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Sean and Paddy are seated across the bar. Sean asks Paddy, “Well now, what brings you to town this fine evening?” Paddy replies, “Oh, today’s me birthday and I’ve just now come myself to celebrate!” Sean cries out, “Mine too! Let’s have a drink on it!”
Then Sean says, “So, where’d ya go to school then, Paddy! “St Margaret's”, replies Paddy. “Will wonders never cease!” says Sean, “Me too. Can yez believe it??!! “Let’s have another drink to mark the day!”

“When did ye graduate, then?” asks Sean. “’Twas 1982, it was”, replies Paddy. “Faith and Begorrah, myself as well!” replies Sean. “Most remarkable! Let’s drink another to bless the day!”

“Now tell me, Paddy,” says Sean. “What town do ye be living in?” “Ah, that would be Dublin,” replies Paddy. “Bless my soul, me too. Can ya be believing it?! That calls for yet another celebratory libation, it does!”

“What street?” “ Abby Street, would ye be knowing it?” replies Paddy. “No way,” says Sean. “This is too marvelous to believe!” “I live on Abby Street. Have a wee drink on me, neighbor. How wonderful life is!”

Finally another patron says to the bartender, “It's hard to believe those two don't already know each other.” To which the bartender replies, “T’is but the O'Malley twins, drunk again.”


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