel Elevator, Paris:
Please leave Your Values At The Front Desk

23. Hotel, Yugoslavia
The Flattening Of Underwear With Pleasure Is The Job Of The Chambermaid

24. Hotel, Japan:
You Are Invited to take Advantage Of The Chambermaid

25. In The Lobby Of a Moscow Hotel
Across From A Russian Orthodox Monastery: You Are Welcome to Visit The Cemetery Where Famous Russian And Soviet Composers,Artists, And Writers Are Buried Daily Except Thursday.

26.Taken From A Menu, Poland:
Salad A Firm's Own Make; Limpid Red Beet Soup With Cheesy Dumplings In The Form Of A Finger; Roasted Duck Let loose; Beef Rashers Beaten In The Country People's Fashion.

27. Supermarket, Hong Kong:
For Your Convenience, We recommend Courteous, Efficient Self-Service.

28. From The"Soviet Weekly":
There Will Be A Moscow Exhibition Of Arts By 15,000 Soviet Republic painters And Sculptors. These Were Executed Over The Past Two Years.

29. In An East African Newspaper:
A New Swimming Pool Is Rapidly Taking Shape Since The Contractors Have Thrown In The Bulk Of Their Workers.

30. Hotel,Vienna:
In Case Of Fire, Do Your Utmost To Alarm The Hotel Porter.

31. A Sign Posted In Germany's Black Forest:
It Is strictly Forbidden On Our Black Forest Camping Site That People Of different sex, For Instance, Men And Women, Live Together In One Tent Unless they Are Married With Each Other For This Purpose

32. Spotted In A Toilet In A London Office Block
Toilet Out Of Order.
Please Use Floor Below.

33. Notice In Health Food Shop Window
Closed Due To Illness.

34. Spotted In A Safari Park
Elephants Please Stay In Your Car.

35. Seen During A Conference
For Anyone Who Has Children And Doesn't Know It, There Is A Creche On The First Floor.

36. Sign Warning Of Quicksand
Quicksand !
Any Person Passing This Point Will Be Drowned. By Order Of The District Council.

37. Outside A Farm
Horse Manure
50c - per Pre-Packed Bag
20c - Do-It-Yourself.

38. Sign In A Launderette
Automatic Washing Machines:
Please Remove All Your Clothes When The Light Goes Out.

39. Sign in an Irish office
After morning coffee break, staff should empty the pot and stand upside down on the draining board.

40. Sign in another office
Would the person who took the step ladder without premission yesterday kindly bring it back or further steps will be taken.

41. Sign in a London department store
Bargain Basement Upstairs.
Posts: 1483 | Location: Windber, PA | Registered: 24 January 2001
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